"Today's harvest is good, Tyrannosaurus, let's go back."

After defeating two platinum-level elves, Zhao Xu decided to leave the Green Zone and return to Bihu City to rest. In half a day, Zhao Xu did not finish exploring the forest, but he also sensed the powerful elves in the wave guide. Defeated.

Moreover, Zhao Xu’s elf should rest after fighting for such a long time, and Zhao Xu didn’t have enough wound medicine to restore the strength of his elf.

After taking back the other elf, Zhao Xu rode the violent flying dragon to the Flying in the direction of the city wall.

Originally, Zhao Xu disliked the picking up brigade for always picking up potions, but after going to the wild to level up, the potion consumption was very large. Just riding an elf on a long journey requires the use of these potions.

Fossil Wings The dragon flies fast, but its endurance is not very strong. It can only fly at full speed for half an hour.

If Zhao Xu is not in a hurry, he can let the fossil pterosaur fly slower.

It is also because he is worried that the fossil pterosaur's physical strength will not be as good as , Zhao Xu released Tyrannosaurus to lead the way, because Tyrannosaurus, like Kuailaurus, has a high durability of flying ability.

After flying back to Bihu City, Zhao Xu began to cook for the Pokémon fighting today.

The Pokémon box can heal The elf, but the energy consumed can only be recovered by time, and the elf still needs to be fed.

After preparing the meal for the elf, Zhao Xu began to work on the tail of the Slowpoke. After Zhao Xu finished everything, It's already dusk

"Apparently, one more Platinum Conference is needed."At night, Zhao Xu was thinking about his future improvement route. Currently, Zhao Xu still has Casey and Doron Mecia who have not been cultivated.

Zhao Xu does not want to put them into the same position to gain experience, but I want to use platinum candies to upgrade them, and then put them in the peer position for leveling.

Now cultivate the elves with high levels now, otherwise it will be a waste of cultivation space.

Because of the relationship that cannot be obtained by binding the peer position, Zhao Xu cultivated the elf The number is also limited.

Therefore, Zhao Xu needs to cultivate new elves. After all, he relies on platinum candies. Otherwise, if he does not occupy a peer position, there will be a powerful elf who cannot be late for experience, and the progress of upgrading will be slowed down.

"England area!"

Zhao Xu checked the time of the Platinum Conference in various major regions on the Internet and found that the nearest region of England will hold the Platinum Conference in May this year. It is currently in February, that is, the Platinum Conference will be held in three months.

"Collect badges in a month...! no! The registration time has passed."The Platinum Conference requires registration six months in advance, and the list will be released two months before the competition. The Platinum Conference in England will be held in May, and the registration time should be December, and the time has already passed.

Zhao Xu immediately excluded England. , quickly find a suitable area

"European Emperor Region! Competition in August!"

"The time is quite tight."

You can register for the August competition now, and the deadline for registration is the end of March. Zhao Xu only has one month to collect badges from the European Emperor region.

"Go give it a try, you might get selected."

Zhao Xu has participated in a platinum conference last year. There is no guarantee that he will be selected if he registers this year, but Zhao Xu still wants to try. If he succeeds, he will get three platinum elves. After discussing the following actions, Zhao Xu Go to sleep.

The next day, Zhao Xu rode the Tyrannosaurus into the green zone and flew directly to the entrance of the European Emperor region.

Because the world has been unified by the alliance, there are basically small frictions in various regions. They were all visas upon arrival.

Arriving at the gate of the city wall in the Ouhuang area, Zhao Xu showed his trainer ID card to the guard for inspection

"You are from the Longxia area!

The guard was a little surprised to see that Zhao Xu was from the Longxia area, and then said,"Follow me, and I will apply for a visa on your behalf.""

The guard led Zhao Xu to an office building within the city wall. This office building only has two floors and is a place specifically for trainers from other areas to apply for visas.

It seems that not many people come to the Ouhuang area. Zhao Xu came to the lobby of the office building, 3 Just one window is busy

"Just go to the window over there to apply for a visa."The guard pointed to the office window and left after saying that.

"Aren't you afraid that I could sneak out?"

Seeing the guard walking away so fast, Zhao Xu was a little speechless. If he ran out and left, he would not have to sign.

But Zhao Xu would not sneak across and come to the vacant window.

The office lady sitting in the window He showed a polite smile and said,"Sir, please show your trainer ID card."

Hearing this, Zhao Xu handed his trainer ID card to the office lady.

"Longxia area, Zhao Xu!"

The office lady looked at Zhao Xu in surprise when she saw the photo and name on the ID card. Zhao

Xu also realized that his current appearance was not good, so he took off his sunglasses and mask and straightened his hairstyle.

"I'm relatively famous, so I need to cover up a bit."Zhao Xu explained.

After confirming that Zhao Xu looked the same as his ID card, the office lady felt relieved. She didn't ask any more questions, took out a form from the cabinet and handed it to Zhao Xu.

"Please fill in your information carefully and explain your purpose of coming to the Ouhuang area."With that said, the office lady also took out a sample form and gave it to Zhao Xu.

The form is not difficult to write, just fill in your basic information and purpose of visit.

Naturally, the purpose of coming to the Ouhuang area is to participate in the Platinum Conference.

Fill out the form first Finally, the office elf gave Zhao Xu a small book with a temporary residence permit written on it, and the stay was only for 3 months.

If you still want to stay in the Ouhuang area, you will have to apply for a visa extension after 3 months. , but you can just go to the alliance center to apply for it at that time.

"Be sure not to lose this. You need this temporary residence permit when staying in a hotel in the Ouhuang area and when going to the Elf Center. You must carry it with you."The office lady asked nicely.

"Well, I get it."

After applying for the temporary residence permit, Zhao Xu took the Tyrannosaurus and flew to a city with a gym.

After flying for 4 hours, he did not arrive in Maruo City until the afternoon.

Maruo City is a city in the European Emperor region that has a gym. According to Zhao Xu’s research on the Internet, the leader of this Maro Gym is an elf who uses the fighting system.

"Come! Tyrannosaurus eats some malasada."The Tyrannosaurus has been flying for a day and needs to eat something to replenish his energy.

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