Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 123 Little Pink vs. Little Blue

The flying lizard No. 24 gradually relieved the impact force, and finally kicked the ground hard, using the recoil force to hit the chasing lizard No. 3.

After getting close to the opponent, No. 24 did not let the two collide straightly, but cleverly used its inertia to grab the opponent when passing by, and smashed the opponent straight to the ground.

After hitting the opponent, No. 24 did not give the opponent another chance, and was about to knock the opponent down in one fell swoop when the opponent stood up, but unexpectedly, No. 3 had no intention of standing up at all!

After No. 24 got close to the forest lizard No. 3, it exerted force instantly, and hit the jumping forest lizard No. 24 in the air with a slap. Then it also jumped up hard, ready to take advantage of the opponent's lack of leverage in the air to use a powerful slap to knock No. 24 to the ground.

But the battle is always changing, and it is impossible to proceed according to one party's expectations.

Number 24 knew that it would not be able to dodge this attack, so it did not try to dodge. The best way to deal with it now was to trade injuries for injuries.

So it took advantage of the moment when the number 3 forest lizard swung its tail and slapped it with its body, but it also grabbed the opponent's tail tightly and dragged the opponent to the ground together.

In the surprised eyes of the Pokémon, the two forest lizards kept changing their positions in the air, and finally both fell down, smashing the grass.

The two forest lizards landed at the same time and then fainted. Akimoto could not tell who had suffered the impact of landing first, and could only wait for one party to stand up before announcing the result.

"Cha, Chamo... Chamo!"

A seriously injured forest lizard stood up trembling, hunched over and panting violently, then realized something, insisted on standing up, and made a proud and confident cry!

Seeing this, the Axe-toothed Dragon was also very excited for this partner who had fought with him, and took the lead in roaring loudly for it in response.

"I declare! The third group battle! The winner is contestant No. 24, Forest Lizard! Applaud for it!!"

Akimoto shouted the result loudly, and at the same time applauded the Forest Lizard very hard, thanking them for bringing such a wonderful battle to everyone.

After receiving everyone's affirmation and praise, the Forest Lizard finally couldn't hold on, and fell together with another Forest Lizard that had already fallen to the ground.

"Thirty minutes of halftime break, the fourth group battle, contestant No. 4 Jigglypuff and contestant No. 23 Squirtle, please get ready!"

After shouting hurriedly in the arena, Akimoto hurriedly ran to the warehouse to move the treatment device out.

Fortunately, the treatment device has its own large battery and does not need to be plugged in to run, otherwise Akimoto would have to call a few Pokémon to move the Forest Lizard to the warehouse for treatment.

With the help of Gardevoir and Jigglypuff, the Forest Lizard lying in the treatment device quickly woke up and recovered a lot.

This kind of therapeutic device is not the kind that Akimoto saw when he played games before, which can hold six Pokémon balls. Instead, it is like an operating table, which can only accommodate one Pokémon at a time.

It took dozens of minutes to finally stabilize the injuries of the two forest lizards. The rest was left to the Jigglypuffs in the logistics team.

Akimoto taught Jigglypuff how to operate the therapeutic device, and then he returned to the referee seat to preside over the game.

The next group of matches is another very interesting match. Why is it interesting? You can see it by looking at the two little guys in the field.

"The fourth group of matches! Little Pink vs. Little Blue! Start!"

Having just watched the fierce battle between the forest lizards, Akimoto also felt like playing around when watching the battle between Jigglypuff and Squirtle, so he was naughty when announcing the start of the battle.

"Pu Li Pu Li~ (little brother~)"

"Jenny, Jenny! (Who are you calling little brother? I'm so angry!)"

When Jigglypuff heard Squirtle's angry cry, he turned around and twisted his butt towards it without caring. It can be said to be very lively and interesting.

All the Pokémon who were watching the battle laughed, including the few Jigglypuffs who had finished treating the forest lizard. They all shouted "little brother" to Squirtle.

Squirtle was naturally very annoyed!

I think my Squirtle family is majestic when they go out, and no one loves them when they wear sunglasses. How can I be called a brother by you?

So Squirtle shot a stream of water at Jigglypuff who was happily dancing and teasing it.

Although it was just a water gun skill with extremely low power and extremely slow trajectory, Jigglypuff was immersed in his own world. He was caught off guard and shot in the face. He was so angry that his whole face swelled up.

Seeing Jigglypuff's angry look, Squirtle smiled triumphantly, pulled the corners of his mouth to the sides, stuck out his tongue and made faces.

Jigglypuff angrily ran to Squirtle who was making faces, and slapped it on the face without saying anything, making Squirtle's head buzz.

Before Squirtle could react, Jigglypuff seemed to be addicted to slapping, and kept slapping Squirtle on the face.

When Jigglypuff was tired and shook his hands and stopped, Squirtle could no longer control himself and turned in circles on the spot, with little stars in his eyes.

Jigglypuff watched it turn in circles in a daze, covering his mouth and laughing.

Finally, Squirtle woke up, and looked at Jigglypuff with fear in his eyes. Seeing Jigglypuff rushing over again, he quickly prepared to shrink into his shell.

But before it could shrink back, it was kicked out of the competition boundary by Jigglypuff.

"Fourth group battle! Player No. 4 Jigglypuff wins!"

Akimoto held back his smile and raised the sign in his left hand, announcing that Jigglypuff won and advanced.

The two good brothers were defeated one after another, leaving only one Squirtle intact in the spectator seat. It could only quickly drag the defeated Squirtle to the logistics team for treatment, and at the same time secretly became alert.

The next few groups of duels were very interesting, all of which were fought by Jigglypuff.

Group 5, Jigglypuff vs. Forest Lizard.

Group 6, Jigglypuff vs. Frog.

Group 7, Jigglypuff vs. Forest Lizard.

Group 8, Jigglypuff vs. Axetooth Dragon.

Group 9, Jigglypuff vs. Squirtle.

The fifth to eighth groups were all one-sided battles without any suspense. Jigglypuff participated in this competition just for fun, so the Pokémon that faced Jigglypuff would not really fight, but just pretended to scare them, and they surrendered and ran out of the battle field.

The ninth group battle was quite interesting.

Before the battle began, Squirtle No. 23, who had recovered, saw that his good brother was going to fight Jigglypuff, and hurriedly whispered a few words to him. After getting the affirmation of his good brother, he pushed him with satisfaction and let him go on the field.

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