"Forget it, Eggman lends me a while." Zhou Xin said.

"Okay, you take it."

Although the magician didn't know what Zhou Xin was going to do, he still obediently gave Zhou Xin's Spirit Ball.

"Annie, let's go."

Zhou Xin released the fire-breathing dragon, rode the fire-breathing dragon with Annie, went to the wild to brush Pokémon brush experience, he had a learning device on him, brushed for a while, raised the egg to level 30, and then took out the leaf stone bought in Sidto City to help it evolve into a coconut egg tree.

"Okay, Mr. Ma Jian, you can think about magic, I have helped you evolve the egg into a coconut egg tree."

Zhou Xin returned the Pokéball to him and left, because he was hungry, and there would be no lunch at the Pokémon Center later.

"Xiaoxin, you are really reliable, that Mr. Ma Jian is in his 20s, and he still has achieved nothing." During the meal, Anne said with emotion.

"I'm the protagonist, different, with a halo, Annie, you wear a skirt so beautiful, usually wear more skirts." Zhou Xin said with a smile.

"Well, if you like it." Anne still blushed easily.

Zhou Xin's trip with Annie continues.

Zhou Xin: "It turns out that the light I saw just now is neon."

Annie: "It's so luxurious, it's really worthy of Neon City."

"Oh, why didn't I hit it again." The city also has a game hall.

Zhou Xin: "According to the information on the mobile phone, this place is famous for the city that never sleeps."

Annie: "Xiaoxin, what is the city that never sleeps?"

Zhou Xin: "It's just lively 24 hours a day."

Annie: "That's what it means, I see."

Zhou Xin was walking and was hit by a thin airplane head.

Nose of the plane: "What the hell, it hurts me."

Zhou Xin: "You hit me, the wicked sued first?"

Head: "What do you say, you want to get beaten, don't you?"

At this time, Miss Junsha, who was on patrol, came over.

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, go fast."

"Go, the recent imp is too arrogant." After saying that, the head of the plane left.

Miss Junsha: "Little friend, how can you come out and wander around at night."

Zhou Xin: "We just arrived at this place."

Miss Junsha: "As soon as you arrived, you quickly checked into the hotel in the Pokémon Center, and everyone in this place is easily angry."

"Easy?" Even Miss Junsha looked impatient and angry.

Miss Junsha: "Yes, everyone rarely sleeps, so their temper becomes irritable and irritable, you don't even have to explain this kind of trifle, can you!"

Miss Passerby: "What, nasty."

"It's starting again, really."

No wonder Miss Junsha has a bad temper, it turns out that the whole city has a bad temper, and she ran to persuade peace.

The next day, Zhou Xin and Annie woke up from the hotel in the Pokémon Center, and just walked to the street, they found that a large number of people were arguing and fighting because of some small things, and the people playing in the game hall were still playing.

Zhou Xin: "Let's leave."

Annie: "That's right, it's really noisy here."

Zhou Xin and Annie left Neon City and came to the forest outside the city.

Annie: "It's still more comfortable in this quiet place."

Zhou Xin: "Yes, yesterday was so noisy that I couldn't sleep well."

Annie: "Xiaoxin, you see, that fat Ding, is the fat Ding who directly put me to sleep in Hualan City, it has a colored pen in his hand, there is nothing wrong with this."

The average fat Ding didn't take anything in his hands.

"It's pretty cute, haven't you already taken one." Zhou Xin looked at Annie and wanted to continue to accept it.

Annie: "It's okay, this one is cuter, and it's still holding a colored pen, and it's very personal."

Anne threw out her own Pokéball, "Go, Ichigo, Illusion Light." After

Fat Ding was hit, he immediately cried.

"Okay, don't be angry, just don't accept you, okay, sing to us."

Fat Ding kicked his foot, shook his head, and then spoke, Zhou Xin understood, and his throat was uncomfortable.

"Let's take you to the Pokémon Center."

So Zhou Xin and Annie took Fat Ding to the Pokémon Center in Neon City and did treatment.

Annie: "The city is still so noisy."

Zhou Xin: "Yes, Pokémon Center, isn't there a broadcast?" Let the fat ding sing, let the whole city get some sleep. Zhou

Xin immediately went to Miss Joy, his advice was affirmed, and Fat Ding was grateful to them for helping him heal his throat, so Fat Ding sang over the radio.

Fat Ding's singing voice is very good, but at the same time its song has a hypnotic effect, and soon the whole city falls asleep.

Even Zhou Xin and Annie fell asleep in the center of the Pokémon, and the angry fat Ding painted Zhou Xin and Annie's faces with a colored pen.

But the whole city has a good night's sleep comfortably, which is also good.

It wasn't until the afternoon that everyone woke up.

Passerby A: "I remember yesterday, I seemed to have a fight with you, didn't I?" I'm sorry.

Passerby B: "Where, I should apologize to you."

Nose of the plane: "Boy, I hit you last night and scolded you, I'm really sorry, please forgive me."

Zhou Xin waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm also at fault."

The whole city is much more peaceful, people are smiling, which is really good, and people need to sleep once in a while.

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