"What's wrong?"

Father Zhao on the side also saw the look of astonishment on Zhao Xu's face and asked.

"Why do breeding houses accept little fire horses?"

Zhao Xu was originally going to ask, the flames on the back of this little fire horse can also ignite things.

"This little fire horse was sent by Zhang Xin, saying that it has the characteristics of the flame body. In order to develop the breeding house in the future, it will still need to cultivate elf eggs." Zhao Fang explained

"Sister Xin!"

Zhao Xu didn't expect Zhang Xin to consider this.

Indeed, the final development direction of the breeding house is to cultivate high-quality elf eggs like Miao Fenghua. However, this is not easy. It takes time to cultivate slowly. It is a slow job.

But , as long as Zhao Xu is willing, he can speed up the molding time. As long as he keeps a few good-quality elves, the quality of the elves born in the next generation will naturally not be any worse.

"So dad, what attributes are you planning to breed?"

There are a lot of elves. Even the breeding house cannot cultivate elves with all attributes. At the beginning, they can only select a few elves.

"I discussed with Zhang Xin and planned to cultivate Bobo. After he is cultivated, he can be sent to Lightning Company for training, which can be regarded as regular transportation."Zhao Fangdao

"That's great. Do you want me to keep my sculpture?"Zhao Xu also bred a Bi Diao.

Because Bi Diao can super evolve, Zhao Xu bred one, and it was only bred into Bi Diao 2 months ago.

Because this Bi Diao is of high quality, it can be kept as a breeder. bird

"Do you have a competition?"

Zhao Fang has seen how many elves Zhao Xu has, but he has never seen a big eagle.

"Bi Diao, come out!"

Zhao Xu took out a Poke Ball from his pocket and threw it out.

Great! The appearance of

LV36 Bi Diao/♂

Bi Diao immediately attracted the attention of the eating elf.

Bi Diao is a raptor type elf. It eats meat and has its own characteristics. He looked very majestic and quite intimidating.

Seeing that Zhao Fang was fine, the elves in the breeding room felt that there was no threat to Bi Diao, so they continued to eat calmly.

"When did you conquer Bi Diao?"

Zhao Fang was a little surprised. He had never seen Zhao Xu come out before.

"If you encounter them in the wild, you will easily conquer them."Zhao Xu said

"Tamed yet?" Zhao Fang asked

"Of course they are well tamed and very obedient."

Bidiao was cultivated from Bobo, so he is naturally very close to Zhao Xu and is 100% obedient.

"The feathers of your Bidiao are really nice in color and look really good."

After discussing with Zhang Xin about cultivating BiDiao, Zhao Fang often searched for information about BiDiao on the Internet, and now he has some experience.

Zhao Xu's BiDiao, judging from its body shape and the color of its feathers, They are all of top quality.

The more Zhao Fang looks at them, the more satisfied he becomes. Especially during this period, Zhao Fang has also seen a lot of good-quality Bi Diao. He feels that Zhao Xu’s Bi Diao is not inferior to those Bi Diao.

"Dad, if you are sure to raise Bobo, my eagle can stay in the breeding room."

The elf on Zhao Xu's hand is enough, and Bi Diao won't need it for the time being. Bi Diao can stay and help look after the home. Bi Diao is actually a gregarious species, and it will protect Bi Bi and Bobo in the wild. , very suitable for guarding the house, especially the majestic appearance can easily scare the enemy.

"Definitely nurturing Bobo!"

Now that we have even secured the market, we must cultivate Bobo.

For a breeding house, it is not too difficult to cultivate outstanding elves. The quality of the elves can be cultivated in a short period of time.

But the sales volume is huge. The problem is, after all, the purpose of cultivating high-quality elves is to sell them. If you can’t sell them, you have to spend money to raise them. Over time, you will lose money.

Now that there is a sales channel of lightning express, how can we cultivate Bobo? Ah.

Although Bobo is not very valuable, it takes 3 to 5 months to cultivate it into a Pibi bird. As long as it evolves into a Pibi bird, it can be sent to Lightning Express for cultivation.

"Then I stayed at home, because the breeding house also lacked air defense."Zhao Xu said


Zhao Fang agreed without much thought.

Zhao Fang knew that Zhao Xu had no shortage of elves, and Zhao Xu already had a fossil pterosaur, which was not fully grown up and could not bring Zhao Xu. The breeding house was indeed Qun Shao has the power of aerial position, Bi Diao is also very suitable for looking after homes and nursing homes.

"Uncle Zhao, dinner is ready, come and eat!"

Wang Shan came out of the house and called the two of them to come for dinner. As for the elves, they are guarded by the elves who look after the home and the courtyard. Don't worry.

Especially Zhao Xu's elves have also been released. No wild elves will come to die..

Because she knew that Zhao Xu was back, Zhang Qian went to the kitchen to cook a few hard-core dishes. Zhao Xu hadn’t eaten Zhang Qian’s food for a long time, and the glutton in his stomach missed it very much. The dishes on the table were quickly eaten. Zhao Xu has finished eating

"Zhao Xu, you eat a bit too much."

Looking at the empty plate, Zhao Fang felt that Zhao Xu had eaten a little too much.

Although professional trainers would eat a lot, they would not be as big as Dacheng.

Because Zhao Fang had never seen a platinum trainer and didn't know Zhao Xu. Xu has become a platinum trainer, so he feels that Zhao Xu has eaten a bit too much as a gold-level trainer.

"Zhao Xu is growing up and is a golden trainer, so what if he eats too much? Zhang Qian disagreed and thought it was normal for Zhao Xu to eat so much.

"And the food cooked by Aunt Zhang is so delicious!"

Zhao Xu immediately stood in the same camp as Zhang Qian.

"Haha, are you full? Can I make some more for you?"Zhang Qian saw that Zhao Xu had finished eating. He must have not eaten enough and needed to eat more.

"That's enough, I'm full."

Although Zhao Xu could still eat some, he still stopped. He was seventy full after dinner and couldn't eat too much.

After dinner, everyone talked and laughed for a while and then started to clear the dishes.

Father Zhao took Zhao Xu She went to the yard to clean up the elf's bowls. After cleaning the bowls, the day's work in the breeding house was over.

Zhang Qian did not take Zhao Fang to chat, but gave the father and son some time alone.

"How long do you plan to stay when you come back this time?"

Zhao Fang knows that Zhao Xu is very busy and rarely comes back. It is estimated that he will have to go out again soon.

"Not sure, it may be a long stay, or it may be a short stay."How long it lasts all depends on whether there are powerful wild elves in the wilds of Wuxian County."

"Can't you give me an accurate answer?"

Zhao Fang was also speechless, which was equivalent to not answering his own question.

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