Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 104 Vaporeon is dying


The ancient Vaporeon looked at the dead Pokémon in pain and sadness. It lowered its head helplessly and wailed.

The irritable Iron Arm Pistol Shrimp was still very angry and launched attacks one after another, destroying the bodies of all the dead people.

When Akimoto was hesitating whether to come forward, he found that Vaporeon's state had become dying!

This shocked him. As a golden-qualified Vaporeon, it actually entered a dying state, and it was not the kind of losing its combat ability, but its life was coming to an end!

In theory, this Vaporeon, as a golden-qualified Pokémon, would not fall into a dying state just because of being stabbed by the Alley Weed.

But the problem is that the knife of the Alley Weed just stabbed into its head, cutting through the fragile inner energy crystal, causing the loss of the original energy that has been maintaining its life and its own abilities.

And even its companion, the giant superb water stone, was destroyed by the Flash Team, causing it to lose the ability to repair the energy crystal.

Akimoto didn't know if his life force would work on Vaporeon, but he had to try it. He would feel bad if he just watched Vaporeon die.

As soon as Akimoto stood up and took a step inside, the alert Shrimp turned around and looked over.

Seeing that the person coming was actually a human, it angrily shot a powerful water bullet at Akimoto, but Akimoto was pulled away by Gardevoir and narrowly avoided it.

Seeing this, Gengar quickly flew to Akimoto's side, and at the same time, he explained to the group of Pokémon who were staring at Akimoto.

For this foreign Gengar, the Pokémon still recognized it. It played a very important role in the previous battle, so after hearing Gengar's explanation, they temporarily put down their attacking posture, but still stared at Akimoto with great suspicion.

Under Gengar's escort, Akimoto came to Vaporeon, but just when he wanted to get closer, he was stopped by Shrimp.

"Can you let me pass? I'm not a bad guy. I want to save it!"

Akimoto tried to make his tone sound gentler, so as not to anger the angry Shrimp, and quietly moved forward.

The Shrimp was still very angry. At this time, it didn't trust humans at all, even if the human Pokémon in front of it had just helped them.

But at this moment, Laplace understood Akimoto's intention. It knew that Akimoto was not in the same group as the bad guys, and it didn't feel any malice in him.

Laplace moved to the side of the Shrimp and whispered something to the Shrimp.

For the Shrimp, Laplace, who is a native Pokémon of the Waveless Sea, is naturally more credible than Gengar, an alien Pokémon, not to mention that it is a Pokémon famous for sensing the emotions of creatures.

After Laplace's advice, the Shrimp finally gave up its position with doubt, but when Akimoto passed by, it raised its claws and threatened Akimoto, warning him not to mess around.

Now Vaporeon has lost consciousness and fallen into a coma. The Pokémons just happen to have no ability to heal Vaporeon, so they can only listen to Lapras and let this human try.

"Gardevoir, help heal it together!"

Akimoto took Gardevoir to the unconscious Vaporeon, and Jiang Liye could only wait anxiously.

This was the first time Jiang Liye had experienced such a thing since she was a child, and she could not do anything the whole time. She could only stay by Akimoto's side and rely on his protection. When she really wanted to do something, she found that she was like a useless and burdensome vase.

This feeling of powerlessness made her very uncomfortable. She made up her mind that after this incident was over, she would devote all her efforts to cultivating her own Pokémon and shift her focus from breeding to Pokémon training.

Although Akimoto usually seemed to do nothing and only cared about studying and taking care of Pokémon, he actually never missed a moment of Pokémon training.

Whether it was the exclusive training plan for each Pokémon or the elemental control training for Gardevoir alone, he never gave up on improving the strength of Pokémon.

Although he had no intention of becoming the champion of the league conference, except for some Pokémon that he kept as pets, the most important thing for other Pokémon was always strength, not to mention that having several strong Pokémon would also ensure the safety of future travel.

Just like this time, if he had not brought Gardevoir and Gengar, he might have died in the aftermath of the battle when Lapras left him behind, not to mention Gengar's participation in the battle, which allowed all the Pokémon to temporarily put down their fighting postures, so that they had room to maneuver.

Although Gengar had never been subdued by him...

In Jiang Liye's surprised eyes, Akimoto's left and right hands slowly overflowed with pink and green energy balls from his palms respectively.

Akimoto controlled the fairy essence and life force and transferred them into Vaporeon's body, temporarily stabilizing Vaporeon's condition, and then carefully checking its physical condition and considering how to treat it.

When the fairy essence and life force emerged from Akimoto's hands, all the Pokémon became excited at once. They could feel the gentle, pure and vital breath, which was at least the same level of power as Vaporeon.

As for what Jiang Liye was thinking now, Qiu Yuan had no time to guess. Time was running out and the situation was urgent. He had no choice but to expose his life force and fairy origin to Jiang Liye.

If Jiang Liye was suspicious, he would use the excuse that he was born with this ability. Anyway, there were many people like him who showed extraordinary abilities. It can only be said that his ability was a little stronger.

Qiu Yuan was not afraid that Jiang Liye would tell this matter. At that time, the alliance would definitely be interested in his simultaneous possession of two mysterious powers and send someone to bring him to the alliance for friendly exchanges. After all, he had no power and was just a relatively outstanding newcomer. The alliance could do this.

After all, the alliance was not as fair and bright as it seemed. If they really knew about this, Qiu Yuan would definitely be arrested and studied in the research institute.

If Jiang Liye was really such a person, Qiu Yuan would at most give up his breeding house and live in seclusion in the mountains with a large group of Pokémon. With the system, at least there would be no problem in protecting himself in this world.

It's a pity to waste such a luxurious breeding house.

However, Akimoto still trusts Jiang Liye. After all, he saved her life, and she doesn't seem to be such a snobbish person.

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