After playing with Zhou Sisi until 8pm, Zhao Xu went back to his room to practice waveguide.

Go to the designated venue early the next morning for a practical assessment.

The list for the actual combat assessment is now announced. Before the actual combat assessment begins, no one knows their opponents. They can only know when the teacher reports.

There are only two venues for second-year students. Zhao Xu is in venue A and Zhou Sisi is in venue B. They are both separated and will not meet each other.

"Battle against the madman Zhao Xu!"

"I don’t know who will be unlucky enough to meet Zhao Xu!"

"What happened when I met Zhao Xu? The elf I used was the one given by the school. Could it be that I was still afraid of Zhao Xu?"

"That is, they are all elves trained at the same time. I don’t believe that they can’t compare to Zhao Xu."


Because the elves used in this assessment were elves issued by the school, these second-year students were not very afraid of Zhao Xu.

He even vaguely wanted to confront Zhao Xu, hoping to defeat Zhao Xu himself.

After all, Zhao Xu is so famous now, and these people are considered professional trainers. If they can defeat Zhao Xu, it will be considered a good record, and they can even be used as a gimmick.

As long as you use it properly, you might be able to attract a lot of fans.

"Next, I will start the registration. Students who have registered their names will take your admission ticket and go to the door for inspection."

"After passing the inspection, you can enter the competition. There will be instructions from the teacher. Do you understand?"

As soon as 9 o'clock arrived, the teacher standing at the door briefly introduced some rules.

"heard it!"

The students at the entrance of venue A nodded in agreement.

"The first group of assessment battles are between classmates XX and XXX!"

The two students whose names were reported immediately looked at their opponents.

After the elimination of the first-year students, there are currently only more than 70 second-year students left, so most contestants can know the names of all the second-year students by just getting to know them a little bit. Name.

If you know more about it, you can easily know which elf the other person received from the school.

So the two students whose names were reported immediately looked at each other, and then checked their own recorded information to see what kind of elf the other party would use. Elf.

One of the students looked solemn after reading the information he recorded. It seemed that the elf used by his opponent was restraining him, which caused him to have such an expression.

Two students entered the venue.

More than three minutes In no time, the two of them came out of it.

The winner had a happy smile on his face, while the loser looked down at the ground, as if if he didn't look at others, others wouldn't know that he was defeated.

"Below are classmates XX and XXX!"

After waiting for 5 minutes, the teacher standing at the door continued to sign up.

The students whose names were reported looked at each other and quickly walked up the stairs....!......!

An hour passed like this

"Below are classmates Zhao Xu and Du Hui!"

After waiting for an hour, it was Zhao Xu's turn to take the exam.

"Finally it's my turn."

Zhao Xu stood at the door for an hour. When he heard the teacher reporting his name, Zhao Xu walked over quickly and just glanced at his opponent.

After checking the student ID card with the teacher at the door, the teacher let the two of them in. Inside the stadium.

Both of them came from the 1st grade and experienced a practical assessment. After entering the stadium, they both took the initiative to walk to the command area.

"Now start the assessment battle, send out the elves that the school originally issued to you."The referee did not hesitate and immediately ordered the two men to release the elf.

"let's go! Darubi!"


LV29 Dai Lubi/♂

Du Hui was a little surprised when he saw Dai Lubi, but then his face turned happy.

Du Hui naturally investigated all the second-year students and knew what the elves in their hands were.

Zhao Xu is a famous person in the school. No investigation is needed to know that the elf he received from the school was Dai Lubi.

Du Hui thought that Zhao Xu's Dai Lubi had already evolved into Heiluga, but he didn't expect that it was still Dai Lubi and had not yet evolved. , which means that Heiluga's level is not high, so his winning rate will undoubtedly increase.

"The tree is so weird, it all depends on you!"

Du Hui immediately threw the elf ball.

Because they all use the elf given by the school, it doesn't matter whether they release the elf at the same time.


LV24 tree is weird/♂

"Very bad luck today!"

Zhao Xu was speechless. He didn't expect that the elf Du Hui received from the school was a tree monster.

The tree monster looks like a plant, but it has pure rock attributes, which can restrain Dairubi.

"The assessment battle begins!"

Seeing that both of them released the elves, the teacher also announced the start


Du Hui is very proud now and has taken the lead.


The tree monster condensed a rock and threw it towards Derubi.

"So positive?"

Zhao Xu was also a little speechless. The distance between the two elves was still far away. With such a long distance, the opponent would have enough time to move.

"After getting out of the way, use Sunny Day!"

Zhao Xu issued the order


Derubi wanted to run to the left, successfully dodged the falling rocks, and then spit out a ball of light into the sky. The ball of light rose to the center of the field, emitting the brilliance of the sun, and the temperature in the field instantly rose several degrees.

"Keep using Rockfall!"

Du Hui didn't think about Zhao Xu's purpose of using Da Qingtian at all, Tou Tie's attack


The tree monster threw a rock again

"Solar magic!"

Zhao Xu directly proved that the attack


Dairubi opened his mouth, and a light ball condensed out instantly. After the light ball was generated, it turned into a white light and shot out. The flying rocks were turned into powder by the sunlight technique!


Shu Cai didn't expect that his fallen rocks were so fragile. He had no time to dodge and was directly ordered by the sunlight spell.

The effect was outstanding!


Shucai stood up with great difficulty, his legs still shaking at every turn.

The sunlight spell just now did not knock down the tree monster instantly, but it also knocked the tree monster's physical strength to the bottom.

"He actually learned the sunlight technique!"

Du Hui was stunned. He couldn't have guessed that Zhao Xu's Dai Lubi could actually know such a powerful move as Sunlight.

Generally, elves are cultivated for one or two years before the trainer lets them learn some moves, but big moves like Sunlight Technique are basically only allowed to be learned by elves after they reach gold level strength.


Zhao Xu knew that Shucaiwei was in trouble, so he sent it to its end in a gentler way.

Dairubi sprayed out a ball of sparks, and the sparks flew towards Shucaiwei.

"The tree is weird! Du Hui shouted,"Hurry up and get out of the way!""

"Hu Sou~!"

The tree monster was panting heavily and it was difficult to stand, let alone hide.

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