Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 133 What are you queuing for?

After dinner, Qiu Yuan took a walk in Chaoxiang Town, followed by Quanquan Yuanyuan and his mount Xiaoyang.

The bright moonlight shone on them, stretching their shadows.

Suddenly, Qiu Yuan's pager rang. He took it out of his pocket and saw that it was Jiang Liye calling.

"Hello? Jiang Liye?"

"It's me. I have some very bad news to tell you."

Hearing this, Qiu Yuan smiled and said, "What bad news? Have all the people who lined up to pursue you fallen in love with someone else?"

"Tsk, no, don't talk nonsense."

Far away in Luyin Town, Jiang Liye sat on a pink bed in her boudoir, leaning on the pillow to call Qiu Yuan, with a smile that could not be hidden on the corner of her mouth.

"Then tell me what the bad news is?"

"The alliance is going to hold a breeding house competition, you know that, right?"

"Yes, Aunt Qiao Yijing told me, this is the bad news you are talking about? Is it about the grandson of the alliance boss?"

"You know this, but what I want to say has little to do with this person, it's about another person." Jiang Liye paused, then said in a serious tone, "It's the cousin of Master Mikoli, he is also a genius from a breeding family, but he became a junior breeder three years ago."

Akimoto was stunned, Mikoli's cousin? And this person?

"Since he is a genius from a breeding family, it has been three years, he should have become an intermediate breeder, right? What does it have to do with me?"

"He is still a junior breeder now! Hehe, but he is not badly talented. Guess why he has not been promoted to an intermediate breeder?"

Akimoto guessed casually: "He ran away to become a monk halfway?"

Jiang Liye: "..."

"Okay, I'm kidding you. Could it be that he became a trainer after becoming a junior breeder?"

"Tell me the truth, did you know his information a long time ago?" Jiang Liye was surprised.

"What's so difficult about this? There are many people who switch to trainers and coordinators after passing the junior breeder assessment, right?"

Many talented trainers will study the knowledge of Pokémon breeding in their spare time during the journey. When their abilities are enough to pass the junior breeder assessment, they will also take the assessment.

Passing the assessment and obtaining the junior breeder certificate does not mean that you must run a breeding house.

Trainers who have obtained the status of a primary breeder can get great convenience in the exchange of alliance points.

Especially for some young Pokémon with very good qualifications, generally only the King-level trainers are eligible for exchange. Trainers who are not qualified cannot exchange even if they have enough alliance points.

In short: you are not worthy.

But when a trainer also has the status of a breeder, he can obtain the qualification to purchase young Pokémon of higher level, and the quasi-King-level trainer can also obtain the exchange rights of the King-level trainer.

King-level trainers are very rare in the entire trainer group. If a trainer wants to obtain the title of King-level, he must have three Pokémon with King-level strength.

If only one Pokémon reaches the King-level strength, then this trainer cannot be called a King-level trainer, at most a trainer of King-level Pokémon.

It takes a huge amount of time and energy to cultivate a King-level Pokémon, let alone three King-level Pokémon?

Therefore, Elite-level trainers are really rare, and the Alliance also attaches great importance to Elite-level trainers and opens up many convenient permissions to them.

The assessment of breeders is the most convenient way for non-Elite-level trainers to obtain Elite-level permissions. There are also several ways to obtain permissions by jumping levels, but they are all too difficult.

For example, if you help the Alliance to fight and destroy an officially registered evil organization and have a major contribution in the action, you can obtain jump-level permissions.

Not to mention the iconic evil organizations in each region, such as Team Rocket and Team Flare, even evil organizations that people may not have heard of, as long as they are officially registered by the Alliance, they have at least four Elite-level trainers.

Maybe one day Akimoto will meet a person wearing a cucumber suit and claiming to be a member of the Cucumber Team, who is a subordinate of a Elite-level evil villain boss.

"Boring, you guessed it right away." Jiang Liye on the other end of the phone pursed his lips in boredom, "That person's name is Famia, and he's actually an absolute genius. It only took him one year to go from a trainer with no foundation to a junior breeder."

"And he's only 19 years old, and he's already a trainer with a king-level Milotica, and the rest of his main Pokémon have also reached the quasi-king level."

Akimoto said, "Then what?"

"What do you want then? Even if he doesn't switch to breeding in three years, he's at least better than those of us who just passed the breeder assessment, right?"

"You are you, I am me, we can't say the same thing."

"Is, is that so?"

Jiang Liye had a blank expression on his face, took out a small fruit knife from the bedside table, and gestured in the air twice.

"I'll give you one more chance to organize your words."

Akimoto heard an endless chill in Jiang Liye's voice, as if he had been hit by the ice-type ultimate move Absolute Zero, and immediately changed his words: "Well, you must be better than me, that's what I mean, you understand, right?"

"Hmph." Jiang Liye listened to Qiu Yuan's explanation, lying on the bed, swinging her white and slender legs. Although she smiled, she still pretended to be angry and said, "This explanation doesn't work. You just want to say that I'm stupid, right?"

That's right, tsk tsk. Qiu Yuan thought so in his heart, but women are particularly scary creatures. It's better not to tell the truth. They like to hear lies, and the more nonsense they like.

"How can I say you are stupid? If I hadn't cheated, you would definitely be the first. You are so outstanding, beautiful and generous. I can't help but want to queue up at Fengyuan."

"What are you queuing for?" Jiang Liye said, holding back her laughter.

Qiu Yuan originally wanted to say that he was queuing to join Jiang Liye's million suitors, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly thought that he couldn't let Jiang Liye have false confidence, so the words he said became another sentence.

"Wait in line to buy Jiang Liye's limited edition photo album."

"You, say, say, again?"

Jiang Liye was stunned for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said word by word.

"Buy Jiang Liye's limited edition... Dabai Mantou..."

"Akimoto!! You're dead!"

Jiang Liye shouted into the phone, then hung up directly, leaving Akimoto standing there in a daze, thinking that he might have messed up.

Little did she know that at this moment Jiang Liye buried her head tightly under the pillow, her face was red as if it was about to bleed, her whole body couldn't help but heat up, and she was tangled in her heart. If Akimoto really asked her for a photo album, what should she do.

"Oh... this kind of thing... if he likes it, then... just take a copy for him..."

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