"By the way, what kind of primitive badge did you just talk about?" Dr. Ohki asked curiously.

Zhou Xin opened his backpack and took the tablet device to Dr. Ohki.

Dr. Ohki opened the tablet device and saw the badge inside, as if remembering something.

"Xiaoxin, you wait for me." Dr. Ohki returned to his house, rummaged through the cabinets, and returned to Zhou Xin's backyard after a while.

"Doctor, you just now." Zhou Xin asked suspiciously.

"I remember that I also got a badge like this when I was young, give it to you, this should be the original badge." Dr. Ohki gave a badge to Zhou Xin.

Zhou Xin put the badge given by Dr. Ohki into the tablet device, and it was really activated.

"Doctor, the badge you gave is the Rock Badge." Zhou Xin said with a smile, he originally thought it was in Xiao Gang's hands.

"That's right, the owner of the Rock Dojo Hall that I defeated when I was young, he gave me this badge, this is my first badge, so I have always kept it." Dr. Ohki said with a smile.

"Doctor, did you also have 8 dojos before, if there are only 8 of this primordial badge, so many trainers are vying for it, how do you get 8?" Zhou Xin was puzzled.

"It's true that there are 8 dojos, but we only need to get a badge at that time to participate in the alliance competition, because our dojo masters are very high-level, and we all fight against other trainers to improve our experience, and then we finally challenge the dojo." Dr. Ohki explained.

"This tablet device activates the power of the badge, the rock badge allows me to learn to live together, this earth badge allows me to learn to climb waterfalls, this super badge allows me to learn to surf... Zhou Xin said to the doctor seriously.

"It's really powerful, where did you get this tablet device?" Dr. Ohki asked curiously.

"I took it from the Silver Company in Golden City, it was made by Team Rocket, and I heard that collecting 8 original badges can create new Pokémon, but I don't know if it's true or not, but it's true that it allows trainers to learn Pokémon skills." Zhou Xin glanced around and saw a huge stone.

"Doctor, look." Zhou Xin walked to the stone and used the strange power technique, he borrowed the power of the Kabi beast, and the palm became the palm of the Kabi beast, easily pushing away the boulder.

"Awesome, the power of these badges is really extraordinary, is that flying technique growing Pokémon wings?" Dr. Ohki was intrigued by Zhou Xin.

"Doctor, I'll show you." Zhou Xin flew in the air, his appearance changed into a fire-breathing dragon for a while, a bijol, a large-billed finch, and finally a lightning bird.

"The power of science is really great, although it can't be used for combat, but in travel, these skills are very useful, Xiaoxin, I have a friend named Fuji Old Man, he is in Ziyuan Town, you should have seen him, he also has such a badge in his hand, you can go to him to ask for it, he was my fierce rival when he was young." Dr. Ohki said with a smile, but his thoughts returned to when he was younger.

"Doctor, I'll use your institute's computer." Seeing what the doctor was thinking, Zhou Xin went to the research institute in the front yard.

Zhou Xin changed a few Pokémon on his body, after all, he will go to the league to participate in the competition in a few days, and he can't use too high a level, otherwise there will be no sense of achievement.

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