Regarding Liu Bing's refusal, Professor Chen didn't buy it at all and continued to press.

Liu Bing had already prepared, picked up his luggage and led everyone out of the gym.

For this mission, Liu Bing specially rented a large car because he had to stay in the Frost Mountains for a week and needed to prepare a lot of supplies.

Along the way, Zhao Xu also figured out the origins of the other three people.

As Zhao Xu guessed, both Li Ming and Qian Xue were students of Professor Chen.

As for Professor Chen, Zhao Xu didn't even know his name, but he knew from everyone's chats that Professor Chen was a person who studied legendary elves, and also specialized in ice elves.

While everyone was chatting, Zhao Xu learned that Professor Chen had been visiting Frost Mountain for five consecutive years in order to study the legendary ice elves. He regretted leaving every time, but he was unwilling to give up.

This is the 6th time, and I am really persistent.

Professor Chen's two students are new students and have been with Professor Chen for 2 years. They also went to Shuangshan Mountain with Professor Chen for inspections in the past two years.

When they arrived at the city wall, Liu Bing asked Zhao and Xu to get out of the car first, parked the car himself, and then walked out of the city wall together.

When Zhao Xu came to Harle City before, he just felt cold. Unexpectedly, it had already begun to snow in the wild. Before he had gone very far, he saw that the grassland a hundred meters away had disappeared and was covered with a layer of white snow.

You can even see a layer of gray dark clouds accumulating in the sky in the distance, and you can see countless white dots falling from the dark clouds and moving with the wind.

"Aunt Liu, are you four really okay?"

While in the car, Zhao Xu learned that they were going to stay in Frost Mountain for seven days and would not come back in the evening.

Platinum-level trainers are very safe in the wild, but they are not without danger, especially with... 3 oil bottles.

It would be better to investigate from the outside. If you go deep into Frost Mountain, the risk will increase.

Zhao Xu originally thought that there were two professional trainers plus Liu Bing to protect Professor Chen, but he did not expect that the other two were students. Although they were training The family is not a professional, and there are problems with self-protection. At most, I can only take care of the elderly Professor Chen.

Especially Professor Chen did not summon the initial elf. His physique is the same as that of ordinary people. He is now 60 years old, not to mention falling. , if he catches a cold or something, it may take half of his life.

"Don’t worry, I’ve lived here since I was a child and am very familiar with Frost Mountain, and we have the previous route map, so we’ll be fine."Liu Bing was very relaxed and didn't take this mission seriously at all.

Seeing that Liu Bing was so confident, Zhao Xu stopped worrying and followed everyone calmly....!


LV55 Ice Elf/♀Enter the snow area, everyone stopped, Liu Bing opened an elf ball

"Ice Elf, you have to be careful around you next time," Liu Bing ordered.


The ice elf nodded obediently.

"Do you need my help?"

It's obviously not enough to just put an elf outside to be vigilant.

"Do you have an ice elf?"

Liu Bing only knew that Zhao Xu lacked an ice elf. He didn't know whether Zhao Xu had an ice elf.

His actions proved everything.

Zhao Xu took out an elf ball and opened it.


LV34 is awesome./♀

"accustomed to~!"

Xuan La looked at the surrounding environment and seemed very happy. She liked this environment very much.

Because he is usually placed in a place with a temperature of more than 20 degrees, Xuan La is not used to it, but the climate in Harle City makes Xuan La feel very suitable.

"Then let your Xuanla help with the guarding work."Liu Bingdao

"Xuan La is always vigilant."Zhao Xu ordered

"accustomed to!"

Xuan La nodded, looked at the ice elf in front of him, and took the initiative to guard behind.

Xuan La is a very smart elf, and can even use marks to send messages to his companions. His intelligence is quite high.

Xuan La just looked at it. One glance at the ice elf in front of him and he knew that he was responsible for guarding the rear. His IQ was really high.

"How smart!"

Zhao Xu also praised Xuan La in his heart.

If the intimacy level were not over 100 points, Zhao Xu was really worried that Xuan La would run away.

Because Xuan La is so smart, you can rest assured even if it is obedient. It is very likely that it is just pretending to be a snake. On the surface Obedient, secretly looking for opportunities to escape.

It is said that a trainer trained a crocodile for more than a year, but in the end the crocodile suddenly disappeared. The trainer immediately called the police. After a police investigation, it was found that this crocodile La didn’t disappear, but he planned his escape route. He even started planning his escape route early in the morning.....!

"Zhao Xu, have you seen that mountain?"

After walking in the snow for 2 hours, Liu Bing, who was leading the team, suddenly stopped and pointed to a high mountain in the northwest.

Zhao Xu immediately stopped and looked in the direction Liu Bing pointed.

"The Blizzard King discovered last year lives on that mountain."Liu Bingdao

"Then we'll say goodbye here."Zhao Xu said and took back the beast.

"Zhao Xu, is it okay for you to go alone?"Qian Xue was a little worried about whether Zhao Xu could deal with the Blizzard King alone.

Last year, a group of them encountered the Blizzard King, and it was thanks to Liu Bing that they escaped from the Blizzard King.

So he knew the purpose of Zhao Xu coming here. Qian Xue was a little worried about catching that Blizzard King.

Even if Zhao Xu was a platinum trainer, he was still a newcomer and couldn't compare with the veteran Liu Bing.

After all, Liu Bing couldn't do anything about that Blizzard King, so Qian Xue thought Zhao Xu definitely can't deal with it either

"Sister Qian Xue, don’t worry about me. I’m just going to take a look. If you can’t beat me, you can leave at any time."

"So farewell!"


LV36 Charizard/♂

"Take off!"

Zhao Xu jumped directly onto the back of the fire-breathing dragon.


Charizard blew out a stream of flames, flapped its wings and took off.

Liu Bing and the others watched the fire-breathing dragon take off and then continued to move forward according to their planned route.

"Charizard, is it cold?"

Flying into the sky, Zhao Xu asked about Charizard.

Charizard has fire + flying attributes. Because the flying system is weak to ice, ice-based moves can also cause Charizard to cause normal damage.


Charizard spits out a stream of flames to show that he's not cold at all

"Then head towards that mountain!"

Zhao Xu didn't feel very cold even sitting on the Charizard. The Charizard should be even less afraid of the cold.


Charizard waved its wings vigorously and accelerated its flight.

The flight was very fast, and we arrived near the snow-capped mountains in less than ten minutes.

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