Exeggutor has three to six round Olivine colored heads that look like coconuts.

Similar to Exeggcute, Exeggutor has different facial expressions on each head.

The Alola Exeggutor looks like a giraffe, but the Exeggutor has a fourth head on its tail that controls the tail independently.

Unlike the other heads, he is light green and is used to deal with enemies that cannot be attacked with the head from behind.

Exeggutor is called a walking tropical rainforest, each fruit has a face, each has a different consciousness, and it seems that he has no interest in things other than himself.

The three heads are thinking about different things. If each head wants to go in a different direction, the body will not be able to move.

Although the three heads are thinking about different things, the Exeggutors have a good relationship and will talk through telepathy to decide what everyone is going to do, and they don't seem to quarrel.

Exeggutor's Growl is very Uproar because each of the three heads is thinking about something they like.

Exeggutor will attack the enemy with mental power~.

The three heads will release Confusion separately, so the -power will also be tripled.

Movement becomes sluggish when the weather turns cloudy.

It is said that the head of the Exeggutor born in the southern country will grow and add new heads due to long-term exposure to strong sunlight.

It is said that by accident, when a head falls on the ground, it will turn into an Exeggcute and start to send out a special telepathy in order to find the Entrainment.

The intense sunlight in the Alola Region awakened the hidden power in Exeggcute, which eventually became what it is now.

Alola is the best environment for Exeggutor.

People in the Alola Region are proud that the Exeggutor in the Alola Region is the original, and the Exeggutor is engraved on the historic paintings and buildings.

After growing up leisurely and comfortably, Exeggutor no longer needs the original mental power, and the Psychic he possesses has weakened, and the head on the tail will detect the surrounding situation through weak telepathy.

But the power of the dragon sleeping in the body has awakened.

Exeggutor is good at using its long neck to bend like a whip, and then using its hard head to attack Rival hard, it will also make you feel a little dizzy.

However, there are times when its neck becomes a weak point.

Sometimes Crabrawler mistook Exeggutor for a coconut tree and climbed up, angering Exeggutor, shaking him off, and getting Stomp.

Makuhita is also thrown away for practicing the slap trick at the Exeggutor.

Victory Scorpion is a Fighting Type Pokémon.

Crabrawler is a purple crab Pokémon with beige horns, arms, and abdomen on the head.

The Crabrawler has blue stripes from the lower part of the abdomen to the back, and the ends of the giant pincers and feet are also blue.

Competitive Scorpion's left eye is wide, but half of his right eye is covered by a blue eyelid, like a boxer who was hit in the eye.

Crabrawler uses his pliers to protect his face and chest, while approaching the opponent and waiting for the opportunity to punch, the force of which even penetrates the trunk of a tree.

Crabrawler has a very strong personality, not only in the position among partners, but also in the position of occupying a place, and has the ability to aim at the highest point.

For this reason, Crabrawlers sometimes cling to tall people and the walls of buildings.

If they try to tear off the victorious scorpions, they will be counterattacked by their fists.

The aggressive scorpion will use its pincers to protect the face and chest, while approaching the opponent to wait for the opportunity to punch, and the power of the fist will even penetrate the tree trunk.

The hard pliers are suitable for both offense and defense. The battle between the same kind is like boxing. If you lose, you will spit bubbles and fall.

Because of the frequent fights, the claws of the scorpion often fall off, but quickly grow back.

Unlike the meat in the Crawdaunt's tongs, which has a Grimer flavor and is really unpalatable, the meat in the Crawdaunt's tongs is very small, but the flavor is rich and very delicious.

Competitive scorpions like tree fruit, and will strike and shake the trunk, causing the ripe fruit to fall off before feeding.

Sometimes the Exeggutor is mistaken for a coconut tree and climbs up, angering the Exeggutor and then being shaken off and being attacked by Stomp.

He will also attack Exeggcute, but will be repelled by Exeggcute with Confusion.

Competitive scorpions gather around the tree, and only the Crabrawler who wins the battle with their comrades can eat the ripe fruit.

Crabominable is a Fighting Type and Ice Type Pokémon.

·0 for flowers‥.

Crabominable is a crab Pokémon covered with white hair. It should be aiming to reach the top, but it climbed the snowy mountain by accident.

Crabominable evolved like this due to the continuous growth of hair during the cold process of Bide.

Crabominable has purple patches on its chest, back, abdomen and forelimbs.

Compared to the Crabrawler, the pliers have become fist-like, with blue and purple footprint-like patterns.

The Crabominable has beige "hair" that splits to the sides, blue stripes on the Crabominable's abdomen, and blue around the eyes and at the ends of the feet.

Instead of thinking, Crabrawler will try to play and see.

Crabominables fight recklessly, accumulating cold air in their pincers and punching hard, shattering even thick ice walls.


When fighting vigorously, it can exert great power.

In times of crisis, Crabominable will cut off its pliers and smash it out like a rocket. There has been a record of hitting Avalanche with fists.

Crawdaunt is a Water Type and Dark Type Pokémon.

Crawdaunt has a five-pointed star on his head and a blue pattern on his chest.

Crawdaunt has a grumpy personality, likes to fight, and will provoke a fight at any time, and is considered to be a difficult Breeder's Pokémon.

Crawdaunt will keep wielding its giant pincers, using pincers to pick up other Pokémon living in the pond and throw them outside.

When Crawdaunt encounters a Rival near its territory, it will mercilessly defeat it.

Therefore, the pond where Crawdaunt lives will not be populated by other creatures and will become a lonely place.

Crawdaunt's carapace is soft when it just sheds its skin. Before the carapace Harden, it would hide in the cave at the bottom of the river in order to avoid the enemy's attack.

Crawdaunt's pliers will often fall off, if the pliers fall, Crawdaunt will suddenly weaken, and will be worried until it regenerates.

The battle-hardened Crawdaunt has huge pincers that leave several scars.

Crawdaunt's pliers are different from Crabrawler and Clauncher, they have a Grimer flavor, which is really hard to eat.


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