"My parents are ordinary people and they don't pay taxes, so my sister and I get very little subsidies." Kane explained

"Didn't your parents leave you anything?"Zhao Xu felt that no matter how miserable it was, his parents should still have left something behind, and at least they should have some savings.

"With the money left behind, I bought a cemetery."Kane said.

Zhao Xu almost cried. He was a filial child. The little money he had was used to buy a cemetery for his parents.

"So where do you and your sister live?"Zhao Xu thinks there should be a house to live in.

"Makeshift house."Kane answered decisively.

Zhao Xu felt very uncomfortable in his heart. Normally, he could only see these things in the news, but he didn't expect to have the opportunity to experience them in person.

【It seems that the Ouhuang area is not very prosperous. 】Zhao Xu originally thought that the lives of people in the Ouhuang area would be better, especially in the shady city where there is a gym. The subsidies given to orphans are not even enough to provide food and clothing.

"Come with me."

Zhao Xu decided to help Kane, just treat it as a charity.

"Where are you taking me? I also need to buy food to take back."Although he was rescued by Zhao Xu, Kane is still very vigilant. Being exposed to society too early makes Kane more cautious than 440 people of his age.

"Just come with me, I won't hurt you."

Although Kane was worried, he still chose to trust Zhao Xu and followed Zhao Xu.

Zhao Xu took Kane to a nearby World Bank. Zhao Xu's previous bank card was processed at the World Bank, and all the money was transferred to the World Bank. The World Bank exists.

Because the World Bank is very convenient, transactions can be conducted in various regions and money can also be withdrawn.

"Take it!"

Zhao Xu didn't take much, just 20,000 yuan.

"Why do you want to give me money!"Kane was not used to Zhao Xu's kindness, and he didn't want to accept it based on his expression.

"This money is not for you, it is lent to you by me."Zhao Xu said

"cut! Do you think I will accept it if you give me money as a loan?"Kane is not a fool. He said he was borrowing it, but Zhao Xu definitely never thought that he would pay it back.

【What a stubborn boy】

"Then you should make a bet and see if you can summon the initial elf tomorrow. If you summon it, you have to pay me back the money, twice as much. If you don't (bedg) summon it, I will take the remaining money."Zhao Xu gave two plans.


Kane hesitated, and the fee was only 1,000 yuan. Although it was a lot of money to Kane, it was actually not much.

If he can summon the initial elf, Kane can apply for a high-paying job. Then it will not be a problem to spend 40,000 yuan. It can be paid off in a few months at most.

Seeing that Kane was still hesitating, Zhao Xu said,"Actually, I just bet once. If it works, I'll make money. If I lose, it's only 1,000 yuan. It's painless to me.""

"good! I promise you, but I want 15W."Kaine said.

"Haha, 15W is no problem, but if you successfully summon the initial elf, you have to pay me back 30W. You can buy a lot of elf at this price."Zhao Xu didn't expect that Kane was still a wolf cub, and he thought 2W was too little.

"Then let's go to the elf center now."Kane can't wait.

"Everyone in the summoning area is off work now. We can't go until tomorrow. Take me to your house first."Zhao Xu said

"All right!"Kane is feeling aggrieved, but he is indeed off work and can only wait until tomorrow.

"Well, can you let me see what you look like?"Kane still wants to know what Zhao Xu looks like. After all, he normally wouldn't dress up like this.

"show you."Zhao Xu took off his sunglasses and mask, revealing his handsome face.

"You are not from the Ouhuang area!"Seeing Zhao Xu's face, Kane didn't recognize Zhao Xu. He just knew that Zhao Xu was not a local.

"you...right! I am not a local, I am from Long Xia area."Zhao Xu was also surprised. This was the first time he saw someone who didn't know him.

Zhao Xu's influence is the greatest in the Longxia region. Outside the country, only the platinum trainers probably know about it, and the rest of the people probably don't know much about it.

"You don't look much older than me, how can you beat Zach and his gang?"Kane was confused.

"I'm a professional trainer." Zhao Xu responded and urged,"It's already very late now. If you don't go back, won't your sister be worried?"

"follow me!"

When he heard"sister", Kane remembered that his sister hadn't had dinner yet.

Kane first took Zhao Xu to a small restaurant to pack a portion of butter bread, because butter bread was the cheapest. (Read Bao Shuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Zhao Xu didn’t care. After all, he only planned to help them, but he had no long-term plans to help them.

After buying food, Kane took Zhao Xu to the dark areas of the city, and walked more and more. The deeper you go, the more shabby the surrounding environment and buildings become. It is obvious that this is where the poor people of the shady city live. After walking for about an hour, we arrived at a small park surrounded by trees. The small park was brightly lit at the moment, but these The lights are all emitted by very cheap light bulbs.

The small park is full of makeshift tents and abandoned houses. In short, they are as shabby as they are. Although they are quite clean, they may not be as good at resisting wind and sun. Slum.

Kane took Zhao Xu to a temporary pick-up house.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Kane knocked on the door and said,"Kelly, it's me who's back.""

"elder brother!"

A cry of surprise came from the house. The door opened from the inside, and a little girl who looked like a porcelain doll was standing inside the door.

【Are they siblings? 】Seeing Kane's sister, Zhao Xu wondered whether Kane's mother had put a hat on his father's head.

The two brothers and sisters really don't look alike. Kane has black hair and copper skin, while Kane's sister has blonde hair and fair skin. The two stand together in stark contrast.

"Brother, who is this big brother?"Kelly also noticed Zhao Xu behind Kane and was very curious about who the other person was. Her brother usually had no friends.

"He was my savior and helped me drive away Hans and the others."Kaine said.

"Big brother, thank you so much."Hearing that Zhao Xu drove Hans away, Kelly immediately thanked Zhao Xu

"It's easy, no need to thank me."Zhao Xu thought Kelly was cute and very sensible.

The two brothers and sisters welcomed Zhao Xu into the house. Zhao Xu looked around. There was only a bed, a few basins and bowls in the house, and no TV. A light bulb hangs on the roof.

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