
The escaping Muck Eagle looked back and found that the Archaeopteryx was getting closer to him. He was suddenly startled and accelerated his flight.

"Don't be afraid of the Muke Eagle, use the Brave Bird to attack!"

Jiang Shuangqian doesn't think his Muke Eagle will lose. Muke Eagle is a very popular bird elf. Not only are they ferocious, but the moves they master are also very violent.

Even if they can't beat you, they can still choose to fight you. Die together, even if we can't die together, we can still tear a piece of flesh from the opponent's body


Even though Muck's Eagle is a little afraid of the Archaeod Bird, he still obeys his trainer's instructions.

Muck's Eagle is covered with a layer of blue energy coat.


Muke's Eagle made a ferocious cry.

The blue energy coat covering its body turned red, and Muke's Eagle immediately turned around to face the Archaeoptor Bird that was chasing behind it.


Seeing Muke Eagle choosing to attack me head-on, I felt so happy.

The Archaeoptor Bird immediately waved its claws to attack.



The reality is very cruel. Even if you use the 120-power Brave Bird Attack, you can't defeat the 90-power Dragon Claw.

The gap between the physical attack capabilities of the two sides is too big.

"Sharp stone attack!"

Zhao Xu also knew how powerful Muke Ying was and immediately pursued him.

Muke Ying is already at level 57 and will definitely be reckless. As long as Muke Ying slows down, Jiang Shuangqian will definitely let Muke Ying use reckless moves, so Zhao Xu Can't give Jiang Shuangqian a chance


The ancestor bird summoned the stone blade and chased away.

"Muck Eagle cheer up and dodge quickly!"

Muke Ying is still falling and has not even landed. Jiang Shuangqian has no way to make Muke Ying use his recklessness. It is more important to avoid the immediate disaster first.


Muck Eagle also wanted to move, but the impact had not dissipated, and Muke Eagle could not flap its wings for a while.

Bang! Bang! Bang!...!

Muke Eagle had no chance. The stone blade hit it, causing Muke Eagle to fall to the ground, followed by more stone blades. dusty!

Ding! Frozen bird level +2!

The sharp stone attack instantly kills the Muke Eagle!

The dust dispersed, and Muck Eagle lay motionless on the ground.

After observing quietly for 3 seconds, the referee announced,"Muke Ying has lost the ability to fight, and the Archaic Bird wins!"

"This Archeopteryx is too powerful."

Jiang Shuangqian knew how strong his Muke Eagle was. The Archaeoptor Bird defeated the Muke Eagle in 3 moves, which is enough to show the strength of the Archaeoptor Bird.

Jiang Shuangqian took back the Archeo Bird and then threw the elf ball.


LV56 Thunder Qiu/♂Jiang

Shuangqian sent out Leiqiu to restrain the Great Bird.


Raichu had a fierce expression on his face, and his two small eyes glared angrily at the Archaeoptor Bird above.

"Dig a hole!"

Zhao Xu is not worried about Lei Qiu.


The Archeopteryx leaned over and rushed toward the ground.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Although Jiang Shuangqian was surprised that the Archeopteryx could dig a hole, he immediately issued an order and would not let the Archeopteryx land safely.

"Hey... Qiu!"

Leiqiu fired a thunderbolt.


One hundred thousand volts hit the Archeopteryx before it hit the ground.


After the Archeopteryx withstood the damage of one hundred thousand volts, it immediately got into the ground.


Leiqiu immediately leaned down and sensed the changes in the ground.


Seeing Leiqiu's actions, Zhao Xu felt a little confused. He always felt that Leiqiu seemed to be able to sense the movements of the Archaeolian Bird underground.


Leiqiu suddenly rushed in one direction.


As soon as Leiqiu left, a big hole opened in the original position, and the attack of the ancestor bird was in vain.

"One hundred thousand volts!"

Jiang Shuangqian quickly counterattacked


Leiqiu quickly fired a thunder snake.

The characteristic of the electric type move is that it has a fast rate of fire, making it difficult to dodge.


The Archeopteryx was once again hit by one hundred thousand volts, and the effect was outstanding.

"come back!"

Zhao Xu took out the elf ball. biu!

The infrared ray hit the Archeopteryx and took it back.

Zhao Xu could see that this Raichu had a lot of experience in fighting. It could also move on the ice and even sense the situation underground. It must be received special training

"The fierce bite land shark is left to you!"

Zhao Xu sent out the second elf.


LV54 bites the land shark fiercely./♂

"I go! Bite the land shark!"

"It was the evolution of Zhao Xu's fang land shark"

"Depend on! It has evolved!"

"These Raichu are in trouble!"


Audiences who are familiar with Zhao Xu have seen Zhao Xu use the Sharp-toothed Land Shark, so after seeing the Liebiting Land Shark, they immediately thought that the Liebiting Land Shark evolved from the Sharp-Toothed Land Shark.

"Raichu is back!"

Seeing Lie Biting Lu Shark, Jiang Shuangqian took Leiqiu back without hesitation.

Because Lei Qiu would not restrain Lie Biting Lu Shark's moves, and continued to use Leiqiu, except for consuming part of Lie Biting Lu Shark's physical strength, there would be no other benefits. benefit

"Gyarados, you have to deal with the biting land shark!"

Jiang Shuangqian sent out Gyarados.


LV54 Gyarados/♂

"Will your teeth freeze?"

Seeing Jiang Shuangqian sending out Gyarados, Zhao Xu thought of the Frozen Fang move.


Zhao Xu didn't plan to take back the bite of the land shark, so he decided to take a look first.

"Bite fiercely!"

The biting land shark waved its arms, and a sandstorm hung on the field.

"Frozen teeth!"

Jiang Shuangqian knows that Lie Biting Lu Shark is afraid of ice. As long as the frozen teeth can hit Lie Biting Lu Shark, he might be able to kill Lie Biting Lu Shark in seconds.

"take off!"


Liebite Land Shark jumped up into the air, dodging the first round of Gyarados' attack.


The Gyarados that jumped into the air immediately turned around and rushed towards the sky.

"Get out of the way and use Meteor Swarm!"

The Biting Land Shark flew to one side, quickly evading the pursuit of Gyarados.

Gyarados can fly into the air, but it will fall after staying in the air for a while, and it can't catch up with the Biting Land Shark at all.

"Bite fiercely!"

Seeing Gyarados starting to fall, the biting land shark sprayed a red ball of light into the sky.

"Water cannons!"

Jiang Shuangqian also launched an attack at this time.

Even if you successfully use the move, I will hit you once.


The falling Gyarados directly sprayed water cannon.


It bit the land shark and was directly rushed away.


Meteor The group rose to a high altitude and exploded, turning into a meteor shower and falling towards the field below.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The meteors fell and the venue was covered by a cloud of dust.


Seeing that the environment on the field was covered with dust, Jiang Shuangqian didn't like it very much. He always felt that Zhao Xu would play dirty tricks.


Gyarados spits out a tornado that blows away the dust on the field.


The dust was quickly blown away, and the figure of the biting land shark was revealed, still in the air.

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