The flowing figure of the little fire horse's flaming mane appeared on the standard dojo hall site paved with rock and soil, and compared to a week ago, due to the great improvement in the quality of the food, its spirit and spirit had obviously changed a lot.

In addition, I have to get up at five o'clock every morning to do morning exercises with the ironclad tyrannosaurus and the Makula, and the muscles in my back are slightly bulging, and I no longer feel a little loose to the touch because of malnutrition as before.

Although this Pokémon knew at a glance that it was a fire-type one, for the sake of insurance, Ah Jin still took out the Pokémon Illustrated Book for data checking.

The mechanical male voice unique to the illustrated book sounds: "Little Fire Horse, Fire Horse Pokémon." He has strong leg muscles and is good at running. The hooves are very hard and will hit the target who suddenly appears behind you~. "

Ah Jin and Ah Yan's family situation is not very good, and their parents do not have the financial strength to pay the 10W tax for them every year. Therefore, their initial Pokémon is not unique to the Kanto region.

Akin's original Pokémon was the Mosquito Coiled Tadpole, which of course has now evolved into the Mosquito Coiled Frog.

Seeing that the young gym owner was actually using a fire-type Pokémon, Ah Jin couldn't help but be secretly proud in his heart, this game was stable, and the attributes of the mosquito frog completely restrained the other party.

"Come out, my comrade-in-arms!"

Ah Jin solemnly took out a red and white Poké Ball from his arms, shook it vigorously, and with the white light of the Poké Ball flashing, a person stood up, and a frog-like Pokémon with eyes the size of a downlight appeared on the field, looking at the little fire horse in unison.

The fire system is against the water system, and the attributes are completely opposed, which makes the two Pokémon look full of gunpowder as soon as they meet.

Compared to the final evolved fast swim frog, the mosquito frog is significantly smaller and more docile. Although it has a pair of white hands that look like they are wearing fists, the mosquito coil frog does not have the dual attributes of water and fighting like the fast swimming frog, it only has the attribute of water.

"Mosquito frogs, strike first, use water guns!"

Ah Jin had already obtained two badges before challenging the Dark Gym, namely the Rock Badge in Nibi City and the Water Drop Badge in Hualan City. So he still knows a lot about the rules of some official gyms.


Mosquito frogs have long been unable to resist the natural dislike of fire-type Pokémon. As soon as the master commanded, a small opening immediately opened in the middle of the snow-white abdomen, which was the mouthpart hidden by the mosquito coil frog, and a column of water the thickness of an arm gushed out, galloping away in the direction where the little fire horse was.


Sensing the danger, the little fire horse seemed a little restless, but it didn't follow its instincts without the trainer's orders.

Although the little fire horse is Landot's Pokémon, it has been fed by Hisoka for a week, so the little guy has a good impression of the person who always gives him delicious food.

In addition, there is Landuo's order, so that the little fire horse temporarily obeys Sisoka's orders.

"Jump up!"

Hisoka's voice sounded like a heavenly sound in the ears of the little fire horse


The little fire horse snorted, and the right hoof of his foreleg flicked on the ground, and then the most developed hind leg bent slightly and then suddenly exerted force...... The leap was more than two meters high, and the water gun that hit it passed exactly twenty centimeters below the four hooves of the little fire horse.

"Wheel of Fire!" Sisoka's second command followed.

The little fire horse that leaps into the air cannot move its body, but it can attack directly.

In fact, if you were to be commanded by an experienced trainer just now, you should immediately change your moves the moment the little fire horse jumps in the air, and attack the little fire horse in the air again with a water gun, so that the chance of a successful hit can be increased to more than 90%.

Ah Jin, a rookie trainer who is just in his early twelves this year, obviously does not have that kind of experience, and his concept is still in a fixed and rigid battle mode, and there is no other way, only by constantly playing Pokémon battles and accumulating experience, can he break the shackles of his own concepts.

The little fire horse has its head lowered and its body retracted...... The flaming mane on the top of its head, back, tail, and four hooves suddenly flourished, and the spreading flames enveloped its entire body, and its body rushed forward, and a circle of burning wheels rushed from mid-air to the mosquito coil frog in front of it.

Regarding the sudden counterattack of the little fire horse, Ah Jin did not panic. He still knows his mosquito frog carefully, and the surface of the mosquito frog's skin will secrete a moist mucus, which can not only prevent enemies from catching it, but also effectively weaken the skill damage of fire-type Pokémon.

·········· Ask for flowers0········

"Mosquito frog, let's catch up and use a chain slap!"

At this time, it was too late to recharge and fire the water gun, so he could only meet it in close quarters. Ah Jin didn't think about letting the mosquito frog dodge. Because he is only facing a fire-type Pokémon, the mosquito frog can carry it.


The flame wheel collided with the body of the mosquito frog, and the burning flame made a series of clattering sounds in contact with the mucus on the surface of the mosquito frog's body, while puffs of white smoke continued to emerge from the impact.

Mosquito frogs are not big, but they have a lot of strength. Resisting the burning sensation on his skin, he raised his white palm and slapped the head and neck of the little fire horse at an extremely fast frequency.

.......... 0


The little fire horse was slapped back again and again, shaking his head and making painful nasal sounds. When you come up, you will be slapped by the enemy, which is not pleasant.

"Well done, mosquito frog, take advantage of the victory and chase after it, use hypnosis!" Ah Jin clenched his fist and waved it vigorously, cheering up the mosquito frog.


The mosquito frog's eyes wrinkled, his hands were placed on his waist, his round belly was pushed forward, and the dense black swirls on it began to rotate in a strange way.

The little fire horse finally got rid of the swelling and pain on his face and looked up...... Its eyes began to move with the black spiral lines on the belly of the mosquito coil frog, and over time it felt like it wanted to sleep.


The little fire horse's limbs went limp, and he fell to the ground, closing his eyes and purring rhythmically.

"What a shame!"

The corners of Landuo's mouth, who was watching the game from the sidelines, twitched slightly, and the performance of the little fire horse seemed to her to be too uncompetitive, so she was hypnotized by the other party, how to play the next game?

Seeing that the little fire horse had completely fallen asleep, Ah Jin showed a happy smile at this moment, this game was won, no matter what skill he commanded the mosquito frog to use next, the opponent had to hold on......

Hisoka smiled slightly, took out the little fire horse's Po Ball, and took the little one back from sleep. This action also represents the gym side admitting defeat and the challenger wins.

"Congratulations, you've become the owner of the first badge of the Dark Gym Nine!"

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