Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 152 Falling off a cliff!

With a good solution, the next treatment method will be much simpler.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to take Serena away from here. Such a bloody scene would be unbearable even for a normal person without psychological barriers.

Serena, who relied on the ability of Gardevoir to stabilize her emotions, has regained the ability to move freely, but her face is still very pale, and she needs Akimoto's support to walk normally.

After carefully leaving the place where the coyote and the snake bear were fighting with Serena, they came to a small cliff.

Under the cliff is a clear stream, which is about 20 meters away from the cliff where Akimoto is, and the other cliff on the other side is seven or eight meters away.

The best way to eliminate fear is to face it! And another form of strong stimulation can greatly dilute fear, so Akimoto thought of a very ridiculous but useful method.


"What's wrong..." Serena's voice was still a little weak.

"Let's fly!"

Akimoto laughed loudly, pulled Serena and jumped, and the two fell straight from the cliff to the river at the bottom.

The whistling wind passed by her ears, and Serena couldn't help but screaming loudly. Her adrenaline surged, and the hand holding Akimoto's arm clenched tightly, and her nails were about to dig into Akimoto's flesh.

But Akimoto didn't care about the pain in his arm. He also screamed loudly, feeling the excitement of falling rapidly, and felt very happy for a while.

Just when Serena was about to fall into the water and felt that she was about to die, her body suddenly stagnated, paused in the air, and then fell into the water with Akimoto, splashing huge water.


The water fell into the river again. After a while, Akimoto floated up from the water, wiped the water drops on his face with his right hand, and pulled Serena up with his left hand.

Serena was still in a state of shock, and she was completely stunned, floating in the water with her body's own consciousness.

She can actually swim! Akimoto looked at Serena in surprise and found that she was swimming unconsciously. With his support, she successfully floated up.

Akimoto laughed and pulled Serena to the shore. The flow of this stream was not fast. Before he jumped down, he confirmed the flow rate through the fallen leaves floating above the river.

After secretly using telepathy to communicate with Gardevoir to make a plan, Akimoto took Serena and jumped off the 20-meter-high cliff.

With Gardevoir's protection, they would definitely not fall to death, and Serena would definitely be greatly stimulated without knowing it. This stimulation can completely make her enter a state of extreme excitement, thus quickly eliminating the previous fear.

This is also the feeling that many people like extreme sports. The exciting and excited feeling makes many people addicted to it.

When on Earth, Akimoto always had no chance to learn extreme sports, and he was also a little worried about the facilities for extreme sports in China, so he never tried it.

In the Pokémon world, with the protection of Gardevoir, Akimoto can play as much as he wants without worrying about anything.

"Serena? Serena?"

"Ah, ah? You... I..."

After bringing Serena to shore, Akimoto waved his hands in front of her. After a while, she seemed to come back to her senses and replied stupidly.

"Ah! I was scared to death! I thought I was going to die!!"

After a while, Serena recovered from the dazed state just now. She was full of fear and gritted her teeth and hammered Akimoto's arm hard.

"No, no, no, hit me gently, I'm wrong, don't hit me too hard." Akimoto apologized repeatedly, but his face was still full of a happy smile, "And don't you feel very excited? The feeling just now was great, right? Did the fear in your heart disappear all at once?"

"Ah? It seems... it really is..."

Hearing Akimoto's words, Serena paused for a moment, and then she realized that it seemed that her fear had disappeared completely, leaving only excitement and excitement.

It seems to be true! It's really useful, and it's really exciting!

Serena thought so, but she was really scared. After thinking about it, she hit Akimoto harder.

"What are you doing! I'm helping you! Who are you hitting?"

"I'm hitting you! Haha~"


After playing in the small canyon in the mountains for a while, Akimoto asked Gardevoir to catch a small rocket sparrow and make a small fire for him, and then let it go.

Serena was quite familiar with Rocket Sparrow. Her mother had a Rocket Sparrow, so she would not have any fear of Rocket Sparrow.

Moreover, in front of the powerful strength of Gardevoir, Rocket Sparrow naturally made a fire obediently and did not dare to act rashly.

It also wanted to run away. What was the big deal of making a fire when being caught? Rocket Sparrow also had dignity!

But just now, it was imprisoned from the tree by an invisible force without any ability to fight back. The next second, it was in front of these two humans, and it seemed that the one who caught it was Gardevoir in front of it...

It immediately lost its resistance. It just wanted to make a fire and leave honestly, without any idea of ​​making trouble.

"Thank you, Rocket Sparrow~ I'll treat you to something good, bye~"

Akimoto took out a few small balls from his backpack and threw them to Rocket Sparrow. After it caught two with its claws, it cried and flew away without looking back.

But why does the flying back look so embarrassed?

It's definitely not me who abuses Pokémon, I'm so kind.

Akimoto thought silently.

After sitting by the fire with Serena to dry the clothes, they walked upstream along the river.

Along the way, they saw many Pokémon in the river, among which the most were the Magikarp that could only flutter, and the Horned Goldfish that had no use except for viewing.

Suddenly, Akimoto found two yellow figures!

"Go, go, come on!"

After saying this to Serena, Akimoto hurriedly chased the two yellow figures, and at the same time did not forget to spend 50 points to buy a Phantom Fruit from the system store.

Serena didn't know what Akimoto was going to do, but just ran forward with Akimoto.

Seeing that the two yellow figures were about to disappear from her sight, Akimoto suddenly accelerated, causing Serena behind to speed up and catch up with Akimoto breathlessly.

Perhaps sensing the movement behind them, the two petite yellow figures in front ran faster and faster, and finally stopped at the edge of a small cliff, looked back at Akimoto, and then disappeared behind the cliff with their tails wagging.

It was as if they were mocking Akimoto for running too slowly... and looked back at him with contempt...

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