The scene in front of him, even Su Qi was a little shocked.

Full of ammonite beasts and sickle helmets, as well as their evolutionary forms, Corrido was stunned and hurried over with his assistants. Keep shouting in your mouth, big discovery! Big discovery!

Su Qi looked at these Pokémon and saw that they were not dead yet, but fell into a deep sleep.

The discovery of so many living ultra-ancient Pokémon at once is indeed a shocking discovery, and it is no wonder that Corrido these research maniacs rejoice.

It's just that what makes Su Qi wonder is where the Pokémon that helps him improve his combat power is, it's impossible.

At this time, Corrido excitedly shouted: Su Qi come quickly.

Su Qi walked over, did Dr. Corrido find anything?

You see Corrido pointing to one place. Su Qi looked around, this is, the Taikoo War Dragon.

I saw that there was actually a living Taikoo War Dragon in the center of the venue, Su Qi raised his hand and touched it, and the Taikoo War Dragon seemed to suddenly inject power, opened his eyes, and stared at everyone.

Dr. Corrido stepped back again and again, saying in his mouth: This is the awakened Taikoo War Dragon.

The Taikoo War Dragon moved his body, and then Su Qi heard the voice of the Taikoo War Dragon.

Are you my master.

Su Qi couldn't help but be stunned, is this the aura of the protagonist of the novel, and he recognized the owner as soon as he came up.

The Taikoo War Dragon looked at Su Qi.

That's right, I'm your master, said and took out the Pokémon Ball and took the Taikoo War Dragon in, after all, this is given to him by Shirabi, don't want it in vain, Su Qi thought in his heart.

The Taikoo War Dragon was thus subdued by Su Qi.

Corido, who was standing on the side, quietly watched the Taikoo War Dragon obediently being subdued by Su Qi, and felt that his entire outlook on life was shocked.

Isn't the ancient teleportation ancient war dragon with a brutal personality, is it that history is wrong.

Su Qi released the Taikoo War Dragon. Check out its profile.

Name: Taikoo War

Dragon Qualification: Boss

Characteristics: Warlike

Skills: Dragon Claw, Jet Flame, Dragon Breath, Mystic Guardian...

It is actually a master-level Pokémon, which is Su Qi's first master-level Pokémon, and even the system lottery is a champion.

I didn't expect Shi Rabi to give himself such a big gift, but it also showed the horror of the disaster.

There is not much time left for yourself, and you must improve your strength as soon as possible.

Su Qi also asked the Taikoo War Dragon why he chose himself as the master.

The Archean War Dragon says that in his own time, there was a terrible catastrophe that almost wiped out the entire forest of Pokémon, and it was when Rabi saved himself and told himself to wait for the arrival of humans who could understand you.

After that, at the end of the superancient period, Shi Rabi brought him and a large group of superancient Pokémon here, and all that remained was to wake up and see Su Qi.

So it was, Su Qi probably understood the cause of the matter, Shi Rabi was also worthy of being a Pokémon who traveled through any time, and could not know the prophet, no, or it had already seen the disaster, Su Qi thought to himself.

Su Qi took back the Taikoo War Dragon and turned to say goodbye to Dr. Corrido.

Corrido also wanted to study Su Qi's ancient war dragon, but was rejected by Su Qi.

Su Qi walked out of the base and came outside.

Su Qi greedily breathed the air and enjoyed the sun, after all, it was very uncomfortable to stay underground for a long time.

Su Qi's body suddenly emitted a burst of green light, which was.

Ding, congratulations to the host on receiving the blessing of the rabbi of the time.

When the rabbi blessed, it turned out that the rabbi had given the mysterious blessing to himself.

Then Su Qi said to the system: The system draws the lottery.

A slot machine appears, and the system interface starts to turn, congratulations to the host for obtaining the aluminum steel dragon, the flash Koga ninja frog.

Su Qi was shocked by the system, and got two Pokémon at once, as well as a flashing Koga Ninja Frog, and the aluminum steel dragon was not bad.

Su Qi released two Pokémon, a strong aluminum steel dragon, and a body full of silver and metal flavor, all showing his strength.

Ordinary Koga ninja frogs are blue, and Su Qi's Koga ninja frog is blue-black with a touch of cold domineering, which reminds Su Qi of Hattori Hanzo in the movie in his previous life.

Hello, Su Qi stretched out his fist and touched the two Pokémon.

Name: Aluminum Steel Dragon

Qualification: Champion

Characteristics: Fortitude

Skills: Energy Ball, Metal Noise, Million Ton Boxing, Cannon Light Cannon, Sun Beam, 100,000 Volts....

Name: Koga Ninja Frog

Qualification: Champion

Characteristics: Hidden Skills:

Sailor Shuriken, Surfing, Stand-in, Shadow Doppelganger Water Cannon, Electric Flash ...

Su Qi was very satisfied that his combat power was one point stronger.

Su Qi took back the two Pokémon.

System, open the System Marketplace. Su Qi said.

Then, a beam of light invisible to others appeared in front of Su Qi.

The products are really dazzling.

Even Arceus has it, but it is too expensive, and Su Qi only sees countless 9s. Life treasure jade, eighteen stone slabs, first-level gods, second-level gods, just can't afford it.

However, Su Qi was curious about where the Arceus was for sale, and where there were so many Arceus.

Ding, the host does not need to suspect the problem of the system mall, all the goods in it are genuine, please buy with confidence.

The items belonging to the system are all obtained by other parallel worlds, so the host does not need to worry.

Parallel worlds, is there more than one Pokémon world.

Ding, the big world, layer by layer, the world is constantly evolving.

The words of the system made Su Qi feel very reasonable, after all, there are so many crossed armies, it is not good if they run into it.

Hurry up and earn combat value, and then continue on your journey.

Su Qi was walking on the road when he suddenly encountered a pair of twin sisters who challenged Su Qi.

Su Qi's heart blossomed, she was really sleepy to the pillow, and happily accepted their challenge.

Go, beautiful flower, the two shouted together. Not only do the two look exactly the same, but the Pokémon they use are the same.

Koga Ninja Frog, your first battle on it.

The Koga Ninja Frog appeared on the field, and the blue and black figure spread with a murderous aura.

A Pokémon I've never seen before, but it's so handsome. The two spoke.

Sure enough, women can't escape the influence of handsome creatures.

But we don't release water, beautiful flowers, flying leaves and fast knives.

The two beautiful flowers emitted many leaves and shot quickly towards the Koga ninja frog.

Koga Shinobi dodges and uses a sailor shuriken.

The Koga ninja frog suddenly disappeared, and then appeared in the air, a huge sailor shuriken in his hand, ready to attack, the Koga ninja frog threw down the sailor shuriken, the huge sword qi cut towards the beautiful flower, and after a burst of explosions, the beautiful flower both lost their ability to fight.

Beautiful flower, the two sisters ran over and picked up the beautiful flower and ran.

Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 50 Battle Points.

Ding, congratulations to the host for gaining 50 Battle Points.

What, two beautiful flowers are 100 combat points.

Ding, the strength of the beautiful flower is too low, and the system calculates the battle value based on the opponent's battle strength.

All right~_~. Su Qi withdrew the Koga Ninja Frog and continued to walk forward.

Along the way, Su Qi encountered many people's challenges and obtained 1,000 battle points, which was a small gain.

However, what made Su Qi feel strange was that in the forest where so many trainers appeared.

At this moment, Su Qi saw many people gathered there in front.

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