"Alas~! The price of fame!"

After seeing off County Magistrate Wang, Zhao Xu's family started to have dinner.

Zhao Xu's family didn't expect that the County Magistrate would come here. It was really unexpected.

"Zhao Xu, you must pay attention to your words and deeds in the future, so as not to be caught by others."Zhao Fang has finally realized how famous Zhao Xu is.

Zhao Fang has begun to worry that there will be a lot of scandals against Zhao Xu in the future.

In this world, professional trainers, like celebrities, will have scandals, and the more famous they are, the more famous they are. There will naturally be no shortage of scandals about people, including rumors.

When Zhao Xu became a gold trainer, there were already many half-true and half-false scandals.

Now that Zhao Xu has become a platinum trainer, the accompanying scandals There will be more.

Zhao Xu's participation in the Platinum Conference has been criticized by many people, saying that the alliance has a shady story.

Hua Teng even called and asked Zhao Xu to release a self-certifying video.

Originally, Zhao Xu did not want to publish it. But Hua Teng said that this matter had a great impact, so Zhao Xu took a short video of his trainer ID card and eight badges, and then sent it to Hua Teng, so that the Star of Tomorrow Company could help prove it.

After Zhao Xu had a night's rest, the first thing he did when he got up was to turn on his phone to see how the news was.


Even if the self-certification video was released, it did not prove much. Only Zhao Xu's fans believed in Zhao Xu's self-certification video and kept proving that Zhao Xu was real in major forums.

Moreover, after posting the self-certifying video, it aroused more suspicion. Some people even thought that Zhao Xu's badge was fake and asked Zhao Xu to release the gym battle video before they would believe it.

The gym battle will not be made public. Even Zhao Xu, the person involved, is not qualified to see it. It is naturally impossible for Zhao Xu to take it out unless the alliance takes the initiative to help.

"What's wrong with this Wei Tianzong!"

However, what left Zhao Xu speechless the most was that a platinum trainer approached him online to make a fight.

The challenge was sent directly to the official Weibo of the Star of Tomorrow.

"I, Wei Tianzong, a platinum trainer, dissatisfied with the alliance's selection results, came here to challenge Zhao Xu in a public 3V3 duel, and asked the Star of Tomorrow Company to inform Zhao Xu."

Zhao Xu read the letter of challenge sent by the other party. It was quite satisfactory. He didn't mean to provoke. He just came to ask for a fight, and it was an open competition.

It means that this duel will be open to the public. This is the best way to prove Zhao Xu's strength.

Zhao Xu After reading the letter of challenge, I opened the Q letter and clicked on the chat page with Hua Teng.

Hua Teng: Brother Xu, please wake up and contact me directly via voice.

Hua Teng has already sent a message, and it was sent at 1 o'clock in the middle of the night.

Zhao Xu Looking at the time, it was already 7 o'clock. Zhao Xu directly used the Q letter's voice connection to call.


The ringing sounded for a while before he was connected.

"Brother Xu, please check Weibo quickly. Someone wants to challenge you."

As soon as the voice connection was connected, Hua Teng asked Zhao Xu to check Weibo.

Originally, he received Wei Tianzong's letter of challenge last night. Hua Teng was worried about disturbing Zhao Xu's rest, so he sent a message.

"Who is this Wei Tianzong?"

Zhao Xu heard this name for the first time, and did not know the specific information about the other party. He could only confirm that the other party should be a genuine platinum trainer.

"He is a veteran platinum trainer. He is 38 years old this year and has participated in the Platinum Conference once. I guess he was not convinced when he saw you being selected, Brother Xu, so he came to declare a challenge."

Zhao Xu...!

Think about it, you are already 38 years old, and you will be 39 once this year is over. If you are not selected again, you will have no chance to participate in the Platinum Conference in the future.

"Besides Wei Tianzong, is there anyone else who wants to challenge me?"

Zhao Xu feels that Wei Tianzong is not the only one who thinks this way, there must be many. After all, he has worked hard for so many years but has not been selected. If his position is snatched away by a young man, the mental gap will be huge.

"Wei Tianzong is the only one at the moment. Will Brother Xu accept the challenge? If not, we will refuse on your behalf."

Hua Teng knows that this is a good opportunity to prove, but it is already August, and Zhao Xu has been selected by the Platinum Conference and needs to prepare well. If he accepts the challenge at this time, if Zhao Xu wants to prove himself, he must bring out the main elf Fighting with Wei Tianzong, if the battle results in the elf being seriously injured, this will also have an impact on Zhao Xu's game.

"How strong is Wei Tianzong?"

After all, Wei Tianzong is also a platinum trainer who has collected 8 badges. Zhao Xu feels that Wei Tianzong still has some strength.

"Brother Xu, are you planning to challenge?"

Zhao Xu asked about the opponent's strength, obviously he wanted to meet the challenge.

"First tell me some manipulation information about Weitian. The company should be able to find out."

Wei Tianzong is 38 years old. He probably has participated in the Platinum Conference before and must have competition records.

"No problem, I'll have someone investigate it later and I'll send you the information later."Although Hua Teng is worried that accepting the challenge at this time will delay the Platinum Conference.

But Hua Teng thought about it carefully. The alliance chose Zhao Xu this time, obviously not because of Zhao Xu's strength. It is probably because Zhao Xu is very young. As long as Zhao Xu is Xu's participation will definitely bring a lot of attention to this Platinum Conference.

Even if Zhao Xu loses in the first game, it doesn't matter, the attention is already enough.

So Hua Teng thinks that if Zhao Xu can fight against Wei Tianzong One time is not bad, it doesn’t matter if you don’t win, as long as it’s a close match

"Okay, I'll hang up then."

Zhao Xu hung up the phone and went downstairs to wash up.

When he came to the kitchen in the yard, Zhao Xu saw his father working in the kitchen with Wei Li and Lucario.

Zhao Xu looked at it and found that I have everything prepared and I can’t do anything to help.

"Why don't you go to the kitchen to deal with your own affairs quickly?"

Zhao Fang knows that Zhao Xu has a lot of things to deal with, so naturally he will not let Zhao Xu come to help.

Zhao Fang is also aware of the negative comments about Zhao Xu on the Internet, and is worried that Zhao Xu will be affected.

"Then I'll go watch TV."

Zhao Xu can't deal with this kind of thing. After all, he doesn't have the ability. In the end, Zhao Xu is just a genius trainer, and he doesn't have the power of capital around him. He can only rely on the company to deal with this kind of fishing boat.

Zhao Xu At most, Xu can only post on his Weibo account, and he needs to discuss it with the company and cannot post randomly.

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