"Welcome to the dark web, bro, do you want to hire a killer to take out your enemies?" A new program elf stopped Zhou Xin and his group.

"Can a multilateral beast kill?" Zhou Xin asked.

"What are you kidding?" The program elf said.

"You kiddied first." After Zhou Xin finished speaking, the program elf gave way.

"Okay, I've collected all the keys." Zhou Xin handed the key to the program elf at the firewall.

"..." The program elf got the key and immediately attacked Zhou Xin, and was swept to the ground by Pikachu's iron tail.

"It's infected with a virus, we have to remove it." Kojiro said.

Pikachu knocked it down, it disappeared, and then the firewall disappeared.

Zhou Xin, Pikachu, and Kojiro came to the next place.

"The dark web exists to hide files and data, and yet now people come here to do illegal things." A program elf complained.

A protective net appeared in front of Zhou Xin's group, Zhou Xin inserted the alpha key to try, and the protective net was opened.

Then came the voice, "The system is destroyed, the antivirus program starts, starts immediate removal, starts..."

Zhou Xin looked confused.

“Comazzaz az 121 !12 01011201 01!

Rel 12121 x12 eassee 221zz...

""Antiviral activation."

Then a level 100 mutant elf appeared, like a small snake, red, with some blue spots on the body, only one eye, looking strange and scary.

Although it has level 100, it is not resistant to fighting, and was defeated by Zhou Xin's Pikachu in two moves, and Zhou Xin casually threw out the Pokeball to subdue it.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Ohki, if you're here, it means that the creature behind me has broken the antivirus program and stopped the removal program to remove it from our world." Ohmud said.

"Dr. Ohki?" Zhou Xin was surprised, but it was a little like him, could it be Dr. Ohki's ancestor.

"This coffin is a prison of creatures called zero, it is an invasive species that originates in another dimension, it jumps from one dimension to another... Destroy them one by one ... It is sealed in the dimension of faithfulness.

But it was brought to this world through a dark pact made by a group of cultists that my organization and I were able to seal it before it could regain its full strength.

My ancestors tried to destroy it, but it was too powerful, so we came up with the idea of using soul drives to convert it into data and lock it deep in the network, a secret place called the Red Hall, which was set up not specifically for imprisonment, but to destroy zero once and for all.

However, even when it is sealed in the network, it is still powerful enough to affect the world..."

Zhou Xin was a little speechless, his Multilateral Beast 4 had not yet been eliminated, and a stronger big boss appeared.

"Therefore, you have two choices, one is to leave now, I will watch it here as the last line of defense of humanity, and the other is to defeat me, if you think you can deal with Zero, you can challenge me to try." Ohmud said.

Zhou Xin used the master identification technique to identify the Pokémon on Damude's body.

6 level 255 Pokémon, Charizard, Frog Flower, Water Arrow Turtle, Coconut Egg Tree, Tyrannosaurus, Kentairo.

Didn't the little black dog say up to 120 levels? These 255 levels can't beat the head.

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