"Are you full?"

Although Victini is small, it still has a big appetite and is very greedy.

Since eating the food given by Zhao Xu last night, Victini has become particularly close to Zhao Xu and has no interest in Zhao Xu at all. Be on guard

"Mention it!"

Hearing Zhao Xu ask if he had enough to eat, Victini immediately looked at Zhao Xu with an expectant look.

He looked pitiful, pretending to be pitiful to the extreme.

"Take it and eat it!"

The system backpack has a lot of food reserves for these Pokémon. Zhao Xu took out 5 Pokémon and gave them to Victini.

"Mention it!"

Seeing Zhao Xu bring out such exquisite snacks, Victini was so happy that he immediately picked one up and took a bite.

"carry...Woolen cloth!"

Victini showed a happy expression

"are you full?"

Looking at Victini eating Baofulei, Zhao Xu felt that Victini should be full now.

"Mention it!"

Victini nodded obediently and touched his slightly bulging belly.

"Take a good rest after eating, and remember not to run around."

Zhao Xu ran to turn on the TV and let Victini watch TV to relieve his boredom.

"Mention it!"

Victini manipulated the remote control to adjust the channel to the children's channel, which happened to be playing this cartoon.

"I even remember the children’s channel!"

Zhao Xu was a little surprised.

Instead of cultivating such a rare elf, he let it develop the habit of watching TV. It is really cruel.

However, Zhao Xu could not dissuade him. After all, this Victini was not his own. Elf.

Zhao Xu closed his eyes and continued to practice waveguide, while also sensing the situation of the mother and daughter.

Time passed little by little, and Victini became bored again after watching a few episodes of the cartoon.

"What about mentioning it?"

At this moment, Victini was curious about Zhao Xu, who was sitting cross-legged next to him, and what Zhao Xu was doing.

"Bring it up, bring it up...!"

Victini flew to Zhao Xu's ear and started shouting

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Xu was also helpless. This Victini is just like a clinging kitten.

"Tit it ti ti it...!"

Victini yelled, then flew to the window.

Seeing Victini's behavior, Zhao Xu guessed,"You want to go out?"

"Mention it!"

Seeing Zhao Xu express his thoughts, Victini flew up and down happily.

"Have you forgotten what happened to you before?"Zhao Xu asked

"Mention it!"

Hearing Zhao Xu mention what happened before, Victini showed a tangled look on his little face, and looked out the window from time to time.

"Be good, and after those bad guys are dealt with, I'll let you go out to play."Zhao Xu comforted him and took it from his pocket.

"Mention it!"

Victini nodded heavily, continued to fly to the remote control, and started watching TV.

"We need to make Victinian calm down."

Every time Victini gets into trouble, Zhao Xu can't stand it.

Zhao Xu ran to the kitchen to see if there were any durable snacks so that Victini could stay calm for a while.

Zhang Yingshen For a girl, the kitchen was really well stocked, and there were also a few boxes of popcorn. Zhao Xu immediately took the popcorn to Victini to eat.

Victini loved sweets, and he ate it happily when he saw the popcorn..

Seeing that Victini is at peace, Zhao Xu can continue to practice waveguide.

"Um! What's going on with these people?"

Zhao Xu suddenly found a few people wandering back and forth near the building where Wang Juan's mother and daughter lived.

Zhao Xu immediately got up and walked to the sun to watch. The balcony here could just see the building over there.

Zhao Xu could I saw a few men in casual clothes wandering around nearby. They came here about twenty minutes ago. Not only were there people in the building over there, but even the building where Zhao Xu was located also had a few people hanging around here for a while..At first, Zhao Xu thought these people were just passing by, but now it seems they all have some problems.

"Are you taking action so soon?"

Zhao Xu also admires Sun Pharmaceutical Company's ability to take action. It has been 7 hours since they brought back Victini. They started taking action so quickly. It seems that the other party attaches great importance to this matter.

"Mention it!"

Victini's cry came from behind, and Zhao Xu turned around in shock.

Seeing that there was only the level data of reconnaissance, Zhao Xu felt relieved. This Victini still knew his current situation and knew how to become invisible.

"Victini, go back to the house quickly, the bad guys who captured you are already here."

"Mention it!"

Victini was startled and quickly flew back to the house.

Zhao Xu also exited the balcony and returned to the house.

"This guy is so courageous!"

Back in the house, Zhao Xu found Victini hiding under the blanket, trembling with fear, which really tarnished its legendary name as an elf.

"Victini, just stay in the room, I'll go down and take a look."Zhao Xu felt that he had to go down, lest anything happen to Wang Juan and her daughter.

"Mention it! Mention it!"

After hearing Zhao Xu say that he wanted to go down, Victini immediately got out of the blanket, flew to Zhao Xu, and dragged Zhao Xu hard.


Zhao Xu was directly dragged over. Although Victini was small, all his ability and race values ​​reached 100, and his level was 50. Zhao Xu could not resist in front of Victini.

"Victini, I want to save the mother and daughter, please let me go."Zhao Xu also didn't expect that Victini was unwilling to go there by himself.

"What about mentioning it? What to mention....?"

Victini yelled again, and Zhao Xu couldn't quite understand what Victini wanted to express.

"Lucario, please translate."

Zhao Xu could only ask Lucario again.

A ball of white light flashed by, and he saw Lucario lying on the ground, already asleep.


Feeling a chill in his body, Lucario woke up immediately.

"Sorry, I need you to help translate."Zhao Xu was also apologetic, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Lucario was very easy-going and didn't make any noise. He helped translate Victini's words.

What Victini just said meant telling Zhao Xu not to go out. , it’s dangerous outside

"But if I don't go out, your trainer will be in danger."Zhao Xu said

"Mention it! It’s time to mention it!"

Victini shouted

"It said it had no trainer and Xiaoxing was its good friend"


After listening to Lucario's translation, Zhao Xu was confused.

Zhang Ying clearly said that Victini was the elf summoned by others at the beginning, but why is it not the same now?

Zhao Xu looked at the level on Victini's head Information, I immediately believed Victini’s words.

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