Pokemon: Born to Win at the Starting Line

Chapter 338 Jiang Chen advances to the top sixteen

Cheng Fei retrieved the incapacitated Rapidash and released Camerupt.

He has taken out three fire-type Pokémon in a row. Except for the two quasi-gods Goodra and Hydreigon at the beginning, Cheng Fei took out all fire-type Pokémon.

Camerupt's back has two humps like Volcano's mouth.

And it can Mega Evolution, but after Mega Evolution, it will become a dromedary, and the two hump will become a bigger hump.

Although Camerupt can Mega Evolution, Cheng Fei did not make it Mega Evolution.

Jiang Chen guessed that Cheng Fei didn't have a Mega Stone. If he had Camerupt's Mega Stone, he would definitely let Camerupt Mega Evolution. He would definitely not care about himself.

"Aren't you replacing Pokémon? 35

Seeing that Jiang Chen has not changed Pokémon, the venue is still Slaking.

"Yes, I don't plan to continue changing Pokémon anymore, Slaking's interest has just picked up." Jiang Chen nodded.

"I see."

Cheng Fei's face was not very good-looking.

To be honest, he really didn't want to face Slaking anymore.

Although this Slaking is not a Dragonite, it is not so incomprehensible, but it is also quite incomprehensible to him.

What's more, his most powerful Trump Card has lost the ability to fight. If the strongest Trump Card has not lost the ability to fight, he can still fight 767 with Slaking.

"Camerupt, use Eruption."

Since there is no certainty, then directly enlarge the move from the beginning.

Eruption is different from Flamethrower, it is indeed a big move, but this move also has an Ability, that is, the less physical strength, the less powerful it is.

Therefore, if it is released at the beginning, it is definitely the most powerful moment.

The fierce flames attacked Slaking, and Slaking didn't need Jiang Chen's command at all, it knew what to do by itself.

The body quickly dodged Camerupt's attack, and then approached Camerupt.

"Camerupt, distance yourself from Slaking. 99

Seeing the scene of Slaking approaching Camerupt, Cheng Fei hurriedly reminded his Camerupt.

Cheng Fei knew how violent Slaking's fist was.

Before if he hadn't used Protect, Rapidash couldn't hold on to Slaking's destruction, and ended the fight with just two fists.

"How can you distance yourself from Slaking at Camerupt's speed?" Jiang Chen asked Cheng Fei.

Cheng Fei's expression changed, and he really forgot that Camerupt's speed was not fast.

It can even be said that Camerupt's speed is the biggest disadvantage. Its double attack is excellent, and its double defense is also good, but the speed is very crotch.

Sure enough, he wanted to distance himself from Slaking, but he couldn't. Slaking looked very tall, but moved very fast.

Camerupt was in front of him in the blink of an eye, and Slaking hit Camerupt with a megaton punch.

Camerupt let out a scream, and then slammed his body on the field. He didn't get up for a long time, and Slaking didn't pursue the victory.

It's not that Slaking is disdainful of chasing after the victory, but that Rival has lost his ability to fight.

Seeing that Camerupt didn't get up for a long time, the referee walked over to check, and after checking, announced: "Camerupt lost his fighting ability, Slaking won, please send Cheng Fei to the next Pokémon.

"No, Slaking killed Camerupt with one punch."

The narrator was also shocked.

Is Slaking's attack too strong, or Camerupt's too hard to resist?

It should be that Slaking's attack power is too strong, in fact, Camerupt is quite resistant to fighting.

"What a powerful punch."

"Too fake, right? How weak is this Cheng Fei, and he will be instantly killed by one move. 35

"It is this Slaking that is too strong, and I have to subdue a Slaking to cultivate. 35

"Come on, Slaking is not the same as Slaking, didn't you hear what the commentator said before, this Slaking is probably unique.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, some people thought Cheng Fei was weak, some people thought it was too fake, it was hard to believe that Camerupt was killed by Slaking with one punch.

There are also people who see Slaking's performance and want to cultivate a Slaking.

And there are many such people.

But even if they really cultivate a Slaking, the strength is daab different from Jiang Chen's Slaking.

The Slaking of the Lazy Ability, no matter how you cultivate it, will not be so powerful.

Pokémon, who has been Slack Off even in battle, will Slack Off during training? It will definitely be Slack Off.

"My Emboar should be able to resist for a while."

Cheng Fei released his last Pokémon, which is still a fire-type Pokémon, and it is also a royal family.

Emboar, like Infernape and Blaziken, are both Fire and Fighting Pokémons, but the other two focus more on attacking.

Emboar, on the other hand, is more focused on defense.

"Rush up and use Head Smash.

Cheng Fei still unceremoniously let Emboar take the lead in attacking Jiang Chen's Slaking. In a situation where his strength is weak, of course, he should attack first.

He didn't want his Pokémon to be incapacitated before he even got a chance to fight.

"Slaking, use the arm hammer."

Jiang Chen instructed unhurriedly.

When Cheng Fei's Emboar came to Slaking, Slaking's arm hammer had already smashed down towards Emboar, and Emboar lay on the ground on the spot.

The attack was very precise and hit Emboar's head exactly. Emboar lay on the ground and didn't get up for a while.

However, Emboar is still stronger than Camerupt, at least stronger in defense, and more resistant than Camerupt.

Camerupt took a Mega Punch and couldn't hold it, Emboar took Slaking's arm hammer attack, but at least Emboar wasn't incapacitated yet.

"This, it seems that no miracle happened, if nothing else, Jiang Chen will advance to the top sixteen.

The narrator couldn't help but say while watching this scene.

Although the battle is not over yet, Emboar has not lost his fighting ability, but from the performance point of view, we can see the strength and weakness.

Slaking stretched out his hand to grab Emboar and threw Emboar into the air, then Slaking jumped up, grabbed Emboar's body and slammed it down.

One move, Seismic Toss, puts Emboar on the verge of being incapacitated.

Seeing that Emboar can still resist, Slaking will not be polite, and hit Emboar with Slash in the past.

Even though his body is very heavy, Emboar still looks quite strong, but after a Slash hit him, Emboar was knocked out like a rag doll Normal.

After falling to the ground, Emboar was incapacitated.

The referee walked over to take a look, and then announced that Jiang Chen had won the competition and successfully advanced to the round of sixteen.

"Congratulations. 39

After taking back the Emboar, Cheng Fei tried his best to show a smile, although the smile was ugly.

After all, he lost to Jiang Chen, and he couldn't do it if he wanted to laugh, unless he was the kind of person who didn't care about winning or losing.

But how many people don't care about winning or losing? People who don't care about winning or losing won't come to the competition.

"Thank you. 35

When Jiang Chen heard the congratulations from the other party, he also politely thanked him,

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