"Follow this cliff and you will reach the Golden City, which is shown on the map."

Zhou Xin opened the wireless phone in his hand to query the real-time map.

They disembarked this morning, and the boat was docked and could go ashore, but it was surrounded by high cliffs.

"Xiaoxin, you see, a lot of big butterflies."

In the direction Anne pointed, there was indeed a large pile of butterflies.

"It may be that the season of love has arrived, where the butterflies gather, find objects, and then cross this ocean together to lay eggs in the distance." Zhou Xin said.

"Sounds romantic." Anne said.

"There are hot air balloons available for rent in front, let's rent one, let's get closer."

Zhou Xin pulled Annie to rent a hot air balloon.

"Wow, great view, so many big butterflies." Anne said with emotion on the hot air balloon.

"Yes, a lot of couples to Bada butterfly, go, Bada butterfly." Zhou Xin released his Ba Da Butter, "Go and find a good object, Ba Da Butter." "

Ba Da Butterfly, come on." Anne said.

Zhou Xin and there were a large number of hot air balloons around them, and a large number of Ba Da butterflies were released, it seems that they are all trainers who have Ba Da butterflies.

Zhou Xin's Ba Da Butterfly quickly found his favorite Ba Da Butterfly, which looked quite ordinary and nothing special.

Zhou Xin's Ba Da butter is stronger than the surrounding ones, plus the Ba Da butter it picks is very ordinary, and there are no other Ba Da butterflies to compete with.

Butterfly flew back with his girlfriend.

"Xiaoxin, thank you for your company during this time, I'm leaving." Ba Da Butterfly said goodbye to Zhou Xin.

"Uh-huh, the banquet in the world, a better tomorrow is still waiting for you, you have to have more babies." Zhou Xin smiled and said goodbye to Ba Da Butter, who followed Zhou Xin for a long time and had a good feeling.

After bidding farewell to Ba Da Butterfly, Zhou Xin and Annie walked into a forest, and according to the map, they could reach Golden City by passing through this forest.

"Finally a new trainer has arrived."

A pair of mysterious eyes looked at Zhou Xin and Annie, and the road in front of Zhou Xin and the two was filled with a strong mysterious atmosphere.

While walking, Zhou Xin and Annie saw a little girl clapping a white ball, the little girl's weird laughter attracted Zhou Xin Annie, following the little girl, Zhou Xin and Annie actually walked out of the forest.

But looking back, the little girl disappeared, and what entered the very prosperous city in front of him was a very prosperous city.

"Xiaoxin, we have arrived, Golden City, such a beautiful city."

It's night, and the golden city is full of all kinds of lights.

"yes, let's go."

It is not very convenient to have no bidiao, this way is a little tired, Zhou Xin wants to go to the Pokémon center to get the bidiao back.

Golden City arrived

, "This city is so big." Anne said with emotion.

"Yes, let's go to the Pokémon Center for one night first."

Zhou Xin used the teleportation device of the Pokémon Center to teleport his Dabi Divine back from Dr. Ohki's research institute, and it was more convenient to have a flying Pokémon.

At night, Zhou Xin fell asleep with Annie and Pikachu.

Falling asleep, they wake up, only to find themselves in an unfamiliar room.

There was a lot of stuff in the room, food, play, and the little girl with the weird laughter, patting the ball.

"You guys, come and play with me." The little girl commanded.

Next, Zhou Xin and Annie, Pikachu found that his body was out of control, and whatever the little girl said, they had to do.

Zhou Xin remembered what Ash had told him that Nazi would have superpowers and would turn humans into little dolls.

Such a terrifying superpower, people actually have Pokémon abilities.

Zhou Xin and Annie couldn't control themselves for the time being, and could only be used by the little girl as a doll to pretend to be a family wine.

This lasted for five hours, and the little girl got tired of playing before they woke up.

"It's terrible, Nazi's superpower." Zhou Xin said.

"Yes, Xiaoxin, what should I do." Anne didn't want to be a doll anymore.

"No wonder Ash they are going to catch the Pokémon of the ghost department, although I also have one on me, it's a pity that it's too weak and not Nazi's opponent at all, let's leave Golden City first." After Zhou Xin finished speaking, he left in a hurry with Annie.

In the first generation, superpowered Pokémon were already very against the sky, but Nazi, who had superpowers, was even more against the sky, and Zhou Xin had to raise the level of the little ghost to protect himself and Annie from the control of superpowers.

By the way, Zhou Xin almost forgot that he still has a Yongjira, and when there is a vacant seat on his body, he will teleport it over to cultivate.

The two plus a Pikachu sat on the eagle and flew for a while, away from the golden city.

On the way, Zhou Xin and Annie saw a small dilapidated castle, it was already dark, and they decided to stay overnight.

The castle door was not closed, and Zhou Xin and Annie went directly in.

"Xiaoxin, how do I feel gloomy, or let's go out." Anne said with some fear.

"It's okay, I'll protect you." Zhou Xin sent the little ghost.

The little ghost made a sound, and the ghost in the small castle, the ghost stone, and the geng ghost came out together.

"Sister Annie, don't be afraid, they have no malice, let's play together."

Who doesn't like purple-skinned fat people, Geng Ghost is too cute.

In this way, Zhou Xin and Annie played with the ghosts here for the night, this castle was left by the ghosts and their masters, their original owner died, they didn't want to leave this castle, so they never left.

Zhou Xin and Annie plan to live temporarily, on the one hand, it is better than sleeping, on the other hand, this road is the only way for Ziyuan Town to go to Jinhuang City, and Xiaozhi and they will definitely pass through here if they leave Ziyuan Town.

Zhou Xin looked for a few grasslands with more Pokémon and began his leveling road, he wanted to train the level of all the Pokémon he carried, and there were super many good injuries on his body, enough for him to train here all the time.

Pikachu has reached level 54 since the Onyx Jellyfish incident, and there is too much experience required, so leave the experience to other Pokémon.

Zhou Xin asked Pokémon to find wild Pokémon to fight by himself, and Miao Froghua, a helpful guy, asked it to take the little ghost to upgrade.

"That's it, Pikachu, accumulate power to the tail, and then smash it into the rock."

Zhou Xin is training Pikachu to use the iron tail, Pikachu's skill attribute strike surface is too few, and multiple iron tails are much better.

Time goes back and comes to the Ash trio.

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