Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 149 Stewed into turtle soup and drank

After exchanging a few polite words with the staff from the auction house, Qiu Yuan hung up the phone and checked his bank card balance on his pager.

After entering the password, the first eye-catching message was the payment information from the auction house in Miare City. Qiu Yuan looked at the eight-digit number in his balance and smiled.

It happened that he was going to buy a batch of civilian Pokémon eggs to expand the low-end service line of his breeding house.

That day, when she had nothing to do and was chatting with Qiao Yijing, she asked about Qiu Yuan's business situation. When she learned that Qiu Yuan planned to develop a boutique route, Qiao Yijing was very supportive, but she still suggested that Qiu Yuan first buy a batch of low-priced civilian Pokémon eggs to sell.

If you want to go the boutique route, you first need to have a broad mass base. Many successful breeding houses in this regard started by selling ordinary Pokémon eggs, and then transformed into a boutique route after winning a customer base.

So if Qiu Yuan wants to run Qiuye Breeding House well, he can't be too ambitious.

Qiu Yuan also humbly listened to Qiao Yijing's suggestion. After thinking about it, he felt that it was a good idea. At least he still had ten green-quality Pokémon egg culture fluids as a guarantee.

However, Qiu Yuan couldn't implement it at that time because he had no money and couldn't afford a Pokémon egg.

Now the balance is about 2.8 million, so he can consider going to other breeding houses to buy a batch of Pokémon eggs for sale.

Qiu Yuan also wanted to buy at the Alliance Breeding Center, but unfortunately, it required a purchase certificate, and Qiu Yuan's own purchase certificate had been used up...

The breeding house that Qiao Yijing recommended to Qiu Yuan was called Fengling Breeding House. It was a very famous breeding base in Carlos. Many Pokémon breeders would go there to buy Pokémon eggs and then sell them to local residents.

As the largest breeding base in Carlos, the ecological park of Fengling Breeding House is almost a complete ecosystem, with various ecological environments and many types of Pokémon.

From rare Pokémon like Axetooth and Roundland Shark to Pikachu and Walker, every Pokémon has a large breeding scale in the Wind Chime Breeding House.

It can be said that in terms of breeding scale, even the Alliance Breeding Center cannot compare with the Wind Chime Breeding House.

Compared with the Alliance Breeding Center, which takes the boutique route of boutiques, the Wind Chime Breeding House is aimed at consumers of all levels and has a very wide range of business.

The Wind Chime Breeding House not only sells high-quality rare Pokémon, but also allows breeders to purchase Pokémon eggs of ordinary Pokémon in large quantities for secondary sale.

And the price is cheaper than other breeding houses.

It is for this reason that the Wind Chime Breeding House has been supported by a large number of primary breeders who make a living by reselling Pokémon eggs, and it is growing stronger day by day.

Recently, there seems to be a sign of development to other regions, but Qiao Yijing has only heard some rumors and cannot be sure.

It is worth mentioning that when breeders go to the Wind Chime Breeding House to purchase goods, they are only allowed to check the price but not the type.

Breeders choose the number of Pokémon eggs they want to buy according to the price classification given by the Wind Chime Breeding House. After the transaction is completed, the Wind Chime Breeding House will hand over the Pokémon eggs to the buyer.

Depending on the price, the qualifications of the Pokémon eggs will also be different, but generally speaking, the qualifications of the Pokémon eggs purchased by the breeder will not be inconsistent with its price.

If Akimoto wants to buy Pokémon eggs at the Wind Chime Breeding House, he must also consider this point. The type of Pokémon is not something he can decide.

Serena ate a fish ball comfortably, picked up the paper towel on the table and wiped her mouth, and then looked at Akimoto who was still swiping with the pager.

"Get rich? Boss Akimoto?"

After being interrupted by Serena, Akimoto put away the pager and said indifferently: "What boss? It's just small money, not much."

"Wow, I heard it all! 2.63 million yuan!" Serena said, and then said aggrievedly, "I have never received more than 10,000 yuan in pocket money..."

"Eavesdropping is a bad habit, and you are still a child, why do you need pocket money." Akimoto stood up and looked at the table. The food in the pot was almost finished. He couldn't believe that Serena, a little girl, ate so much.

"Clean up the table and take you out to play later, okay?"

"Okay! I'll do it, I'll do it, brother Akimoto, you just need to rest. You must be tired after eating hot pot for so long!"

When Serena heard that Akimoto was going to take her out to play, she was very happy and immediately showed her courtesy.

But speaking of that...

"What do you mean you are tired after eating hot pot for such a long time?"

"Ah, that's what I mean. You are tired."

"You are so naughty, why don't you act like this in front of Sister Sachi?"

"Okay, Brother Akimoto, you must be tired. If you are tired, go and rest. I will clean the table. Go quickly."

Serena piled the bowls and plates on the table together and urged Akimoto to go to the side. She was in a good mood and didn't argue with Akimoto.

Akimoto looked at the time and found that it was almost one o'clock. This hot pot started at twelve o'clock and took nearly an hour.

After Serena brought the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen, Akimoto wiped the table himself and put the iron pot back in the kitchen. The matter of washing dishes will be discussed in the evening.

"Let's go, we will be too late later."

"Oh! That's right!" Serena patted her head and suddenly remembered something, "If both of us go out, what should we do with the breeding house?"

"Just let Jigglypuff come over, it's much smarter than you."

Serena pouted, and was disliked by Akimoto again.

After giving Jigglypuff a few instructions, Akimoto took Gardevoir and Serena out. As for Xiaoli, she stayed behind and prepared to tinker with new dishes with Jigglypuff while Akimoto was out.

When Akimoto walked to the door, he found a few more little tails behind him...

"You three, do you want me to make soup with you?"

Akimoto said viciously to the three Squirtle brothers who followed him secretly and wanted to go out to play.

The three brothers were so scared that they quickly shrank into their shells and trembled for a while, and the three shells kept shaking on the ground.

"Come out, listen carefully now! Line up!"

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny..."

Hearing Akimoto's command, the three brothers suddenly emerged from their tortoise shells and lined up in a hurry, fearing that Akimoto would stew them into tortoise soup if they were slow.

"At ease!"

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny..."

"Stand at attention! Turn around! Run!"

"Jenny, Jenny, Jenny..."

"Take bigger steps!"

Akimoto gently kicked the third tortoise at the end of the team, which scared it so much that it simply rolled back into its shell and rolled back to the breeding house. The remaining two brothers, the first and second tortoises, did not dare to go back.

"Isn't it a little too fierce?"

"You will understand later. You have to be a little fierce to deal with these three guys, otherwise they will be lawless."

Serena felt a little sorry for the three little things who were in a panic, but Akimoto told her that it was completely okay to do so.

These three brothers are simply a mudslide in Akiba's breeding house. The Pokémon that were originally well-behaved have been led astray by these three brothers, and now each one is more noisy than the other.

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