"chant! chant!"

The Variety Monster suddenly called out.

Zhao Xu was startled when he heard the call.

"Variety Monster, you have to remember, don’t make a sound without my order."Zhao Xu immediately reminded.

Zhao Xu had forgotten about the problem of the Variety Monster itself. Although there was no problem with the transformation, he couldn't scream randomly. The

Variety Monster immediately stopped making any sound and acted calmly.

"Be good, I'll give you something delicious to eat when I come back in the evening."

Zhao Xu could feel that Variety Monster was a little unhappy, so he offered words of comfort.

"chant! chant!"

When he heard that there was delicious food, the Variety Monster screamed happily, but soon became quiet again.

After calming down the Variety Monster, Zhao Xu left the hotel in the night and went to the building of Sun Pharmaceutical Company first.

"Turtle! so tall!"

When he came to the Sun Company's building, Zhao Xu was surprised that the company's financial resources could actually afford to buy a building.

"Are pharmaceutical companies making so much money?"

Zhao Xu originally thought that Sun Company would be good if it had at most a four- or five-story building.

But the building in front of him has more than ten floors. Even if the company goes bankrupt in the future, he can still make a lot of money a year by renting out this building.

"See what's available!"

Zhao Xu was no longer surprised. He put on waveguide gloves and turned on waveguide sensing.

In an instant, the entire building was explored by Zhao Xu's waveguide sensing. Whether it was underground or in the building, Zhao Xu could sense everything. clear


Under Bird's perception, the building is quite normal. It's just an underground parking lot. There are basically no people on all floors. There are people on a few floors in the middle.

According to Bird's feedback, these people are sitting and they should all be employees. In addition, There are moving waveguides at the door, underground, and on the floors, and they seem to be security guards.

Zhao Xu thinks that people from the Sun Company want to study Victini, so Victini will definitely be imprisoned somewhere where research can be conducted place, so you just need to find a room with such conditions.

But there is none in the building, and Zhao Xu did not sense the elf’s waveguide in the building.

"Go to the factory and have a look."

Zhao Xu rode a public electric scooter to the Baishan City Industrial Zone.

With the address given by Zhang Ying, Zhao Xu quickly found the factory of Sun Pharmaceutical Company.

Zhao Xu did not stop and rode his electric scooter around the perimeter of the factory. The road is turning while feeling the situation in the factory.

Although the factory is operating 24 hours a day, at night, no one from the management is there, so there are not many people at night.

"Something fishy here..."

Zhao Xu rode an electric bike to the north area of ​​the factory and felt something was wrong.

In this workshop, Zhao Xu sensed a strange waveguide. The waveguide was rushing around in the workshop, but it only moved within a few cubic meters.

It gave Zhao Xu the feeling that the owner of the waveguide was trapped.

"The other party wouldn't be so careless, right? Just lock Victini here?"Zhao Xu feels that there is a high probability that the owner of that waveguide will be Victini.

"Owner! That guy called again!"

"857! 857! 857...!"

The cell phone rang suddenly.

Zhao Xu was startled when he heard his cell phone ringing and immediately answered the call.

"Zhao Xu, I have collected the security information of the building and factory. They are all recruited by Sun Pharmaceutical Company. Half of the security guards are gold-level trainers."

Zhang Ying's capable voice came over the phone. In just a few hours, Zhang Ying investigated the security information of the two places. If you don't investigate, you don't know. Once you investigated, Zhang Ying was surprised. She didn't expect that Sun Pharmaceutical Company would actually find a gold-level security officer. Trained as a security guard, the quality of this security is not ordinary high

"Send the information to my Q-mail, and send me photos of the security guards in the factory, preferably of the security guards working the night shift tonight."Zhao Xu said

"Zhao Xu, what are you going to do?"

Zhang Ying on the other end of the phone knew what Zhao Xu was doing as soon as she heard this.

Although Zhao Xu promised to help, Zhang Ying didn't want Zhao Xu to mess around.

"I may have found Little V, but I need to look like a security guard in the factory so that I can sneak in easily."Zhao Xu said

"Didn't you say that you would approach the investigation slowly? Why are you breaking into the factory now? This is too dangerous!"

Zhang Ying is not stupid. Sun Pharmaceutical Company dares to snatch the trainer's initial elf, so it is not impossible to kill people.

If Zhao Xu really finds the place where Victini is imprisoned, the other party will definitely send people to guard it closely. , it would definitely be dangerous to go there with Zhao Xu's strength.

Of course, Zhang Ying didn't know that Zhao Xu was already a platinum trainer, and thought that Zhao Xu was just a gold trainer. If she knew, she wouldn't be so worried

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. No one has found me yet. You'd better hurry up, or I'll have to act alone."Zhao Xu can't go into details, and Zhao Xu won't be willing to go in and take a look.

"I'll send it to you, but if you don't call me before 3 a.m., I'll call the police. Seeing that she couldn't convince Zhao Xu, Zhang Ying had no choice but to become a doctor, but she also took out insurance. If something happened to Zhao Xu, Zhang Ying could only call the police quickly.

"OK, you send it to me."

It's only 11 o'clock now, and there are 4 hours before 3 o'clock in the morning. This time is enough for Zhao Xu to investigate.

Within a minute of hanging up the phone, Zhang Ying sent Zhao Xu the security information of the factory. Even the security information of these security guards. There is an introduction to the initial elves

"The chances of Victini being here are quite high."

Zhao Xu was also surprised after reading the information from these security guards. These people were all professional trainers before, and some even participated in the official competition of the Gold Conference. They may not have the strength of the platinum level, but they should be relatively powerful among the gold level. Yes, after all, age is there.



Zhao Xu opened two pokeballs.

LV40 Wandering Eidolon/♂

LV38 Ghost/♀

"Wandering Eidolon, Guisi, you two go to the workshop and take a look at the situation inside. If you find this little elf, come out and tell me immediately."

"remember! Go in invisible and don't get noticed."

Zhao Xu instructs the two elves in detail to be careful.

"Imitation spirit!"


Wandering Ye Ling and Guisi nodded, hidden their figures, and entered the factory through the cement wall.

Zhao Xu relied on the waveguide to sense the traces of the Wandering Eidolon and Ghost. Even though they were ghost-type elves, they still could not escape the waveguide's perception.

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