"They all left?" Zhou Xin asked, the anime characters just don't have so many twists and turns, Zhou Xin asks anything, they will answer, after all, it will appear that they are very smart and successful.

"Yes, they all transferred, and thanks to you and Mewtwo, who helped our rocket team attract the attention of the Sekito Alliance, giving us the opportunity to transfer the members hidden in the Tokiwa Forest and underground base, as well as the captured Pokémon." Sakaki said.

"So you deliberately stayed and waited for me?" Zhou Xin asked.

"Almost, after all, your league game is about to start, isn't it, so I put Hakron and Abai monster in the Tokiwa Forest, you are going to the Quartz Plateau, you will definitely pass through the Tokiwa Forest, with your ability and ingenuity, you will definitely find here, I really didn't see the wrong person, Xiaoxin in Zhenxin Town, I really need talents like you, it's a pity, you're going to die here today." Sakaki said regretfully.

"Not necessarily, me and my Pokémon are very strong." Zhou Xin still has this confidence, but he can't use teleportation to run, and the Hu Di who just sent Zhenghui away has returned.

"Then let's have a 6v6 battle, I used to be the owner of the Taoist Hall, so I will be the elf first." Sakaki is also quite confident in his strength.

"Go, Horned Rhinoceros." Sakaki sent his first Pokémon. (Personally, I think it is still the original iron-armored tyrannosaurus that sounds good

) Drill horned rhinoceros "lord level"

ground system, rock system level 80

characteristics hard head

props evolution strange stone (increase 50% double defense)

potential s

common skills: slam, earthquake, rock crit, invisible rock.

Zhou Xin really wanted to scold foul words, lord level, level 80, evolution strange stone, how fleshy this drill-horned rhinoceros beast must be.

Lord-level (Piggy's own setting, 1.5 times the size of the ordinary and 1.2 times the normal attribute of the whole attribute)

"Are you afraid? You should have seen such a large drill-horned rhinoceros in Mt. Moon, this is the most successful one in the injection potion, and it can perfectly control its strength. Sakaki laughed a little madly.

"Damn, people like you, I must not lose to you, go, Miao Frog Flower." Zhou Xin took the lead in sending the Miao Frog Flower.

In terms of attributes, Miao Frog Flower's grass skill is 4 times to restrain the drill-horned rhinoceros, and Zhou Xin is confident that as long as he hits two sunshine flames, he can take away the diamond-horned rhinoceros on the opposite side.

"Wonderful frog flower, parasitic seed." Even if it is lower than the Drill Horned Rhinoceros Level 7, the Magic Frog Flower still has superior speed.

"Drill-horned rhinoceros, invisible rock." Sakaki also didn't have the grasp of a move to kill Miao Frog Flower, so he used the field skill.

Stealth Rock, switch Pokémon to play, take damage from rocks, 25% damage if restrained by rock systems, 12.5% damage from normal, and 6.25% damage when highly resistant.

If the Drill-Horned Rhinoceros is too large to avoid parasitic seeds, it takes effect in the first round and consumes 12.5% of the Drill-Horned Rhinoceros' physical strength.

"Wonderful frog flower, highly poisonous." Since the last battle with the Konah Heavenly King, Zhou Xin also liked this skill.

The magic frog flower is poisonous, so this trick is highly poisonous.

"Drill-horned rhinoceros, come back." Boss Sakaki took back the drill-horned rhinoceros, yes, the parasitic seed is highly poisonous again, if you don't take it back, it will hang up in two more rounds.

"Go, duck-billed fire dragon." Boss Sakaki sent his second Pokémon.


the piglet Pokémon class has begun, and today I want to talk about the characteristics of shuttlecock cotton

Chlorophyll/leaf defense/penetrating

a little pitiful who was robbed of the name of cotton by the wind goblin.

The shuttlecock cotton and the wind goblin are too similar, they are grass cotton that interferes with high-speed interference and lacks attack power, but the front wave died on the beach, and now the mention of cotton generally refers to disgusting cotton.

