"I just came here to see if there are any more powerful elves, and I plan to conquer a few."

Zhao Xu will not tell Wang Na that he is here to level up. He will only say that he is here to conquer the elves.

"I really didn’t expect you to be a waveguide messenger."

Although she has met Zhao Xu, Wang Na really doesn't know that Zhao Xu is a waveguide messenger.

To be precise, Wang Na didn't care about Zhao Xu, so she didn't investigate. If Wang Na is willing, she can still investigate. Zhao Xu is the identity of the Waveguide messenger

"Don’t you know, Miss Wang?"

Zhao Xu felt that Wang Na should know his identity as a waveguide messenger, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't know it yet.

"I only thought you were a very talented trainer."Wang Na told the truth, that's what she thought before.

Zhao Xu didn't care much about Wang Na's views. He even thought that it would be fine if the top leaders of the alliance saw it that way.

"so so. Zhao Xu responded and said,"If everything is okay, I can leave.""

Ling Feng and others were delivered to Wang Na. Zhao Xu felt that it was time to leave.

"Don't worry, you have merit for catching Ling Feng this time, and the alliance will reward you."

It can be said that Zhao Xu was the first to stop Ling Feng this time. Although Black Rose paid a lot of attention, she was not able to defeat Ling Feng.

"What reward?"

Zhao Xu helped Wang Na stop the huge wave last time, but he didn't see any reward from the alliance.

"There should be a 50W bonus."

Ling Feng is a criminal. Zhao Xu will definitely be rewarded with money for helping to catch the criminal."

"Just 50W?"

It's not that Zhao Xu dislikes the small amount of 50W, and he has solved a king-level trainer. The bounty of a king-level trainer is worth 50W. Isn't it too little?

A king-level bounty criminal, Zhao Xu thinks a reward of 500W is not too much

"There are already a lot, and your contribution this time will also be recorded in the file. If you join the alliance in the future, it will also be helpful to your career."Wang Na said.

If nothing unexpected happens in the future, Zhao Xu will join the alliance, but this credit is of little use. It is better to give him some tangible rewards.

"The alliance knows my bank card number, so the money can be transferred directly. I’ll leave first."

It's already 3 o'clock in the morning, and Zhao Xu still plans to have a good sleep.

"Don't you want to talk to me?"

Wang Na lifted her air bangs and stared at Zhao Xu with a charming smile.

Zhao Xu...!

"It seems not."

Zhao Xu only felt that Wang Na looked at him with some evil intentions.

"Have you never thought about which lineup you want to join?"Wang Na asked.

Wang Na's question was tantamount to telling Zhao Xu in a different direction that she wanted Zhao Xu to join her camp.

"how? Miss Wang, do you plan to be the champion?"

Wang Na has said so, then WangObviously she wants to be the champion, otherwise there is no need to join her camp.

"Are there any Four Heavenly Kings who don’t want to be champions?"

Wang Na asked Zhao Xu back

"That's true, but I also want to be a champion."

Zhao Xu responded

"how? Do you still plan to directly participate in the International League and use your own strength to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings and the champion?"

There are only two ways to be a Four Heavenly Kings. One is to join the alliance and rise step by step.

The other is to use absolute strength to defeat the Four Heavenly Kings and the champion.

There are two ways, but basically the first one is the safest way. As for The second type is basically impossible.

Some people may have done it in the past, but it is very difficult now. After all, people will continue to learn and grow.

Even if you don’t stand on the shoulders of giants, you can still compare if you stand on the knees. The previous giant was taller

"You can try it."

Zhao Xu originally wanted to do this.

"Well, I hope to see you on the League of Nations stage during my tenure."

Wang Na can see that people like Zhao Xu are inferior to others, and she can't conquer such people.

"Then I'll take my leave"

"Well, you go."

Wang Na didn't stop Zhao Xu anymore.

After Zhao Xu left, Black Rose looked at Wang Na and asked,"Wang Na, do you like Zhao Xu very much?"

"He showed such a talent at the Platinum Tournament. There are not many trainers with such potential. If you give him enough time, sooner or later he will surpass the previous champions."Wang Na said

"Roughly the same."

Thinking that Zhao Xu can make so many childrenSpirit super evolution, as long as Zhao Xu improves the strength of those elves to the king level, then his combat power will definitely not be that of a champion.

The most important thing is that Zhao Xu is too young. He is only 17 years old this year. It seems that the championship will not be his end.

"You should have a good rest, I will take Ling Feng and his subordinates away."

Wang Na also needs to go back and recover quickly. She will explain and then get up and leave....!

After leaving the Elf Center, Zhao Xu found a hotel nearby that looked pretty good and stayed there.

"It’s finally time to rest!"

When he came to the room, Zhao Xu washed up and went to sleep.

Zhao Xu didn't know how long he slept until he was woken up by a knock on the door.


Zhao Xu felt very bad after being woken up. When he turned on the waveguide sensing, he felt a familiar waveguide standing outside the door.

"black Rose?"

Zhao Xu was a little confused. Why didn't this Black Rose follow Wang Na back and come to find him?

With doubts, Zhao Xu walked over and opened the door.

"It's already afternoon, are you still sleeping?"

As soon as he opened the door, Black Rose saw Zhao Xu's sleepy look, and knew that Zhao Xu had just woken up.

As a professional trainer, in addition to strengthening his physical condition, his spirit has also improved. Professional trainers only need to sleep 3 to 4 hours a day..

Zhao Xu left the Elf Center at around 3 a.m., and it is already 2 p.m.

Normally, Zhao Xu should have woken up long ago.

"What's up?"

The fact that Black Rose came to find me must have something to do with Jirachi.

"There is a doctor in the Alliance who wants to talk to you about Jirachi."Black Rose doesn't procrastinate and just gets down to business.

"Isn't Jirachi already asleep? What's there to talk about with me?"Zhao Xu has a headache. He has to rush to level up.

"To be precise, he wanted to talk to Absol. The doctor was curious about why Absol knew where Jirachi was."Black Rose said

"I reject."

Zhao Xu is not from the alliance, so there is no need to help.

"Are you sure you want to refuse? Don't you want to see who this doctor is?"The black rose is still selling off.


Black Rose didn't hide anything, and said directly,"Pang Shu."

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