Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 143 I don't have a nephew like you, you are my uncle

After Xiao Luoxue finished speaking, Xiao Chengtian was directly angry.

"What did you say? How does Zhang Chongtian manage the gym?"

"Don't worry, I'll have an explanation with that guy right away, I think he doesn't want to open this gym anymore.

With Elite's power, it is not difficult to close a gymnasium, even if it is the imperial capital gymnasium, if Xiao Chengtian uses the relationship, the imperial capital gymnasium will definitely be closed.

Now Jiang Chen and the others are not in a hurry, but Qi Xuan is a little panicked, these people don't seem to be ordinary people.

However, when he thought that the master of the gymnasium was his uncle, Qi Xuan suddenly felt relieved.

"I advise you to apologize to me, otherwise..."


A slap slapped the back of his head, almost knocking him to the ground, and Zhang Chongtian with a dark complexion came out of it.

"Otherwise, what else do you want? I asked you to work in the gym, but I didn't expect you to be such a Power Trip. Get out of here now."

Zhang Chongtian Rage roared.

Qi Xuan, who wanted to scold him even after being beaten, trembled when he heard Zhang Chongtian's voice.


"Don't call me uncle, I don't have a nephew like you. You are my uncle. Get the hell out of here."

Zhang Zhongtian kicked Qi Xuan away with one kick.

Then an apologetic smile appeared on his face: "I'm sorry, I apologize to this guy for offending you.

He was almost killed by his nephew, the daughter of an Elite, and the son of a champion. He also dared to provoke him. Zhang Chongtian said that he was not that brave.

Even though he is the owner of the Imperial Gym, his status is quite high, but if the Elite and the champion want to rectify him, the 673 Imperial Gym will be closed in minutes.

"I'm here to challenge the gym, so let's get to the point.

Jiang Chen waved his hand and gestured to Zhang Chongtian.


Zhang Chongtian nodded immediately. It was the first time that Zhang Chongtian had met the son of the new champion Jiang Yuan. Just looking at his appearance was not something that his nephew, who was trying to pay for his life, could not compare.

"You kick him out. If he dares to come in, hit him directly."

When taking Jiang Chen and the others in, Zhang Chongtian instructed the students of the Imperial Capital Gym.

In fact, to put it bluntly, what Zhang Chongtian is doing now is to save Qi Xuan, and if Jiang Chen and the others are not satisfied, Qi Xuan's end will definitely be worse.

"Master, we understand.

These people are usually very upset when they look at Qi Xuan. This guy is showing off his power because of his identity, and they all hate this guy in their hearts.

Now there is an opportunity to teach him a lesson, how can he not grasp it.

Jiang Chen and the others did not continue to care about Qi Xuan. To put it bluntly, Qi Xuan is a small person, and it is not worth their care.

"There are six Pokémons used in the Imperial Gym Festival, and Pokémons can be replaced during the battle.

Called the referee and told Jiang Chen about the rules of the challenge.

In fact, the challenge rules of each gym are the same, there is no difference.

"Go on, Doron Bartto.

"Druddigon, come out. 99

"(daab) What is this Pokémon? 99

Zhang Zhongtian was stunned when he saw Duolong Bartto. As the gym owner, he knew a lot about Pokémon, but he didn't know Duolong Bartuo at all.

Not only Zhang Chongtian, but also Xiao Luoxue and Jiang Chen were puzzled by Duolong Bartto, when did Jiang Chen subdue this strange-looking Pokémon.

"This Pokémon is called Doron Bartto, a new quasi-god, a Pokémon of the Dragon and Ghost types."9

Seeing that Xiao Luoxue didn't know her, Ling Wanqiu proudly introduced her to Xiao Luoxue.


With a light sigh, if Ling Wanqiu hadn't introduced it to her, she might have been interested in understanding it.

Now that Ling Wanqiu is telling her this, isn't that just showing off that she knows more about Jiang Chen than you do?

Jiang Chen's Duolong Bart's strength has improved very fast, with Draco Plate around, the speed of strength improvement can't be slowed down.