The combination of attributes of grass flying is rare, but the only two are not popular, after all, only the four resistance of the water fighting grass has a bunch of weaknesses, and these resistant cotton said that they also have it, and there is also the resistance of dragon electricity, and due to the rock weakness brought by the flight system, shuttlecock cotton has tragically become a family afraid of nails, and the restrictions as guerrillas are much greater than the wind goblin.

The pride of shuttlecock cotton was its own speed, 110 speed is the fastest in chlorophyll, and in the whole PM is only slower than the light snorkeling weasel, and then the wind goblin appears, and no matter how fast it is, it is not fast enough to be the first system, especially the two cotton that eat by changing skills Compared with the two cottons, the wind goblin can save a lot of speed and effort to put into durability, shuttlecock cotton in order to maintain the ability to interfere with the first hand can only choose extreme speed, even if it seems that the durability of shuttlecock cotton is better ethnically, But after lagging behind 252 efforts and character, the wind goblin can at least be far stronger than shuttlecock cotton in one endurance.

As for the double attack, the shuttlecock cotton is really miserable, the flight department can't provide help in output, the physical attack brave bird special attack storm is not there, and the wind fairy side can be glasses moonburst steal exchange is really incomparable.

Putt told us that this cotton is suitable for sunny days, but it is completely unrealistic to rely on the weather to interfere after the permanent weather is gone, and you see who else uses a damp body water cloth.

So the shuttlecock cotton is generally penetrated, and the seeds can be sprinkled on the stand-in Kaguya, but this is a characteristic that the wind goblin does not want....

In the previous paragraph, I blackened a lot of shuttlecock cotton and went to blow the wind goblin, but these are two different PMs, such as the shuttlecock cotton singled out the wind goblin, which can definitely win.

But objectively speaking, if you interfere, it is really difficult for shuttlecock cotton to compete with the wind fairy, even if the seventh generation cuts disgusting, even if shuttlecock cotton has hypnotic powder.

Therefore, shuttlecock cotton can consider a unique way to find things that the wind goblin cannot do, such as attack strengthening.

Shuttlecock cotton has two explosive types of sword dance and Z water splash attack strengthening, with his own good speed, even if the object attack is so low, it has a good attack ability after strengthening once, but the trouble lies in the attack skills.

Herbs do not lack skills, seed blasters and seed machine guns are OK, but like most flying departments, there are no brave birds and drilling pecks are more headaches, juggling is an option that can be considered, but if you splash with water, Z stone is not a consumable, if the flying gem is unbanned, it is better to use, now you can only bring consumable props such as large tree fruits or no props to cooperate with juggling.

Or you can fly Z and jump without juggling (not even flying), and then you can't use Yan Anti... That's better not to bring a flying book. In addition to the double book, shuttlecock cotton does not have good blind skills to deal with steel, and in order to make up for three attacks, it is even necessary to use the retribution to hit the body (what?). UT, you say? ), is also a rather poor little guy.

Compared to attacking shuttlecock, he is better at interfering, but the mountain of wind goblins is really difficult to be selected. Shuttlecock cotton has good interference skills such as clapping, parting gifts, cotton defense, three powders, parasitic seeds and UT guerrilla, and the only difference from cotton is hypnotic powder, so if you want to use shuttlecock cotton instead of wind fairy to interfere, in addition to love, you can almost only use hypnosis powder as a reason.

The shuttlecock cotton in the doubles has a significant advantage over the wind goblin, that is, the powder of anger, and the meaning of hypnotic powder and chlorophyll is amplified a lot, compared to the wind goblin's disgusting open tailwind no one can stop, at least in the doubles station field shuttlecock cotton does not have to live in the shadow of the wind goblin.


Object Attack Enhancement (Heavy Object Attack Speed +): Water Splash Leap (Z) / Sword Dance + Seed Bomb + Juggling / Flying Jump (Can Z) + Hypnosis Powder / Retribution

Interference (Heavy HP Speed +): Hypnotic Powder + Parasitic Seed + Avatar / Protection / Paralysis Powder + Clap / UT / Parting Gift

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