"Xiao Xin, the unconscious boy in the center of the Pokémon, I have already investigated, he only began to unconscious after touching a toy on his birthday not long ago." Detective Nazi said.

"Toys?" Zhou Xin wondered.

"Well, it's a voodoo doll toy, the boy is cursed, and the doll toy was given by his uncle." Detective Nazi used her superpowers to find out clearly.

"Well, the world is falling, when you have the opportunity to meet his uncle, teach him a lesson, Sister Nazi, how to break the curse of this voodoo doll, do you know?" Zhou Xin asked curiously.

"I don't understand this, I heard about the cult when I was in Team Rocket before, and they would use voodoo dolls, but the cult organization has not appeared in the Guandu area for many years, and I heard that the last time I showed my face was in Ziyuan Town, and I was defeated by powerful trainers at that time." Nazi also didn't understand anything.

"Don't think too much about things you don't know, Sister Nazi, how much do you know about Team Rocket on the Orange Islands?" Zhou Xin asked, what kind of cult organization, that is the black force in the past, the current black force is the rocket team, Zhou Xin cares about them.

"I don't know, I'm not interested in the Rockets, so I haven't learned about them, but with Xiaoxin's current strength, the Rockets can't threaten you anymore." Nazi said with a smile.

Seeing Nazi's beautiful appearance, Zhou Xin couldn't help it, suddenly he was five years older, and the hormones in his body also increased a lot.

Dismantling his disguised superpowers, he immediately became a 15-year-old boy, no shorter than Nazi.

"You, you, how could you?" Nazi was surprised and stammered, but the person in front of her was indeed Zhou Xin.

"It's me, Xiaoxin, the superancient Pokémon gave me superpowers and made me 5 years older, I'm afraid that you won't be able to accept it for a while, so I use superpowers to disguise yourself." Zhou Xinyi hugged Nazi into his arms.

The beautiful and moving Nazi in front of him, he has wanted to hold her for a long time.

"Xiaoxin, you, you are so manly." Nazi's face turned red all of a sudden, but she still let Zhou Xin hold her.

"Thank you, Nazi, thank you for accompanying me all the way, favoring me, and I will love you well." Zhou Xin said gently, and kissed her lips, this was his first kiss, he had never been so active before, basically other girls kissed his face.

Zhou Xin was a mature sea king when he was in the Blue Star World, and he looked very skillful in front of the simple Nazi, and a hug and warm kiss had already made Nazi dizzy, of course, our intimacy stopped at kissing, and it would be rude to go further.

"Xiaoxin, does Sister Anne know?" Nazi blushed and asked.

"I don't know, let's tell her when the time is ripe, let's go back to the hotel, Pikachu and Annie are waiting for us." Zhou Xin disguised himself again with his superpowers, took Nazi's hand and went back to the hotel where they were staying.

As the first island of the Orange Islands, there is no rocket team, and Zhou Xin plans to stay overnight, and the next day they leave to go to the next island.

The difference between the wild Pokémon in the Orange Islands and Guandu is so big, Zhou Xin was shocked, just take the common Bobo, in the Orange Islands is actually a Hercules feature, this characteristic is quite fierce.

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