【Duolong Bartto】

gender: female

Strength: Quasi-Elite Level 7

Talent Potential: Champion

Attribute: Dragon, Ghost

Ability: Eternal Pure Body

Moves: Dragon Darts, Dragon Breath, Quick Attack, Infestation, Hex, Double Hit, Dragon Dance, Phantom Force, Dragon Rush…

Rival Druddigon's strength is quasi-Elite ninth rank, there is some gap in strength, but Jiang Chen is sure to win.

"Dragon Bartto, use Dragon Darts.

After Jiang Chen instructed, Duolong Bart held the position of the top corner of his head, and two Duolong Messiahs ejected instantly.

The speed was so fast that it was ejected in the blink of an eye, and Druddigon was completely unresponsive.

"What a quick attack. 35

Zhang Zhongtian also didn't react. After Duolong Bartto hit Druddigon, he came back to his senses.

Because I don't know about Duolong Bartto, it is so easy to be recruited.

"Keep attacking, Doron Bartto, use Phantom Force."

When Druddigon got up to fight back, Duolong Bartto had disappeared. Just as Druddigon was searching for traces of Duolong Bartto, Duolong Bartto suddenly attacked from behind Druddigon.

With a scream, the battle has just started, and two big losses have been suffered.

"Quickly use Dragon Tail to attack behind you." Zhang Zhongtian immediately instructed Druddigon.

Smack Down is empty, Duolong Bartto has disappeared, and Duolong Bartto can't be found on the field at all.

"Ghost Pokémon?"

Zhang Chongtian guessed and asked.

Most of the abilities of stealth appear in Ghost-type Pokémon, and many Ghost-type Pokémon can hide in the shadows.

Among them, Gengar is very famous. After stealth, he suddenly emerges from the shadow to attack, which is impossible to guard against.

"Dragon Bartto, you also use Dragon Tail.

Suddenly, the current Doron Bartto, waving his transparent tail to hit him, but when the transparent tail attacked, he was very heavy.

The tail flicked, directly knocking Druddigon into the air, and immediately hit Druddigon with Dragon Rush.

Druddigon is a dragon-type Pokémon, and the dragon-type restrains the dragon-type. Druddigon has been unable to resist several consecutive moves.

The key is that when he wants to counterattack, Duolong Bart is haunted, and Druddigon can't hit Duolong Bart at all.


Although Ling Wanqiu saw Duolong Bart when she was looking for Jiang Chen, it was the first time she saw Duolong Bart's battle.

The elusive sneak attack, the unparalleled speed of terror, and the powerful attack, how could she, a dragon-type lover, be able to hold back.

"If I have the chance, I'll take a Doron Bartto too.

Ling Wanqiu said secretly.

Although Duolong Bartuo's appearance does not conform to Ling Wanqiu's aesthetics, it is undeniable that Duolong Bartuo's strength is indeed strong.

"Give it the final blow, use Dragon Pulse."

Jiang Chen instructed Duolong Bartto.

The wave of light filled with destructive energy hit Druddigon's body, and Druddigon, who had been beaten in a row, couldn't bear it.

"Druddigon is incapacitated.

The referee announced.

"Excuse me, this dragon, Bart, why haven't I heard of it?"

After putting away Druddigon, Zhang Zhongtian asked.

His favorite is also Dragon-type Pokémon. This gym is also a Dragon-type gym. He knows all about dragon-type Pokémon, but he has never heard of Duolong Bartto.

To be sure, this Pokémon is Dragon and Ghost.

Using so many dragon-type moves, and the power used is still so great, it must be a dragon-type Pokémon.

And that unique dark aura obviously belongs to the power of Ghost-type Pokémon.

"This is the new arrival of Pokémon, the quasi-god of the Dragon and Ghost types.

Because Zhang Chongtian treats him very well, so Meichen doesn't mind talking to Zhang Chongtian.

Anyway, sooner or later this will become a well-known thing, so it doesn't hurt to tell Zhang Chongtian.

"The new quasi-god."

Zhang Chongtian didn't doubt at all, Jiang Chen's identity didn't need to fool him, and Duolong Bartto's performance just now said that he was a quasi-god without any doubt.

"Come back, Doron Bart. 55

Jiang Chen took Duolong Bart back, seeing Jiang Chen taking Duolong Bart back, a pity flashed on Zhang Zhongtian's face, he still wanted to continue to see Duolong Bart's demeanor.


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