Soon, the supporting police officers came, they had already arrested all the cyborg Pokémon in the entire Tachibana Island, and the impact of this incident was too great, and the officials did not dare to release the actual casualty figures.

Zhou Xin and Nazi went back to the Pokémon Center, rested for a while, and Yongji came.

"Only Apollo himself escaped, everyone else was arrested, Medusa, Dan, Galen, and Atsumi were all being interrogated." Yongji said to Zhou Xin.

"And Galen?" Zhou Xin saw that Galen finally helped, and thought that he didn't have to go to trial.

"Yes, he was part of the Apollo program after all, and although he eventually changed his position, he still had to pay for what he did." Yuji said.

"What about those cyborg pets?" Zhou Xin asked.

"They've been brought under control, and I've sent a plea to the board to send a team of engineers to try to reverse the cybernetics enhancement, or at least restore the free will of these Pokémon." Yuji said.

"Well, hope to handle it, Pokémon are innocent." Zhou Xin said with a smile.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Xiaoxin from Zhenxin Town, no, it should be said that the new champion of the Orange League, come to the arena next week, we will hold a grand ceremony for you, I will go first."

Yuji is a man of ups and downs, who comes and goes fast.

"Xiaoxin." Not long after Yuji left, Xiaoran, Ash, Shigeru, and Dr. Uchiki, Dr. Ohki, and Aunt Hanako all came to him.

"Hey guys, you're all right." Seeing that his partners and elders were safe, Zhou Xin was very happy.

Xiao Lan was a little sad.

"Xiaoxin, I think you should sit down." Xiao Mao said.

"Hahaha, I'm okay." Zhou Xin felt that they were a little strange.

Dr. Ohki stopped talking.

"Shin, there are some things you should know..." said Dr. Uchiki.

"What's wrong with you guys, haven't we already won? We should celebrate. Zhou Xin asked with a smile.

"Sobbing... Sob... Xiao Xin, your..." Xiao Lan cried.

"What?" Zhou Xin was a little inexplicable.

"Xiaoxin, your mother her, at the beginning of the game, a bad guy from the Pokémon Association came and said to arrange a seat for her, and the result was to take her away." Aunt Hanako said.

"We couldn't find her, so we asked the police who came to support, and they interrogated the woman from Medusa, and she said she had taken your mother to a cave in the rock.

But there was nothing left in the cave except a set of clothes, and there was a lot of blood at the scene, and we think your mother was killed..." said Dr. Ohki.

Zhou Xin wanted to say something, but he didn't tell the people around him about this, so they didn't know, but they didn't know where to start for a while.

At this time, Pink appeared with his mother.

"Everyone, I'm fine, Xiaofan saved me." Mera said.

Everyone immediately recovered from their grief, especially Aunt Hanako, who had the best relationship with Mera.

Zhou Xin didn't explain, anyway, my mother is fine, so give the credit to Xiaofan.

Everyone is reunited.

The devastating attack from Team Rocket and the Pokémon Association caused an outcry against the board, and more than eighty percent of the population of the Orange Islands signed the petition demanding a review of all employees under the board, the dojo owner of the Orange Alliance.

Dan and Atsumi are suspected of being members of Team Rockets and are currently facing charges, and they will appear in court in a few weeks.

This was the news headline of the day in Pokémon World.

A week later, news reported

that Medusa, a senior official of the Pokémon Association, had been sentenced to death, and that the leader Apollo had not yet been found.

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