Nazi: "This temporary headquarters is quite large, and there is also a temporary Pokémon center."

Zhou Xin: "After all, Yuji said that the Pokémon inside are very high-level and very warlike, and tourists who mistakenly enter it will be very dangerous, and a temporary Pokémon center can help somewhat."

Before coming, Zhou Xin prepared a large number of Pokéballs, and the Pokémon on them were of great research value, and Dr. Uchiki and Dr. Ohki talked to Zhou Xin.

If you can, take more different Pokémon and let them study it, after all, gene fusion is a field that these decent researchers usually dare not think about and cannot touch.

Nazi: "Xiaoxin, what are we going to do next?"

Zhou Xin: "Let's go to the headquarters first, Yongji said that he invited a lot of strong people."

Zhou Xin took Nazi to the headquarters.

Guard: "Sir, miss, please show your alliance ID."

Zhou Xin: "What is the Alliance ID?"

Guard: "Register and log in as an alliance trainer, there will be an ID, you can go to the machine over there to inquire."

Zhou Xin: "Okay, thank you."

Zhou Xin and Nazi to the machine query not far away, Zhou Xin is the owner of the book, as long as you insert the book, you can find the ID, Zhou Xin's ID is 930918.

Nazi did not have a book, but put in her alliance card, the alliance card and the bank card mean similarly, the battle points have been upgraded to alliance coins, and all trainers who register to become an alliance can apply for an alliance card.

Nazi's ID is 920826.

"Mr. Xiaoxin, Miss Nazi, please come in." The guard politely gave way to a path.

Entering the headquarters hall, there were really many people inside, including Miss Joy, Miss Junsha, Officer Henry, Interpol, handsome guys, and many trainers, but most of them were raw faces.

Zhou Xin was also a raw face, and Nazi didn't make much friends, so they didn't attract the attention of those present.

It was 9 a.m., and Zhou Xin and Nazi were sitting in a corner of the hall, eating sandwiches and drinking milk from large milk tanks.

Many people came one after another, and Zhou Xin saw Xiao Yin, Ah Jin, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao all coming.

Zhou Xin thought that something shocking must have happened, and even the protagonist group came over.

Zhou Xin used teleportation to leave the headquarters hall, then used his superpowers to disguise himself as a 13-year-old and log in with the old booklet to re-enter.

He also wants to challenge the Chengdu League, if others know that he is the champion and go to play the league, it is embarrassing.

Xiao Zhi: "Xiao Xin, Xiao Mao, you really came over."

Xiao Mao: "Yes, I received Mr. Yongji's invitation, and I came back from Chengdu."

Zhou Xin: "I'm the same, I heard that Mysterious Island has a large number of unknown Pokémon, I don't know if you two have enough Pokéballs."

Ash: "No, I met Master Konah when I was in the Vortex Islands, and then I came with me on her boat."

Zhou Xin took out two capsule boxes, each containing 99 ordinary Spirit Balls, and then divided them between Xiao Mao and Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Mao: "Thank you, Xiaoxin, you talk first, I'll go call grandpa."

When Zhou Xin and Xiao Zhi exchanged pleasantries, Xiao Yin and Ah Jin came over, they were both fans of Zhou Xin, and they also had Zhou Xin's help.

Ah Jin: "New brother, I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Xiao Yin: "Me too, new brother, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Zhou Xin: "Xiaozhi, let me introduce you, his name is Akin, he is a rookie trainer, and he is now challenging the Guandu Alliance, his name is Xiaoyin, we have met him before."

Xiao Zhi: "I know, that Xiao Yin who has been following Xiao Lan all the time, right, congratulations, you have all debuted."

Xiao Yin: "Thank you, Xiao Zhi, and the new brother, then you can talk, I still have something."

Xiao Yin is relatively withdrawn, and if it weren't for Zhou Xin's presence, he would definitely not take the initiative to chat with others.

Akin is more chatty, and talked to Ash about the things he encountered in the Guandu area, if not, he plans to investigate the mysterious island, he wants to challenge Ash to see, after all, Ash is the runner-up of the Guandu Alliance and the runner-up of the Orange Alliance.

Akin and Ash are still communicating happily, and Xiaoxin has already come to Xiao Yin's side.

Zhou Xin: "Is the trip to the Taoist Hall in Chengdu still going well?"

Xiao Yin: "It's okay, I, I've got 4 badges."

Zhou Xin: "Uh-huh, not bad, there are many unknown Pokémon on Mysterious Island, these Poké Balls are for you, so come on."

Xiao Yin: "Thank you new brother."

Xiaoyin sighed that the new brother was really gentle.

Zhou Xin returned to Nazi and discussed whether to sneak into the mysterious island at night.

The hall of the headquarters is becoming more and more lively, and the big people are coming one after another.

A mature woman with a perfect body and a delicate face, Master Konah attracted the attention of the men and boys present as soon as he came.

Master Xiba (Guandu Chengdu Fighting Heavenly King), Grandma Juzi (Guandu Alliance Ghost Heavenly King), Ah Ju (Chengdu Alliance Poison Heavenly King), Yishu (Chengdu Alliance Super Power Heavenly King), Lihua (Chengdu Alliance Evil Heavenly King) also came, but Mr. Bu Transition did not come, which surprised Zhou Xin.

Of course, there are many trainers that Zhou Xin does not know, and Zhou Xin simply swept the Pokémon on their bodies with a god-level identification technique, and the level is above 60.

Those invited by Yongji are not weak.

Yuji was belated, he briefly talked about the incident and released the pictures of unknown Pokémon taken by remote cameras on the big screen.

The photo attracted the attention of all the trainers, who cheered and wanted to go to Mysterious Island for the first time.

Seeing that everyone was dusty and a little tired, Yongji proposed to set off for the Mysterious Island together tomorrow morning.

Zhou Xin was not so honest, he ate and drank, and even took a bath, he took Nazi into the black hole body of Geng Ghost, and sneaked into the mysterious island by taking advantage of the night.

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