Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 141 The situation is not good

Qiu Yuan took the cookie, took a small bite, and then looked at Xiao Li with a strange look, which aroused Xiao Li's doubtful eyes.

There is really nothing to say. I don't know where Xiao Li learned the method of making this cookie. The taste is exactly the same as the Yue Li Yue that Qiu Yuan had eaten.

Thinking of this, Qiu Yuan bought a pack of Yue Li Yue in the system white store, opened it and handed it to Xiao Li.

"Pu Li?"

Xiao Li was stunned for a moment, looking at the two black and white sandwich cookies in Qiu Yuan's hand that were similar in shape, and found that the cookie on Qiu Yuan's right hand had some different patterns.

Taking Qiu Yuan's cookie, Xiao Li tasted it, and it tasted exactly the same as what he made!

"Pu Li! Pu Li?" Xiao Li looked at Qiu Yuan with doubtful eyes.

"How is it possible? Why would I spy on you making cookies? I can make them too." Qiu Yuan said innocently.

"Puh, puh, puh!"

But Xiaoli still couldn't believe it. How could Qiu Yuan just take out the same dessert that he had worked so hard to learn!

It really pissed off Jiggerjack off!

"Okay, okay, the competition is about to start. I'll teach you another one after the competition, okay?"

Qiu Yuan smiled and pinched Xiaoli, and the latter's eyes lit up again after hearing Qiu Yuan's words, and nodded very quickly.

The first group of players to compete today have already taken their positions. The mount lamb and the forest lizard each occupied half of the arena, facing each other and accumulating their own momentum.

However, compared to the calmness of the mount lamb, the forest lizard was a little serious. It knew the strengths of the mount lamb in its heart, and it happened to restrain it very much.

It also watched the battle between the forest lizard of the same clan and the mount lamb before, and learned some lessons from it, but it only had a tiny effect. After all, everyone knew each other well and understood each other's restraint very well.

As soon as the lamb came into battle, he stared at the forest lizard with a stern look, but the opponent did not seem to be moved. Instead, he wiped the blades on his arms slightly, serious and calm.

"I declare! The third game of the first Pokémon competition of Qiuye Breeding House, the first group No. 1 contestant vs. No. 24 contestant Forest Lizard, start!"

With Akimoto's order, the forest lizard actually rushed straight to the lamb!

The lamb had never expected this situation. When fighting with the forest lizards before, they either threw leaf blades from a distance or wanted to fight with him to consume his physical strength.

But who could guess what this forest lizard was thinking?

Unexpectedly, the lamb did not think about it for a while, and took a defensive posture on the spot, ready to rely on his strong physique to resist this attack, and then take the opportunity to counterattack.


The forest lizard rushed to the front of the lamb, and slapped the lamb's neck with a swift blade. However, the lamb would not let it attack its weak spot. It used a small movement to let the forest lizard's attack fall on its back.

In the eyes of the lamb, the forest lizard's attack was just futile. It had no way to defend itself, so it made such a self-destructive attack.

After the lamb let the forest lizard's attack deflect, it concentrated its strength and headed towards the forest lizard on its left.

The hard horns pushed up from the bottom, and just when everything seemed to develop according to the lamb's idea, the forest lizard smiled proudly.

Relying on its own high speed and high flexibility that far exceeded the lamb's, the forest lizard dodged to the right of the lamb and avoided the opponent's fierce attack.

At the same time, the lamb's biggest weakness was in front of the forest lizard!

The long-term victory against the forest lizards made the mount lamb unconsciously look down on the forest lizards. Although it could not notice it, the forest lizards still noticed it very keenly.

Although the two are of similar levels, they are much older and their thinking is also different.

The forest lizard itself is only green in qualification, and it lives in the alliance breeding center, which is mainly developing breeding, so it took so long to reach level 30.

But unlike the mount lamb's rapid improvement in strength, every bit of the forest lizard's strength has been honed over time, and its mastery of strength is completely incomparable to the young mount lamb.

As the saying goes, ginger is still spicy with age. The mount lamb fell into the trap set by the forest lizard because of its simple mentality.

The forest lizard knew what the mount lamb would think after it attacked it like a fool, so it took advantage of the mount lamb's overconfidence in the face of its own clan and cleverly lured the other party to reveal its weakness.

At this moment, the mount lamb's front hooves that were raised with all its strength to hit the forest lizard failed to land, and its weakness in the abdomen was also exposed to the forest lizard.

The forest lizard controlled its strength and concentrated its strength on its arms, taking this opportunity to launch a series of attacks on the mount lamb's abdomen.

The continuous blade slashes hit the mount lamb's abdomen. Although the forest lizard sacrificed some of its power for high-speed and high-frequency attacks, the mount lamb was still greatly impacted and was directly knocked to the ground by the forest lizard.

With a painful groan, the mount lamb wanted to stand up, but found that it had no way to control its body at all, and was powerless at this moment.

It turned out that the forest lizard had no intention of injuring the mount lamb. It just used high-frequency and high-speed attacks to make the mount lamb's body vibrate and temporarily lose the ability to control its body.

At first, Akimoto thought that the mount lamb was seriously injured and fell to the ground. After all, the thick-skinned mount lamb can usually withstand the opponent's attack, not to such an extent.

But after a closer look, Akimoto discovered the clever way the forest lizard handled it, and couldn't help but admire the forest lizard.

This move was the first time Akimoto had seen it, and it was not a skill that could be comprehended in the genetic memory of the forest lizard's group. It was more like a unique skill created by it using its own comprehended attack skills.

The system detection recognizes the skills created by Pokémon through its own comprehension, but it seems that the forest lizard's move has not been perfected, so it has not been recognized by the system for the time being, and Akimoto can't detect the information of this skill.

However, judging from the current situation, the mount lamb seems to be in a bad situation.

Is the confident mount lamb going to stop at the third game, and lose to the opponent, the forest lizard, which is completely restrained by it!

The remaining chapters will be posted later, and those who want to read them can wait until tomorrow.

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