"I know, but I have so many elves that I can’t hold them all, so I might as well buy a big milk can."

Zhao Xu naturally knew that there were whole boxes of Moo Moo fresh milk in the food warehouse, and there might not be a shortage for the time being, but it would take two months. Will drink it later

"I have a contract with Moo Moo Ranch. I have two big milk cans raised with them. At the same time, they will send me Moo Moo fresh milk every month." Zhang Xin has fewer elves on her hands, so she drinks less. There is a lot left over every month, and Zhang Xin sometimes sells it online.

Zhao Xu...!

Zhao Xu wanted to cry. If he had known this earlier, Zhao Xu wouldn't have exchanged Bulbasaur for the big milk can. It would have been better to just exchange money.

"But I have already bought them all."

Zhao Xu could only admit defeat. Anyway, the number of his elves will increase in the future. It seems that just one big milk can is not enough, especially when Zhao Xu has the elves in his hands. have evolved to the final stage, the demand will be even greater

"Forget it, just buy it."

Zhang Xin couldn't say anything. It was true that she didn't explain this matter clearly to Zhao Xu.

"Come on, let's talk about another thing"

"What's up?"

Hearing that Zhang Xin was going to say something else, Zhao Xu panicked unconsciously and looked at Bulbasaur at the same time.

"Xiaoxu, what kind of elf do you think a trainer should have?" Zhang Xin asked

"Naturally, it has more attributes, so that it can deal with all kinds of elves," Zhao Xu said

"You are right, but do you know that teams with too many attributes are very weak in linkage and often lose to lineups with unified attributes?"

Zhang Xin didn't want to say it at first, but seeing Zhao Xu intensify his efforts to conquer the elves, Zhang Xin Xin felt that it was necessary to tell Zhao Xu in advance. Such uncontrolled collection of elves was a complete waste of resources. Resources could still be obtained, but time wasted and could not be recovered.

Starting from when Zhao Xu released 8 elves , , Zhang Xin has been paying attention to this matter. She reminded Zhao Xu once before, but now it seems that Zhao Xu doesn't take it seriously at all.

"I know, my initial elf is of the water type, so I plan to start with the water type lineup first. Sister Xin, look at me, I have already conquered 7 water type elves," Zhao Xu said

"Then why did you conquer so many other elves?"

Zhang Xin could understand the elves that she had conquered before as having fun, but the elves that she conquered after that were a complete waste.

Even Zhang Xin wondered if Zhao Xu found out that he was rich, so he deliberately conquered so many elves.

"Because these little elves have great potential in the future and are rare to encounter. It would be a pity not to conquer them," said Zhao Xu.

"Do the giant stingrays, giant butterflies, and meows also have great potential?"Zhang Xin asked

"Of course, in my eyes, there are no bad elves, only useless trainers. Every elf has its strength, but they have not met a trainer who can exert their strength." Zhao Xu Zengjin also believes that race Elves with low values ​​​​are useless, but as the game deepens, Zhao Xu discovers that some unpopular and weak elves also have their own strengths and can display particularly strong strength at certain moments. Of course, there are also some elves who are It's really a bit useless. For example, the characteristics of the King of Leave are difficult to save. But even so, in the case of doubles, the gastric juice and characteristics can be used to liberate the King of Leave.

Zhang Xin was stunned by Zhao Xu for a moment and didn't know what to say. What, what Zhao Xu said makes sense, Zhang Xin can't find a good reason to refute it.

"Since you think so, how about we have a battle?" Zhang Xin is an elder after all, especially a girl. How can she compromise easily? Women are creatures that will never give up until they achieve their goals.

"Sister Xin, you are a gold-level trainer, isn't this bad?"

Zhao Xu is still self-aware. The only elf in his hand is a circle bear, which can compete with Zhang Xin's elf. The other elves are all defeated. seconds

"Don’t worry, I won’t use too strong elves, only silver-level elves," Zhang Xin said

"Sister Xin, do you have elves below the silver level?"

Zhao Xu felt that Zhang Xin was deceiving him. Zhang Xin's four elves were all above level 30, and the lowest level mane rock werewolf was level 35.

"Of course, do you think I only have these four elves? I still have two main elves," Zhang Xin said

"oh! What kind of elves are those two?"

Zhao Xu is still very curious about Zhang Xin's elf, especially Zhang Xin actually has an elf below the silver level, which makes Zhao Xu not believe it.

"There is an eagle, and I put it in the Mishan City Express Company to help transport the express."

In this world, there are many ways to train elves. The best way to train flying elves is to train their flying speed. Many of them have flying skills. When elf trainers encounter bottlenecks, they will send flying elf to courier companies, and there is still money to get them.

Bi Diao is an elf that can fly for a long time, and people in ancient times used them. They come to deliver letters, so courier companies like little elves like Bi Diao who can deliver many parcels in a day.

"Sister Xin, Bi Diao is also at the gold level, right?"

Zhao Xu knew that Bi Diao evolved to level 36, so his current level must be about the same as Bulbasaur.

"Don't worry, I won't use Bidiao, I'll use it"

"Let's meet the big guys."

Zhang Xin took out a Poke Ball and opened it.



LV27 Flying Mantis/♀Flying


Zhao Xu was stunned and almost drooled.

The Flying Mantis is the elf that Zhao Xu has dreamed of. It can evolve into a giant pincer mantis, and can also super evolve later. It is a super popular pet in itself.

"This is what I tamed during this business trip. It has just been tamed not long ago. If I use it to fight you, it doesn’t count as bullying you, right?" Zhang Xin said

"There is a flying mantis in Laoshan City!"

Although there are forests in Lengshan City, they are not suitable for insect-type elves to live in, especially for large insect-type elves like the Flying Mantis.

"Naturally, there is none in Lengshan City. I can’t tell you the origin of the Flying Praying Mantis," Zhang Xin said.

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