"Rumble Rock, Big Bang." The rumbling rock, which is submerged by the waves, can be supported because of its strong characteristics, and Musashi is also a very strong trainer.

Longlongyan self-detonated, the red tyrannosaurus has huge characteristics, can't dodge at all, and eats this damage alive, but the tyrannosaurus is enough meat, and this move explosion can't take it away.

"Come back, Rumble Rock, go, Drill Horned Rhinoceros." Another level 50 powerful ground Pokémon.

"Drill-horned rhinoceros, super horned collision." The huge drill-horned rhinoceros beast rushed towards the red tyrannosaurus.

"Tyrannosaurus, dodge, Dance of the Dragon." The Red Tyrannosaurus was much faster than the bulky Horned Rhinoceros and successfully performed the Dragon Dance.

When defeating Rumble Rock, the Red Tyrannosaurus's confident excess trait is activated, the attack power is increased, and after the Dragon Dance, the speed is increased, and the attack power continues to increase.

"Tyrannosaurus, climbing the waterfall." Without suspense, the drill-horned rhinoceros with the characteristics of the stone head was taken away by the red tyrannosaurus.

The red scales on the red tyrannosaurus flashed, the self-confidence excess characteristic continued to launch, and the attack power continued to increase.

"Come back, Horned Rhinoceros, go, King Nido." The size is 1.5 times that of the ordinary Nido King, and the lord-level Nido King has a level of up to 60.

"Cow, Musashi, Boss Sakaki, such a powerful Pokémon is handed over to you." Zhou Xin said with a smile.

"Our boss trusts us, and our King Nido will never lose." Musashi said confidently, there were many powerful trainings to defeat the first two Pokémon, but they always folded on this lord-level King Nido.

Zhou Xin did not dare to underestimate it, and quickly used the super identification technique.

King Nido "Lord Level

" Poison System, Ground System, Level 60

Characteristic Forcible, Potential S, Prop Life Orb

Skill: Frozen Light, 100,000 Volts, Earthquake, Jet Flame

"Lying groove, all great moves." Zhou Xin got serious, this King Nido is too strong.

"Tyrannosaurus, climbing the waterfall." The red tyrannosaurus relied on the speed advantage to give priority to the climbing waterfall, and this Nido King did not hide, and took this climbing waterfall hard, and at the same time made 100,000 volts.

The waves conducted, the red tyrannosaurus had nowhere to escape, was hit perfectly, and the damage from the big explosion just now was still there, this 100,000 volts was forcibly increased by the characteristics of King Nido by 30% of the power, and was increased by 30% of the power by the Orb of Life, directly taking away the red tyrannosaurus that was also a lord-level.

Zhou Xin hurriedly gave the seriously injured red tyrannosaurus resurrection grass, and the red tyrannosaurus instantly returned to its perfect state, but it could not continue to fight, and it was illegal to use drug treatment to continue fighting.

Zhou Xin didn't want to delay its treatment because of this battle for too long, so he used the precious resurrection grass for the first time, the old man gave 5 resurrection grasses, and finally used the first one, these things are worth tens of thousands of battle points, this is a real Pokémon battle, Pokémon will really die because of the battle.

"Come back, Tyrannosaurus, go to the Frog Flower." Before Zhou Xin came to play Tokiwa Taoist Hall, he deliberately replaced the wind speed dog with a Miao Frog Flower, after all, it is a ground system Taoist Hall, if the tyrannosaurus can't wear three at once, he has to rely on the Miao Frog Flower.

However, Zhou Xin's Miao Frog Flower level is only level 50, and he has not brought training, and the level is a bit much worse than King Nido.

King Nido didn't need Musashi to command at all, this is a very mature Pokémon, saw the Myo Frog Flower, and directly used jet flame.

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