"Listen, it won't be long before the gym appraiser of the Kwantung Alliance will come to this city, and before that, the people of the Kaz Gym must be defeated!"

The tall, flat-headed, lanky man sat on his knees on the floor. In front of him was a group of young brothers with serious expressions, uniformly dressed in the kind of bib uniforms of Yas Gym.

"One city doesn't need two gyms, we can't give those thugs of the Kaz Gym a chance, understand?" the tall and thin man yelled.

"Understood, Pavilionkeeper!"

The younger brothers responded one after another, and the confident harmony made the tall and thin man nod in satisfaction.

"Mr. Yas, it's not good!" At this moment, the wooden sliding door was pulled open from the outside, and a blue-haired girl wearing a red and white peaked cap ran in with an anxious face.

The good atmosphere of the oath was interrupted by this girl who suddenly broke in, Yas's face became a little unpleasant, and he said in a deep voice: "Landuo, didn't I tell you that if you want to become an excellent trainer, you must have a calm mind, even if the mountain collapses, you must not be shocked......"

This girl named Lan Duo is delicate and cute, and there is a heroic spirit like a 29 boy between her eyebrows, with a red ribbon around her neck, and the clothes she wears are also the kind of green bib pants from Yas Daoguan.

Lan Duo swallowed, bowed slightly, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yas, I was too reckless. But I have important news for you?"

Hearing the girl's sincere apology, Yas's tone softened a little, and said, "Could it be that those villains in the Kaz Gym are planning a poisonous plan against our Yas Gym again?"

Landor is the only female disciple under Yas, and because of her beautiful and cute appearance, she is often sent by Yas to the Kaz Gym to inquire about the news. Those hot-blooded young people often inadvertently reveal a lot of important information when they are faced with the request of a beautiful girl.

Therefore, all along, when the two sides compete in group fights, Yas Daoguan will have some upper hand.

"Mr. Yas, it's not about the Kaz Gym......" Lan Duo shook his head vigorously and said with a solemn face: "I just saw a message on the front of many shops outside and on the city bulletin board......

"What!" Yas angrily stood up from the floor and shouted, "You mean, another gym has opened in Dark City?"

"That's right. Lan Duo nodded and said, "And the name of that gym is still very arrogant, what is the second gym in the world, saying that he sincerely invites all the trainers in the dark city who think they are excellent to join his gym." "

After listening to all the news reported by Landuo, he was very angry, but he couldn't help but think to himself in anger, he had never heard of any famous trainers coming to Dark City before

Dark City is a very backward fourth-tier bottom city, and the elite trainers with a bright future are naturally reluctant to come to such a poor place where birds don't.

Before the Kaz Gym and the Yas Gym, there were actually several pheasant gyms in the Dark City, but they were all driven away by the cooperation of the Kaz Gym and the Yas Gym. And after driving away the opponent, the former partners also turned against each other in an instant for the sake of interests.

Now there's another guy who doesn't know whether to live or die!

Yas was cautious, and without knowing the specific strength of the other party, he was not prepared to take the lead in provoking the second hall in the world.

"I think that bastard Kaz also got the news, with his violent temper, he must not be able to bear it, it is estimated that he has already sent his own men to the gym over there to smash the field. "

Yas was secretly proud in his heart, "Hehe, it's best for your two Daoists to fight to the death, so that I, Yasi Daoguan, can sit and reap the benefits of the fisherman." "

Thinking of this, Yas already had a very perfect plan in his heart, and looked at the slim blue-haired girl in front of him, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.


"Here!" Hearing the hall master call his name, Landuo immediately straightened up.

"Don't be so nervous, relax a little. Yas was kind at the moment, and his voice became kind, and he said softly: "Landuo, you are the most outstanding of my many disciples, and you are also the one who has contributed the most to our Yas Dao Pavilion. I have always valued you very much, and if our Yas Gym can become a city gym officially recognized by the alliance in the future, I have decided to hand over the position of the deputy hall master of the Yas Gym to you. "

As soon as these words came out, the room was in an uproar, and the disciples who were kneeling down looked at the shocked girl at the door with jealous/jealous eyes.

"It's ...... Is this true?" Rando covered her lips in disbelief.

"What I said has never been false!" Yas clasped his hands in Xiongxiong, looking proud, beckoned to Lan Duo, who was still in a state of excitement, and said softly: "I have a very important task to hand over to you now, and this task is related to whether our Yas Gym can become an official gym officially recognized by the Alliance......

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

After hearing this, Lando did not hesitate in the slightest. Yas's previous deputy hall master's promise made her so excited that she couldn't think about it, anyway, this 280 mission was no different from what she had done before, which was to provoke a conflict between the newly opened gym and Kaz.

Looking at the back of the girl's departure, Yas pursed his lips disdainfully, "Do you really think you can be the deputy hall master, a naïve little rookie, and I don't look at how many taels I have." "


"Big brother, is the newly opened Second Dao Pavilion in the world really in this place?"

In the emerald green bamboo sea path, three young men with different hair colors and wearing the blue tight-fitting uniforms of the Kaz Gym were striding forward, and the one who had just made a voice was the green-haired young man on the left.

The yellow-haired young man in the middle smiled and waved the notice in his hand: "See, it's clearly written." That second hall in the world of bullshit was opened in the former dojo on the outskirts of the south of the city, and the owner asked us to weigh that guy's catties. If you don't have any skills, you can just smash that gym. "

"Big brother is right!" The red-haired young man on the right hand nodded again and again, with a hint of rebelliousness on his face: "It must be a garbage hall, and you dare to call it the second in the world, and we will smash the plaque later, and the hall owner will definitely take a look at our three brothers again." "_

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