Zhang Ying looked troubled, and finally gave up the struggle and said,"To be honest with you, I was fired from my firm. I am now unemployed and need to find a job.""

"Sister Zhang Ying, are you kidding me? You won’t be able to find a job?"Although it is unclear why Zhang Ying was fired, Zhao Xu believes that with Zhang Ying's ability, it will not be difficult to find a job as a lawyer.

"Alas~! Just help me and wait until I find a job."Zhang Ying said.

Zhao Xu was confused and had no idea what Zhang Ying wanted to do.

"Sister Zhang Ying, you'd better make things clear."Zhao Xu doesn't want to get into any trouble.

"I took a case in which a child from a poor family summoned an elf that had never appeared before. The elf was spotted by a company. Initially, negotiations with the poor family failed, but the negotiation failed in the end. A few days later, the child's elf appeared. The elf disappeared"

"The family suspected that the company was responsible, but there was no evidence, so they approached me."

"Not long after I started investigating, I was fired from the firm. The firm was willing to pay me more money than fire me. I guessed that it must be the fault of that company."

Zhang Ying told what she experienced during this period.

"When did this happen?"

Zhao Xu thinks this company is so brave, even arresting the initial elf.

If you know that there is a connection between the initial elf and the trainer, it would be meaningless to capture it.

"Three months ago, after I was fired, I was still helping the family in their lawsuit, hoping that the court would pass the hypnosis review process."Zhang Ying currently has no money and no one, so she can only collect evidence by hypnotizing the other party's people.

"so what?"

Zhao Xu thinks it's normal. Zhang Ying is very righteous. From her willingness to help Meng Gaoyang's family, we can see that Zhang Ying is a person full of justice.

"It takes time to enter the hypnosis review process. It will take at least two months for the results to be available. My income and that of that family have been cut off, so we may starve to death before that time." Zhang Yingdao

"No, you won’t starve to death if you work part-time, right?"Zhao Xu felt that what Zhang Ying said was a bit exaggerated.

Even if ordinary people don't earn as much as trainers, they can still solve the problem of eating after a hard day's work.

"That company is very powerful in Baishan City. The family I helped is a single-parent family, consisting of a mother and a daughter. Her mother is not a trainer and does not have any social welfare. She can only make money by doing odd jobs." Zhang Yingdao

"Is the father dead?"

Zhao Xu also has a headache. Why are the poorer the people, the easier it is to be bullied?

"I got divorced and moved to another city. According to the client, we lost contact 10 years ago and the client raised the child by himself until he was 15 years old."Zhang Ying is also helpless. If she doesn't help this family, no one will help them.

"So you've been using your money to support that family?"Zhao Xu asked


Zhang Ying admitted boldly and didn't care that Zhao Xu thought she was stupid.

"After all, you have been a lawyer for so many years, so there is no problem in raising two people, right?"

A lawyer can always be a high-paying profession. Zhang Ying's income is definitely more than enough to support a family of three.

"Do you think I don’t spend money on myself? I have earned a lot of money, but I have spent all the money, and I still have to pay back the mortgage every month." Zhang Ying is a girl and has a high salary, so naturally she will not treat herself materially.

"I can lend you money."

Zhao Xu is not that kind and will not waste his money."

"You were so generous when you helped Meng Gaoyang, why do you still need to issue an IOU here?"Zhang Ying felt that Zhao Xu was too surprised by his previous behavior. He seemed very generous when they first met, but now he is so arrogant.

"That was not the time, and I was not the Holy Mother. I was able to borrow money only for the sake of Sister Zhang Ying. I would ignore anyone else."Zhao Xu said

"Don't you want to help?"

Zhang Ying felt that she had talked about this matter to this point, and Zhao Xu should come back to help.

"I can't help with this kind of thing."

The reason why I helped Meng Gaoyang's family was entirely for the sake of the quasi-god elf, otherwise Zhao Xu wouldn't be so enthusiastic.

"I know that your family background is not ordinary. The elf summoned by that child is an elf that has never been seen before. That is why the company took action. Don’t you want this elf to see the light of day again?"Zhang Ying decided to change the direction of persuasion.

"What elf did she summon?"

Zhao Xu has seen all the elves and is a little curious about what kind of elves would lead a powerful company to do this.

"This elf doesn’t have a name yet. The child named it Little V. This is a photo."

Zhang Ying turned on her mobile phone and pulled out the photos to show to Zhao Xu.


The moment he saw the photo, Zhao Xu was shocked.


The elf in the photo is the fantasy Pokémon Victini, and Victini is being held by a girl.

"What kind of luck is this, to summon such a powerful elf!"Zhao Xu is very envious in his heart. What kind of luck is this? He can even summon fantasy Pokémon.

Currently, the limit for trainers in this world is to summon legendary elves like Flame Bird and fantasy Pokémon. It has never been summoned initially.

"Zhao Xu? Seeing that

Zhao Xu was dumbfounded, Zhang Ying reminded Zhao Xu

"You can take a photo and report it to the alliance, and the alliance will handle it."

Zhao Xu can be sure that the alliance will pay attention to this little elf after seeing it.

Zhang Ying can definitely give this photo to the alliance, and the alliance will definitely choose to help.

"You think it’s so easy for the Alliance to believe me. Do you know how many boring people come to the Alliance every day and say that they have discovered new elves?"If we could ask the alliance for help, this matter would have been solved long ago.

Zhao Xu really thought about this.

"its not right! If it is the elf summoned initially, there will be a record!"

Ordinary people perform the initial summons at the age of 15. If successful, it will be recorded on the spot. It is impossible for the alliance not to know

"What you said is good, but there is a problem with the data, or there is a problem with the person who invigilated the exam. He did not record the data for the child." Zhang Yingdao

"What about monitoring?"

The initial summoning area is also monitored.

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