Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 136 Winter and Spring Rain

Qiu Yuan stretched out his hand to Azhe and said, "Hello, my name is Qiu Yuan, I am..."

"I am Azhe."

Before Qiu Yuan finished speaking, Azhe shook hands with Qiu Yuan perfunctorily, then said something with some pride, and turned to continue chatting with Salo.

Salo saw this scene, but she couldn't say anything. Azhe's temper was like this, and he was wronging Qiu Yuan.

Seeing him like this, Qiu Yuan was too lazy to talk to him, and he was asking for trouble.

At this time, Deli came with a plate and handed Qiu Yuan a cup of coffee. Qiu Yuan thanked him and took it, and saw Mataris coming to the living room with a recorder.

"Mr. Mataris, what are you doing?"

"Ah, it's like this, I haven't seen the kind of instrument in your hand yet, I wonder if I can record it later?"

Mataris asked a little embarrassedly.

For Mataris, collecting the sounds of unpopular instruments is a hobby he has developed since he was a child, and he is also very happy to learn these unpopular instruments and try to bring them to a bigger stage.

From the appearance of the erhu, Mataris could tell that it was a string instrument, but he was very curious and looking forward to how the two strings would play a piece of music.

"No problem, Mr. Mataris, just record it, but I hope it won't be spread too much."

"That's for sure, when will brother Akimoto start playing?"

Looking at Mataris's expectant and curious look, Akimoto was a little amused and sighed, so he put the bow on the table, got into position, and said, "Let's start now."

Seeing that Akimoto was about to play, Salo touched Azhe's head, asked him to sit on the sofa, and then sat down himself.

The melodious and long music came out from the sound box, as if the notes could be seen floating in the air in the living room, which made people feel open and peaceful when they heard it, and recalled the beautiful and happy things that had happened.

Salo listened to the music played by Akimoto and recalled the beautiful scenes he had experienced with Peschi when they were young. He smiled softly unconsciously, closed his eyes slightly, and leaned on the sofa to quietly browse the pictures in his mind.

Mataris and Deli are both professional musicians. When listening to music, unlike Salo, they also have a little analytical thinking when enjoying the sound of the piano. They found that the sound of the erhu is really very nice, and the timbre is also very suitable for various performance occasions.

Similar instruments include violins, but they cannot produce such a unique sound, and the artistic conception is also indescribable by other instruments.

However, if you want to use the erhu as the main instrument, there are really few instruments that can be used with the erhu, and the music is also difficult to compose.

But it can be composed, as long as you spend some effort. This new and unpopular instrument is actually quite attractive, and the most important thing is that it sounds great.

After hearing the first half of the song, Mataris and Deli, in addition to appreciating it, had this thought in mind the most. The couple had already decided to ask Akimoto how to play this instrument.

However, in this melodious and peaceful sound of the piano, Azhe stood up and left with a look of disdain.

Although he also paid attention to the basic etiquette of not making any noise when he stood up, Akimoto still noticed his departure.

Akimoto didn't care about him. Anyway, as long as he didn't take the initiative to make trouble, it was fine. He didn't want to listen to it. Originally, he just wanted to play it for Grandma Salo.

Just after Azhe left, the song entered the middle stage, and the melody gradually turned from plain to low. It was not the kind of melody that made people hear the sadness at first listen, but it gave people a feeling of being in the rainy evening, with a breeze blowing, and a faint chill.

This song was taught to Akimoto by an old man who played the erhu in the nursing home. At that time, he was over 90 years old.

The old man said that he and Hua Yanjun created this song together, but Hua Yanjun went blind before he could finish the song, and he had no intention to create during that time.

Only later did the old man complete the rest of the song by himself.

When the old man was born, there was nothing. His parents were poor and wore a piece of rags all year round.

In order to make a living, his parents sold the old man who was just born at that time to a rich family in the town, took a sum of money and ran away to the south.

The old man was confused and knew nothing. He went from a child of a poor family to a young master, and his parents arranged for him to learn piano and foreign music.

But he didn't like it. He liked erhu and pipa.

When the old man came of age, he took the opportunity to manage his business and went to Wuxi to do business. He met Hua Yanjun, who was still playing music in Taoism. The two met because the old man played the erhu in the pavilion one afternoon. Hua Yanjun happened to pass by and listened to the music played by the old man. He criticized it on the spot and said that it was terrible.

The old man was also a young talent at that time, and his heart was naturally arrogant. When he heard Hua Yanjun's harsh criticism, he immediately proposed to fight with Hua Yanjun.

So the two played the piano in the pavilion for an afternoon, from erhu to pipa, pipa to five-stringed zither. In the end, the two found that their hobbies were so similar, and they immediately felt a sense of mutual appreciation.

After a glass of wine, the two people, who were seven or eight years apart, became close friends. From then on, they discussed the art of playing the piano and felt very comfortable.

The old man and Hua Yanjun created the whole half of this song, which was a remembrance and memory of the quiet and beautiful time in that era.

But later, Hua Yanjun suffered from eye disease, became blind, and lost his job as the presiding officer of the ritual. He could only make a living by performing. He was so sad that he didn't want his friends to know about it, so he hid his identity and lived on the streets.

The old man later discovered his identity, but he knew that even if he revealed his identity, he would not admit it, so he had to secretly help him until Hua Yanjun died.

When his old friend passed away, the old man was extremely sad. He accidentally found the half of the song they had created together, so he closed the door to write the song and wrote it out. Whenever he missed his old friend, he would play it.

The second half of the song is endless longing. The deep emotion is hidden in the sound of the piano like drizzling rain. Qiu Yuan, who heard this song for the first time, was moved by it and pestered the old man to learn this song.

This song is called Winter and Spring Rain.

At this moment, playing it for Grandma Salo, I also heard Grandma Salo's story and felt a lot in my heart.

The song ended.

Salo leaned on the sofa with her eyes closed, but she could see the slight redness and swelling, as well as the large wet mark on her cuffs.

She kept this posture, smiling with her eyes closed, touching Akimoto and the Mataris couple.

Finally, Salo opened her eyes and looked at Akimoto, but at the moment she opened her eyes, she saw a few tears sliding down from the corners of her eyes.

"Xiao Qiu, if I knew you were going to play this kind of song, I would have left after listening to the last half."

"Okay, you play well..."

This is a fictitious plot, please don't take it seriously. Missing Master A Bing, the author really likes Chinese classical music (not the current Chinese style songs).

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