"See for yourselves, Yuji and Xiaoxin in Zhenxin Town, the super girl of Jinhuang City." Apollo said.

Yongji and Zhou Xin, Nazi looked down from the peak.

The whole island of Orange is full of cyborg pets, mechanical Alidos, mechanical tyrannosaurus, mechanical drill-horned rhinoceros, mechanical large-billed finches, mechanical stinger jellyfish, and mechanical large-billed bats.

"Hahoo... Hahoo... No... It can't be..." Yuji was stunned by what he saw, the amount was amazing.

"Oblivious... Boom..."the voice of the mechanical Alidos.

They attack passers-by on the street.

"Ahhhh... Help me... Ahhh


"Boom," Alidos raged havoc.

"Damn, Apollo, you have the controllers in your hands, get them to stop." Yuji said angrily.

"This can't be, Bidiao takes me to the lab." Apollo released the eagle and fled on it.

"You don't want to escape, Charizard." Yuji also had a fire-breathing dragon flying on him, and he quickly rode to chase it.

"Nazi, let's go too, come out, fossil pterosaur." The fossil pterosaur flew the fastest, and Zhou Xin and Nazi rode on the fossil pterosaur and also chased after it.

Xiao Mao Xiao Zhi Xiao Lan, just defeating the 70 or 80 cyborg pets backstage of the venue, has exhausted their Pokémon, or with the help of Mewtwo.

Those cyborg pets are too high-level, their attributes are good, and they will explode if they don't agree with each other, and Xiao Mao is already good that they are not injured.

Mewtwo sent everyone to the Pokémon Center for treatment.

The entire city of Citrus Island is full of cyborg pets, there are no more living people on the streets, and the Pokémon Center has become a refuge.

Mewtwo couldn't deal with so many cyborg pets in a row on his own, but he promised Zhou Xin to protect his friends for him.

Mewtwo opened the shield to protect the center of the Pokémon from being spoiled by those cyborgs.

Nurse Joey, knowing that Xiao Mao and the others were the main combat force, gave priority to helping them treat Pokémon.

Apollo and Yuji entered the Pokémon Association building.

Zhou Xin and Nazi also came to the door of the Pokémon Association building.

Looking at the messy orange island, there are dead people everywhere.

"Alas, it's too late... Even if Apollo is stopped, nothing can be redeemed. "

Zhou Xin is a little lost, although he is strong, but it is the first time to encounter such a tragic thing, how to say that there are one or two thousand permanent residents in Orange Island, plus the Orange League competition travels here, and a large number of trainers and tourists have poured in.

But only half a day has passed, and there is not a single living person left, only the Pokémon Center protected by Mewtwo, where there are one or two hundred people.

"Xiao Xin, cheer up, if we don't stop him, it's not just Tachibana Island that will cause disaster." Nazi said.

Zhou Xin was silent.

"Now there is only this island, let's defeat Apollo first, and then clean up the cyborg pets of this island." Nazi said.

"It's the same thing, there's no reason to grind anymore, it's my bad, let's go, Nazi." Zhou Xin was very happy, and when he was confused, he had Nazi with him.

At this time, Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi, Xiao Lan, Xiao Gang, Lijia, Xiao Xia, and Aunt Hanako, who have recovered their Pokémon physical strength, came out.

"Xiaoxin, you can go, we will handle it here." Xiao Mao said.

"Yes, we will defeat all the cyborg pets on this island." Ash said firmly.

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