"Senior Wei, let Zhao Xu finish his words first, don't be impatient."

Wang Kun is very calm and plans to hear what conditions Zhao Xu has.

"You say it."

Seeing Wang Kun saying this, Wei Wu also decided to listen to it.

"After this is done, I need two auspicious eggs trained by the alliance."Zhao Xu said

"Lucky egg? What do you want with that thing?"

Wei Wu originally thought that Zhao Xu would put forward some conditions, but this is the result.

The number of auspicious eggs in the wild is very rare, and most of the auspicious eggs have been wrapped up by the alliance, so if you want to conquer the auspicious eggs, you can only get them from the alliance.

But the alliance is not open to the outside world. Those who sell auspicious eggs can only be exchanged by insiders with merit earned from completing tasks.

Although auspicious eggs are rare, they are not suitable for combat. Wei Wu doesn't understand why Zhao Xu wants auspicious eggs.

If he needs help from auspicious eggs Lucario can heal elves, and as far as Wei Wu knows, Zhao Xu has more than one elves with healing abilities.

"Don't worry about this, just say it's okay, you can also spend money to buy the alliance."

Of course Zhao Xu wants the lucky eggs not for himself, but mainly for his own breeding house.

Elves can also catch colds and get sick. There is a Lucario in the breeding house to take care of them, but it is obviously not enough. Zhao Xu plans to arrange two more lucky eggs for his family. The healing elf.

The auspicious egg is very good. It not only heals, but also has the skills of a nurse. It can also provide a lot of eggs every day.

"This is no problem, I promise you on behalf of the alliance."

Wei Wu didn't think much about it. Two auspicious eggs are not a big problem.

"good! So what does Uncle Wei plan to do?"

Zhao Xu began to ask about the action plan.

Zhao Xu and Wang Kun both looked at Wei Wu, waiting to hear Wei Wu's plan

"We don’t have any plans at the moment. Ying is a wanted criminal, so we can just put pressure on him. Let’s go to the Battle Paradise first."

It's already past 8 o'clock in the evening, and the Battle Park is closed.

As the saying goes, the dark night of the moon is the time to investigate.

"Then let’s go!"

Zhao Xu also thinks that force is the best to use force to catch the opponent by surprise.

The three of them left the hotel and took the bus directly to the battle park.

It's night now, and generally no one rides the elf at night, so ride the elf over there You may be discovered, so you should try to keep a low profile.

Because the Chinese New Year is about to come, all the people who come to work in Magic City have gone home, so the traffic is not very crowded. The bus was smooth all the way, and we arrived at the game smoothly. paradise platform

"How do we get in?"

Zhao Xu used the waveguide to sense the entire battle park this afternoon. The battle park covers a large area and has comprehensive security. There are security guards at every door and there are elves guarding the surroundings.

"Take the employee aisle."Wang Kundao

"Do you have an employee card here? Zhao Xu asked.

Wang Kun shook his head and said,"No!""

"There wasn't much walking, and it was late at night, so the only ones who could go to work were security guards."

"The security guards here probably all know each other. Are you sure we can get in?"

Zhao Xuzhen doesn't know what Wang Kun is thinking. Anyway, it's still very difficult to get in."

"I have dream-inducing tapirs who can hypnotize them. When the time comes, we can just change into security guards' clothes and sneak in directly."Wang Kundao

"Those security guards are not fools, so they won't let the dream-inducing tapir hypnotize them, right?"

The dream-inducing tapir is indeed powerful in hypnosis, but the security guards will not be stupid enough to let the dream-inducing tapir be hypnotized. They will definitely resist.

"Don't worry, let's go to the door first to check the situation."

Wang Kun looked like a mountain man with a clever plan.

Zhao Xu and Wei Wu looked at each other, but still chose to believe Wang Kun, and followed them to the employee passage to the west of the battle park.

There was no one at the entrance of the employee passage, only a security guard room, but there is a surveillance camera diagonally above the door. The security in the security room is easy to deal with, but there are some problems with the surveillance. I am worried that if something goes wrong, the people in the surveillance room will notice it.

"There are just two people and not enough clothes."Wei Wu turned on the waveguide and sensed that there were only two security guards in the security room, and one of them was not enough.

"It doesn't matter to me, I have a variety of things."

Zhao Xu said and opened the elf ball.


"There are hundreds!"

As soon as the Variety Monster came out, it clung to Zhao Xu's body.

Wei Wu and Wang Kun were both surprised. They didn't expect that Zhao Xu actually had a Variety Monster.

"Wang Kun, do it."

Zhao Xu urged Wang Kun to take action quickly, lest things change later, especially since there is no cover at the door, and it might be seen by passers-by.

Wang Kun threw an elf ball.


LV45 Dream-inducing Tapir/♂

"The dream-inducing tapir man teleported to the security room, hypnotized the security guards inside, and then teleported out."Wang Kun ordered


The Dream-Inducing Tapir nodded, his eyes glowing blue.


The Dream-Inducing Tapir disappeared instantly.

Seeing the Dream-Inducing Tapir disappearing, Zhao Xu immediately unfolded his waveguide and found that the Dream-Inducing Tapir had entered the security room.

Approximately In less than 10 seconds, the dream-inducing tapir appeared again in front of Zhao Xu and the others.


The dream-inducing tapir shouted to Wang Kun and nodded, probably to express that he had taken care of the two security guards in the security room.

"Yes, take us to the security room together."This is Wang Kun's plan, so that he can perfectly avoid surveillance.


The dream-inducing tapir nodded.

"Let’s put our hands on the dream-inducing tapir!"

Wang Kun said and put his hand on the dream-inducing tapir man's shoulder. Zhao Xu and Wei Wu also stretched out their hands and put their hands on the dream-inducing tapir man.


Compared with teleporting by oneself, it is more difficult to lead people to teleport. The dream-inducing tapir must concentrate on teleportation for a while before performing teleportation. The scene in front of him changed and he entered a room.


Hululu~ ~!

The two security guards are sleeping soundly, very sleepy.

"I induced the dream tapirs to perform deep hypnosis on them, and they would not wake up until 4 hours."

After Wang Kun finished speaking, he started to take off his clothes.

Wei Wu also went to take off the clothes of another person who thought he was a security guard. Zhao Xu had a headache. Watching two men take off the clothes of two other men, this scene should not be too beautiful for some rotten girls.

"Variety Monster, give me a set of clothes they are wearing."Zhao Xu touched the Variety Monster on his shoulder.

"There are hundreds!"

The Variety Monster's whole body lit up with white light, and its body swam all over Zhao Xu's body like water, wrapping Zhao Xu's upper and lower bodies.

After the white light dissipated, Zhao Xu was seen wearing a security uniform.

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