Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 121 Forest Lizard vs. Forest Lizard

Quack-headed Frog looked helplessly at the referee's seat, and the shell of Squirtle in his hand was still swaying gently in the air due to the wind.

Xiaoli glanced at Akimoto and saw that he did not move, so he raised a sign with the number "1" and blew the whistle at the same time.

Squirtle huddled in his shell and heard the whistle. He knew that the referee wanted him to come out quickly, but he was afraid!

Squirtle pretended to be stupid and made Xiaoli angry, so Xiaoli blew the whistle for the second time and held up the sign with the number "2".

It was not until Xiaoli blew the whistle nine times that Squirtle came out of the shell.

As soon as Squirtle's head appeared, Quack-headed Frog gave it a big head bang. Squirtle, who had not yet reacted to what was going on, was so pitifully knocked unconscious by Quack-headed Frog.

"Okay! In the second group, the second contestant, Froghead, won!"

Akimoto smiled and raised the flag in his left hand, announcing that Froghead won the match and Squirtle lost.

The other two Squirtle brothers hurried over with compact steps and carried the fainted Squirtle to the logistics department.

The logistics department was composed of several Jigglypuffs who did not participate in the competition.

The frequent battles between the forest lizard, Froghead, mount Lamb and Axetooth Dragon in the past few days caused them to suffer considerable injuries. Although not serious, if they were not treated well, there would be certain hidden dangers left.

So every time they finished the battle, they would run to the sea of ​​flowers to find Gardevoir for help. As for the other Jigglypuffs, they were not good at treatment, so only Xiaoli could help.

Although Gardevoir's healing fluctuations were enough to deal with the injuries of the forest lizards in terms of treatment effect, they had to go through dozens of such treatment processes every day, and even Gardevoir could not bear it!

So the overwhelmed Gardevoir ran to the forest and called Chandler.

With the help of Chandler, the healing task was finally reduced a lot, and Gardevoir also wanted to teach Chandler the healing wave.

Unfortunately, Chandler's qualifications were too poor. Among Akimoto's several main Pokémon, it was the only one with yellow qualifications.

Akimoto also thought about improving Chandler's qualifications, but he couldn't find the right items. Even the cheapest green qualification evolution reagents cost 1,200 points. It was so poor!

Although Chandler had a record of the healing wave skill in the racial memory, its qualifications were still too poor. With the teaching of Gardevoir, it only mastered a little bit of the healing wave.

There were a few Jigglypuffs left. When they watched Gardevoir teaching Chandler in boredom, they listened and learned a little bit!

Several Jigglypuffs worked together to perform the unformed healing wave, and the effect was comparable to the healing wave performed by Gardevoir.

In this way, the logistics treatment team in the Akiba breeding house was established.

In fact, they can also use the treatment device in the breeding house, but although the treatment device is effective, the treatment efficiency is too slow. Every time, more than a dozen Pokémon such as Forest Lizard come together. How long will it take to use the treatment device for treatment!

Move Squirtle to the simple operating table, and several Jigglypuffs surround it with a smile, and keep touching it with their little hands. It doesn't seem to be treating Squirtle, but it seems to treat Squirtle as a toy.

In a daze, Squirtle felt a few strange touches on his body. Before he opened his eyes, a Jigglypuff noticed it and quickly took off Squirtle's sunglasses with his little hands, and then covered his eyes.

Akimoto was hosting the third group of games - contestant No. 3 Forest Lizard vs. contestant No. 24 Forest Lizard, when he suddenly heard a scream of "Jenny Jenny!!" from the logistics team, but he saw nothing when he looked over.

I thought Squirtle was afraid of pain, so Akimoto didn't care.

Little did he know that poor Squirtle was being ravaged by several pink demons and was tickled several times. He couldn't help laughing when he wanted to cry, and he was about to cry when he laughed. It was a tragedy!

"Okay! Both players, please take your positions! Ready! Start!"


Akimoto announced the start of the battle and then blew the whistle very loudly.

This battle was finally a bit interesting. Like the previous fight between Frog and Squirtle, it was just like a father beating his son, which was boring.

Both players were green-qualified forest lizards with lush characteristics and levels of 30.

The skills of both sides were exactly the same: continuous slash, slap, lightning flash, super absorption, chase, leaf blade, high-speed movement.

It seems that this will be a battle of equal strength. In the absence of a trainer's command, it depends on the combat experience and reaction ability of both sides.

Following Akimoto's order, the two forest lizards used the high-speed movement skill at the same time, their legs glowed slightly, and they jumped on the spot at the same time, doing warm-up movements.

This scene was very similar to the movements made by the two players in the fighting competition when they moved their joints. Akimoto sat up slightly, wanting to see what they had come up with in their private training.


"Chamo Chamo!"

Both sides had sharp eyes, and there was a coldness in their eyes, obviously they had entered the fighting state.

The forest lizards are indeed Pokémon with the demeanor of a knight. Even as breeding Pokémon coming out of the breeding center, they are very focused on the battle.

Stubbornness is the characteristic of this kind of Pokémon. They will face challenges head-on. No matter how powerful the enemy is, it cannot repel them. Instead, it will arouse their competitive spirit.

However, sometimes this is actually a disadvantage. Wild forest lizards are often found to have hidden injuries all over their bodies after being captured by trainers. That is the result of their rash behavior of challenging Pokémon stronger than themselves.

If the frog is a silent and sharp ninja, then the forest lizard is a proud and arrogant knight. They are both Pokémon born for fighting.

Thinking of this, Akimoto couldn't help but feel that he should correct his views on Pokémon breeding.

The breeding knowledge transmitted to Akimoto by the system only has the care methods for each kind of Pokémon, and there are no training techniques for improving their strength, so Akimoto made a mistake before.

He always preconceived that as long as he does a good job in the diet and life care of the Pokémon, the Pokémon will grow up healthily.

But he ignored the pursuit of each Pokémon for its own life. Even the forest lizards that have been cultivated as breeding Pokémon have the pursuit of strength, which is their inalienable nature.

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