This sentence, the White Dream Demon can be regarded as understanding. Looking at the dark stone in Hisoka's hand, after a half-rattle, he suddenly nodded his head happily, and rushed out of the hole in mid-air.

"Hey, don't go out, little thing!"

Hisoka was taken aback by the White Dream Demon's move, and it was now tense outside, like a barrel of explosives with an exposed fuse, as long as there was a little spark, it would explode in an instant.

Hisoka didn't dare to go out, so he could only hide here and secretly look at the White Dream Demon, the body of the little thing slowly faded in mid-air, and it completely disappeared not far from the crack in the cave.

Secretly relieved, thinking of the terrifying hidden ability of the little thing. Although Laros is strong, he specializes in fire-type Pokémon, and does not have the kind of super-type Pokémon that are specifically used for detection.

Laros didn't back down in the slightest, unwilling to share the Soul Herb with the silver hunters in front of him. More than a dozen silver hunters also did not want to give up their low-hanging fruit.

"Brothers, no matter how good Laros is, he is also a person, let's go together...... Don't be afraid of him!"

One of the Silver Hunters instigated the others, and this phrase represented the thoughts of most of the 280 people. No one wants to give up so much wealth and run away just because of the other party's words.

One by one, the Silver Hunters pulled out their Pokéballs...... He looked at the red-haired shawl man in front of him with a wary expression.

Laros clasped his hands and sneered at his face. The tall Charizard stepped forward, its wide fleshy wings in front of its owner, preventing anyone from sneaking up.


The eerie and ethereal Jiao/laughter suddenly sounded...... Everyone present was shocked and looked around. Laros also frowned, and the strange laughter just now seemed to be near his ears.

"Giggle...... Giggle...... "Jiao" / The laughter is getting denser and closer.

The dirt beneath a psychic herb suddenly shook, and after a few seconds or so, a skeletal head wearing a helmet burst out, and dark fireworks burned in its hollow eyes......

As the Mind Vanilla fell, a skeletal soldier rose from the dirt with rusty knives and swords.

"What the hell is that?" a middle-aged bounty hunter shouted first, his voice full of disbelief. He has been a hunter for more than 20 years, and he has never seen such a strange and terrifying scene in front of him.

Isn't there such a thing as a skeleton soldier only found in some fantasy novels?

Each Soul Herb almost represents a skeleton soldier, and how many Soul Herbs there are on the underground plains, then there will be as many skeleton soldiers.

In less than three minutes, all the soul herbs lost their characteristic white glow and quickly withered. In its place are the Skeleton Legion that stretches as far as the eye can see.

And in addition to the human skeleton soldiers, there are also many huge Pokémon skeletons.

Hisoka could recognize several of them, the Magical Shell Skeleton, King Nido, the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, and the Flaming Horse...... All of them are Pokémon of a large size, and they are fully armored.

"Hell, it's really hell this time. "

The scene in front of him almost made Hisoka's mentality explode.,ReasonableAlthough there are unscientific creatures like Pokémon in this world.,But it's still about science in general.,Undead soldiers.,The style of painting has completely changed, okay.。


The Skeleton Legion is led by the tallest general, fully armoured, armed with a greatsword, and seated on a skeletal flaming horse.


The Skeleton General roared, raised his greatsword, and swung forward...... The skeleton soldiers roared as if they had been beaten to the center of the life.

The bounty hunters couldn't suppress their fear and immediately released all of their main Pokémon.

The herbs of the mind all withered, making Laros's eyelids jump. The windfall is gone, and he doesn't feel too uncomfortable about it, and the most important thing now is to figure out why the skeletons in the underground are suddenly resurrected.

"Flame squirt!" Laros raised his head, Charizard realized, and his mouth opened to reveal a pillar of crimson fire......

The terrifying heat of the Skeleton Legion that swept over the Skeleton Soldier even melted the weapons in the hands of the skeleton soldiers into molten iron, but the strange thing is that the high-temperature flames that could fuse the iron tools did not instantly burn these bone shelves into charcoal.

One by one, the skeleton skeletons burned with flames burying their heads into the defensive rings of the bounty hunters, and the skeleton soldiers had no fear, no fear of pain.

The skeleton soldiers themselves are not strong in combat, and they can't compare to the Pokémon at all. A single strange force can easily shatter more than a dozen bones, but they are like marching ants that are not afraid of death, dense and endless.

Half an hour passed in a flash, and the bounty hunters' feet were no longer dirt, but piles of white bones, and their Pokémon were panting tiredly, and when they looked up, countless skeletons were still surging.

One of Shawarang's physical strength was exhausted, and after a flying knee kick shattered the skeleton soldier in front of him, his right leg shook and he half-knelt.

At this moment, a skeletal soldier rushed from the right and pressed Shavarang under him/under. Seeing this, Shawarang's owner tried to retrieve it with a Pokéball ball, but was blocked by the swarming skeleton soldiers.

With a scream, Shavaran was overwhelmed by the endless army of skeletons.

Finally, a bounty hunter could not stand the fear, and he released a large-billed finch, grabbed its paws with both hands, and let the large-billed finch lead him out.

He knew that if he dragged it on, he might be dragged to death by these skeletons. The Spiritual Vanilla has withered, and not only does it not make any profit to stay, but it may also put your own life and the life of your Pokémon on the line.

The rest of the hunters did the same, releasing their own flying Pokémon for them to run away with. In the absence of profit, if you want this group of hyenas to work hard, don't even think about it.

"A bunch of rubbish!"

Laros, who was under siege, scolded, his face full of unhappiness. He collected a lot of money to settle the mine incident. Unlike those hyenas, giving up the task halfway is a big deal because there are some flaws in the resume, and saving your life is the key.

boasted about Haikou before, and accepted tens of millions of heavy remuneration from the Ibu family in advance, if he ran away like this, then Laros's reputation in the future would be greatly damaged. _

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