Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 155 Heterochromatic Pikachu

After listening to Serena's explanation, Akimoto was also stunned.

He originally thought that it would take a complicated process to solve Serena's problem, but now it seems that he doesn't need to do anything at all, Serena is already fine.

It seems a bit too simple?

I don't know if it's because these wild Pikachus are curious about humans, and they actively approach Serena to play with her, which gives her the opportunity to break through the psychological barrier.

But regardless of these, at least now Serena has shown the same situation as when facing the Pokémon in the breeding house. It's a good thing that she no longer has the fear of facing wild Pokémon, and I believe that the effect of the phantom fruit has also begun to work.

Akimoto felt quite relaxed, but he still had to pay attention to one thing. Pikachu is just a small and gentle Pokémon. It is not yet certain what Serena will be like when facing medium and large wild Pokémon.

Akimoto watched Serena and the Pikachus playing happily, and suddenly felt an itch on his back, and then he felt his sweater hood sink.

Reaching into the hood of his sweater, Akimoto grabbed the back of the neck of the Pikachu that ran into his hood of his sweater very accurately without vision...

"Pika Pika."

Pikachu stared at Akimoto with cute eyes.

Akimoto just held it in the air and stared at it.

Suddenly, Akimoto stretched out a finger and poked Pikachu's belly quickly and accurately, and then quickly tickled it, causing Pikachu's hands and feet to dance wildly, laughing "Pika Pika" all the time, and tears came out.

Walking and tickling Pikachu's belly, Akimoto took it to sit aside, and it was also very well behaved. Although it was tickled by Akimoto, it did not have any violent reaction, but just waved its furry hands and feet constantly, trying to slap Akimoto's evil fingers away.

"Hey, little naughty." Akimoto finally tickled it, sat on the ground with legs crossed, and put Pikachu on his legs.

"Pika Pika~ Pika~"

The released Pikachu laughed and jumped into Akimoto's arms, its head kept pushing in, and its tender little hands kept reaching out to Akimoto's belly, trying to tickle Akimoto.

But Akimoto was wearing an autumn sweater, and Pikachu's light and heavy little hands could not give Akimoto any feeling through the clothes.


Akimoto reached out and grabbed it.


Akimoto put it back on his legs.


Pikachu rushed into Akimoto's arms again.

"Pika Pika!"

Akimoto pressed Pikachu's head into the pocket of the sweater with one finger.

Akimoto laughed loudly, twisted Pikachu's little paws with both hands, and manipulated it to dance on his legs like a puppet.

To be precise, it can't be called dancing at all, it can only be that Akimoto pulled Pikachu's hand to make funny movements to satisfy his playfulness.

"Hahaha, interesting."

After playing with it for a long time, Akimoto was tired of holding his hands up and wanted to rest for a while.

But Pikachu seemed to like playing like this very much. He kept pushing into Akimoto's arms, lifted his arms and put them on his head, and then jumped up happily with his head on Akimoto's arms.

But Akimoto's hands were really a little sore, so he simply guided a little life force and gently put his hands on Pikachu's head.

A soft breath instantly penetrated Pikachu's brain, making it drowsy, and its eyelids soon began to droop.

"Why don't you play anymore, little guy?"

Akimoto pinched Pikachu's cheeks playfully, and felt a little bit of electrical energy, but it didn't have much power.

Pikachu rubbed his eyes in a daze, but still wanted to sleep very much. It didn't know why it was fine just now, but suddenly became so sleepy?

Seeing Pikachu rubbing his eyes, Akimoto smiled and put his fingers on its eyelids, moving them up and down, opening and closing.

This Pikachu that came to him was very special. It was a Pikachu with heterochromatic pupils.

Most Pikachus have black pupils, but there are special cases where Pikachus with different pupil colors appear.

And the Pikachu that was drowsy on Akimoto's legs was a Pikachu with blue-gray pupils.

Compared with other Pikachus, its eyes were like a thin layer of mist, hazy and very beautiful, and there was an inexplicable spirit hidden behind this layer of mist.

However, it was only a Pikachu with yellow qualifications. Generally speaking, Pikachus with heterochromatic pupils have better talents than other Pikachus of the same race, and their extra affinity for other elemental powers varies depending on the color of their pupils.

Akimoto thought of the Pikachu who could surf, Maguire.

Maguire's eyes are a very pure sea blue, and he has a strong ability to perceive the tides, which relies on his extra affinity for the water element.

Generally speaking, Pikachu's elemental affinity is mainly electric and general, and the affinities of other elements are similar, far lower than the elemental affinities of electric and general.

As long as the elemental affinity is not zero, Pokémon can theoretically learn skills of all attributes through hard work.

But heterochromatic Pikachu can add affinities to other elements. Although it cannot reach the same level as the main affinity element, it is still easy to far exceed the affinity of other elements.

Pikachu with sea blue eyes has the best affinity for water elements, so it is relatively easy to master some easy-to-learn water skills.

This simplicity is relative, and it is definitely not as good as the Pokémon whose attributes are water.

Surfing skills require the use of props, usually board-type props. Pokémon controls the board to achieve the effect of traveling on the water, and can also stir up waves to attack enemy Pokémon by adjusting the angle.

This skill that uses existing physical water is relatively easy to master. As for skills that require self-condensation of water elements, such as the simplest water gun, the difficulty will also be doubled for non-water Pokémon.

What element does the blue-gray color correspond to?

Akimoto twisted his chin, looking at Pikachu who was lying on his legs and sleeping with his nose twitching, thinking about this question.

The materialization of elements is usually manifested in skills, and attacks of various attributes have their own colors.

But invisible attacks like ghost and psychic are just that humans cannot recognize their colors. Some Pokémon can recognize the colors of such skills.

Akimoto can also consume life force to gain this ability, but the consumption of life force is very huge, and it is impossible to open it normally.

Judging from the various colors, perhaps this Pikachu's additional elemental affinity is a mixture of multiple elements?

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