"Little Dan." Yuji said angrily.

"Sorry, Yuji, we have to find some time to catch up." Xiao Dan said lightly.

"Have you forgotten your duties as the master of the Taoist Hall?" Yuji questioned.

"I'm an adventurous person, Yuji, and the original life was too boring for me." Dan continued.

"What an idiot...," Yuji said.

"What?" Dr. Ohki, who came to rest in the background, saw the mechanical large-billed finch, the mechanical tyrannosaurus, and a large number of Alidos.

"These Pokémon?" Dr. Uchiki was also surprised.

"Apollo, we order you to surrender." Yuji said.

"Hahaha, ridiculous, you are smarter than we remember, but you are too late, your handsome guys and other police officers have been killed by our Alidos." Apollo said with a smile.

"You can't escape." Xiao Mao, who healed the Pokémon, arrived with Ash.

They also brought Xiao Gang, Xiao Xia, Lijia, Masaki, Nanami, and Aunt Hanako.

"Oh, I don't run away, these Pokémon will kill you, just like your friends, Ayi." Apollo said with a smile.

"Ah Yi, what did you do to him?" Yuji asked angrily, he had always regarded Ayi as a younger brother.

"Haha, they're being tested by our cyborg pet Venom." Apollo said with a smile.

It seems that Apollo did not know that the person had been rescued by Nazi.

"You'd better be prepared to face our retaliation." Musashi and Mew Mew came, and they recovered.

"It's double revenge." Kojiro continued.

"That's it, Meow." Meow said.

"Hopefully I'm not too late." Ayi also came.

"Ayi." Yuji said.

"How is this possible? The headquarters is heavily guarded, and it is impossible for a few of you to get them out without even a single scratch. Apollo couldn't believe it.

"Because I'm familiar with headquarters." Kojiro said with a smile.

"Then count me in." Nazi makes a domineering appearance.

"It's you, super girl of Golden City, Nazi." Apollo was surprised.

"And me, Apollo, you are as hateful as Sakaki." Mewtwo appeared.

"Kill them all." Apollo gave an order, and the elite of the rocket team in the orange citrus forest continuously brought Alidos over with Hudi.

Time goes back to the point in time when Nazi and they rescued.

Nazi, Xiaolan, and Kojiro went separately, and the headquarters of the Pokémon Association was full of minions.

Kolan sneaks in in in disguise, and Kojiro is familiar with the area of the headquarters.

Nazi hit it all the way in.

She sent Hudi, Natural Bird, Gotha Duck, Magic Wall dolls.

What she didn't expect was that the Pokémon used by the Pokémon Association minions were all cyborg pets, large-mouthed bats, stinger jellyfish, Kentairo, drill-horned rhinoceros and Alidos.

"Who are you?"

"How did you get in?"

"You're here to rescue prisoners, aren't you, it's impossible for you to succeed."

"You're just a woman, don't be too reluctant."

The level is all level 80 cyborg monsters, but Nazi does not panic at all, her Pokémon are all super Pokémon, although they are also level 80, but after the increase of her own super powers, they can increase their attributes from level 10 to level 20.

These Pokémon Association minions have become her experience package along the way.

"Ayi." Xiao Lan shouted.

"Their bodies are as stiff as stones, they must be poisonous, we have to send them to the Pokémon Center for treatment as soon as possible." Kojiro said.

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