For the next week, Su Qi accompanied Ash to train wildly.

Finally challenged Mr. Shendai, but Su Qi obviously saw that Shendai still released a lot of water, otherwise according to Ash's strength, I am afraid it will take a long time to completely defeat Shendai.

During this time, Xiao Gang has also been constantly absorbing Pokémon cultivation knowledge and working hard for the Pokémon Breeder Exam.

The trip to the Battle Frontier Area is over, and the group bids farewell to Mr. Jindai and them at the Battle Pyramid and prepares to take a plane back to the Kanto region in Hara-dong City.

Inside the airport.

"Su Qi, keep going! I believe that your future achievements will absolutely shine," Shindai's eyes were full of concern, just like a junior who was looking at himself, kind and kind.

"Thank you, Mr. Jindai, I will definitely continue to work hard."

"Goodbye, everyone!"

Yahida kept wiping her tears with toilet paper in her hand, he still came to Su Qi and they wanted them to come to fight the pioneering area, but he didn't expect that time passed so quickly, and he had to go back.

"Goodbye, goodbye!"

The four people who were preparing to pass through the security check waved together.

After passing through security, I passed the boarding building and boarded the plane.

Su Qi and they officially embarked on the road to the Kanto region.

"Alas, it's too fast, they're all gone so soon," tears still welled up from the corners of Yahida's eyes.

"Well, a big man is still crying and crying, not manly at all," Lila really couldn't stand it against the tower lord.


Above the clouds, Su Qi had some drowsiness in a bump, and the passengers on the plane gradually fell into a deep sleep.

In a trance, Su Qi's consciousness came to outer space again.

Not surprisingly, Arceus descended again.

"Boy, you've grown."

"Arceus! You won't have anything to do with me," Su Qi must be busy for a while every time he came in.

"No, this time is to give you some rewards, I will see your results during this time."

I saw Arceus stomp his foot, and eighteen stone slabs appeared, carrying a brilliant colorful light.

I saw eighteen stone slabs revolving around Arceus, making Arceus, who was already full of divine brilliance, look even more dazzling at this moment.

Eighteen attribute energies were dispersed from the eighteen stone slabs and submerged into Su Qi's body.

In an instant, Su Qi felt a majestic power fill his body.

"This is," Su Qi looked at his body in surprise.

"This is my energy, giving you a part, don't you have a small world? Using this energy can make it easier to transform it.

"You know that!"

"There is nothing in this world that I do not know," Arceus said pretending to be breathless.

"Do you still know that the system exists?" Su Qi thought to himself.

"Attribute energy has an energy increase, and your Pokémon's skill power will also increase significantly."

After saying the last sentence, a dazzling white light appeared in front of Su Qi's eyes, Arceus and the surrounding universe disappeared, and the next second Su Qi woke up violently.

As soon as I woke up, I heard a sound of holding and holding.

I saw that Ash wanted to cook like a pig, and the small dining table in front of him was already full of various lunch boxes.

"Su Qi, you're awake, we're almost to Kanto."

"Almost there? How long did I sleep? "

You've been sleeping for more than 4 hours, and the plane will land soon," Xiaoxia said while putting on makeup.

"Four hours, it feels like it's only a few minutes."

"What's wrong Su Qi, what are you muttering?"

"It's okay, Xiaoxia Xiaogang, do you go back separately first or go to Zhenxin Town with us first."

"Of course, I will go back first, my sisters and I have said that we will go to the newly opened shopping center in Hualan City to buy a lot of money."

"I'm going back too, the Pokémon cultivation exam is about to go, this time I'm going to succeed in one time," I changed into a pair of gold-rimmed glasses out of nowhere, and Xiao Gang was studying.

"It's okay, Su Qi, I will definitely accompany you back."

Ash said.

Soon the plane landed in Hualan City.

Xiaoxia, who got off the plane, was already a little impatient.

"Everyone, goodbye, I'll go back first."

Xiao Xia waved her hand at everyone and walked in the direction of the Hualan Taoist Hall.

"I should go too, Su Qi, Xiaozhi, let's see you in Zhenxin Town, goodbye!"

Xiao Gang also got on the bus to Nibi City.

Leaving Su Qi and Ash and Pikachu behind.

"Su Qi, how are we going back?"

Su Qi thought about it, or go back, anyway, it's just a day, and he should travel again.

"Coincidentally, I thought so too, Pikachu set off."

Ash and Pikachu slid down the grass next to them.

Su Qi shook his hand, and a green energy ball appeared in the middle of his palm.

"The power of Arceus is really amazing."

On the meow hot air balloon, the trio of Team Rocket also followed Su Qi and they returned to the Kanto region.

"Finally back, Kanto still feels good," Musashi took a deep breath.

"That's it, meow."

Meow Meow sitting on a hot air balloon eating instant noodles.

"Meow, where did the instant noodles come from, aren't we out of money?" Musashi asked.

"Ben Meow is also a Pokémon with wisdom," I saw Meow Meow take out a few coin-shaped Alliance coins from the flippers of his toenails.

"Meow, you actually have private money!" Kojiro said angrily.

"Whoever told you not to save a little, I can only hide a little, otherwise there will be no instant noodles."

"Hehe, meow, you don't want to fall right now," Musashi and Kojiro said with evil grinks.

"You, what are you going to do, we are a team, you can't do this."

The two sides kept fighting, and suddenly the instant noodles fell.

Ash only felt the top of his head suddenly burn.

I saw a bucket of instant noodles on top of his head.

"Who, so unqualified."

Ash looked up and cursed angrily.

"Little ghost head!"

"Team Rocket!"

I saw the three people on the meow hot air balloon showing their heads and saying.

The two sides looked at each other.

The next second, "Pikachu 100,000 volts!" "


An explosion sounded, and I saw Team Rocket fly into the sky again and go shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

"Abominable Team Rocket," Ash cleaned the instant noodles from his head.

"Let's go, let's go home and take a shower."

"Alas, it's so unlucky."

Ash set off in the direction of True New Town with a head of oil.

At this time, Dr. Ohki was also nervously preparing to welcome Su Qi and their return, and the colorful banners and welcome banquets had already been prepared.

As the first time in the Kanto region to fully challenge and successfully pass the battle against the two trainers, it is of course a big celebration.

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