Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 166 Full range of electric shock services

Just when Akimoto was bored and thinking about this, suddenly a bright and dazzling light streaked across the night sky and fell to the ground in a beautiful arc.

After Akimoto was slightly surprised, he calmed down and calculated, and found that the landing point of this thing that was most likely a meteorite was exactly in the southern forest, and it was relatively close to the center!

In the days since he came to the Pokémon world, Akimoto has seen countless meteors streaking across the sky, but this is the first time that the landing point is so close to him.

Most meteorite craters can only find some meteorite iron, which can be used to make more accurate instruments and can also be used to make high-intensity Pokémon balls.

However, someone has found traces of the Pipi tribe near the meteorite crater, and the probability is not small.

So everyone thinks that the place where the meteorite falls is likely to capture the Pipi, so every meteorite crater is a must-go place for Pipi lovers.

Akimoto is also quite interested in Pipi, but it is already quite late today, and it is more dangerous to go to the southern forest, not to mention that it is deep.

Anyway, I still have to go to the southern forest to complete the map tomorrow, and try to find Pipi's traces by chance.

It is basically confirmed that Pipi is a Pokémon who has mastered the manufacturing technology of spaceships. There is a high probability that Pipi is a guest from outer space.

The reason why such an uncertain word is used is because there is still a doubt that cannot be explained.

The outer space in the Pokémon world is not stable. It is not uncommon for hundreds of meteorites to hit the earth every day, but only one or two actually pass through the atmosphere, and among them, Rayquaza plays a role.

Rayquaza will smash meteorites that attempt to pass through the atmosphere and are harmful to the Pokémon world, and will also prevent Pokémon from outer space from entering the Pokémon world.

With Pipi's weak combat power, how did he escape alive from Rayquaza's hands?

This is difficult to explain.

Moreover, the spaceships made by Pipi will be scrapped halfway most of the time...

It is very likely that Pipi, who set out from Johto, broke down the spaceship when he reached the Kalos region, and then Pipi came to the Kalos region.

So slowly, Pipi was distributed in various regions.

However, Akimoto had no intention of studying this.

Cuteness is justice, don't ask about the origin!

I'm talking about Pipi.

However, it is also very likely that traces of Deoxys can be found in the crater.

Compared with the mythical beasts that usually only appear as individuals, such as Celebi and Shemmy, there can actually be many of the same species.

Although Deoxys is powerful, it still does not have the original power of the Pokémon world, so it is also a mythical beast, and it is not uncommon to find Deoxys in two regions at the same time.

So it is very likely that the Beluga will open a golden legend, no, Deoxys!

Akimoto was thinking about it, and soon returned to the door of the breeding house. When he was about to open the door, there was a loud noise from the south, and then in a burst of light, smoke and dust rose in the center of the southern forest, and even Akimoto could see it.

"Ghost, with such a big commotion, no one is still in the center of the southern forest at this time, right? No one was really hit in the head by a meteorite, right?"

Akimoto complained in his heart.

Little did he know that at this moment in the southern forest, a young man in mountaineering clothes was staring at the smoke and dust in front of him in amazement, and swallowed his saliva dully.

And under his feet, one step further is the big pit made by the meteorite!

"What kind of luck is this..."

The young man muttered to himself in a daze.


After returning to the breeding house, he took a comfortable hot bath and went to bed. The next morning, Akimoto was awakened by his biological clock. After getting dressed and washing up, he prepared a delicate breakfast for himself.

A delicate man should have a delicate life!

A Jili boiled egg, not boiled Jili eggs, but boiled the eggs of Jili eggs.

This egg alone is enough to fill Akimoto's stomach.

Since bringing Pikachu back yesterday, Akimoto's bedroom has one more Pokémon resident.

At first, it was the fairy milk who insisted on sleeping with Akimoto. Akimoto couldn't resist it, so he had to agree.

And the Pikachu with heterochromatic eyes seemed to be attached to Akimoto's hair, treating the top of Akimoto's head as his warm nest, and even pulling Akimoto's hair when sleeping...

When Akimoto finished breakfast and took the fairy milk back for a walk, Pikachu was still sleeping.

"hiahiahia! Since you don't get up, don't blame me, hahaha!"

Akimoto laughed evilly, tiptoed to the bed, and made his hands into claws.

Pikachu was sleeping sweetly on Akimoto's pillow, with its tail used as a small quilt to cover its belly. When Akimoto approached, it smacked its lips, as if it had dreamed of something delicious.

"Foodie! Get up! Wuhu!"

Akimoto laughed, grabbed Pikachu's two little arms, and lifted them up and down twice. Then, he controlled Pikachu's body like a toy and performed a set of weird military boxing.

However, the joy turned into sorrow. The fairy milk noticed something wrong in the air and flew away from Akimoto's head immediately, while Akimoto was still laughing and "helping" Pikachu to perform military boxing.


With Pikachu's loud cry, a very powerful electric current gave Akimoto a full-body massage service...

After releasing the electricity, Pikachu rubbed his eyes sleepily and looked at Akimoto for a long time.

At this moment, Akimoto was lying on the bed like a corpse, motionless...

After a long time, Pikachu didn't see Akimoto move, thinking that he might have electrocuted this person to death, so he climbed on Akimoto, got close, and reached out to feel Akimoto's breath.

Just then!

Akimoto's eyes suddenly opened, and his right hand quickly pinched Pikachu's cheeks. The two electric sacs were instantly suppressed by Akimoto with the fairy essence.

After solving Pikachu's electric sacs, Pikachu no longer had any fighting power for Akimoto, and he could vent his anger.

This is the first time that Akimoto has experienced the sour taste of being electrified all over his body since he was a child.

If it happened on Earth, it would probably only happen once, and there would be no second chance.

Thanks to the fact that there was still a trace of self-consciousness in the fairy's essence, Akimoto mobilized the power of various parts of his body when he sensed danger, forming a protective net, so Akimoto was not electrocuted.

After all, it is impossible for everyone to be a super rookie, right? Only a super rookie can withstand the attack of a legendary beast without any damage.

I don't mean to imply that I am talking about Xiaozhi who hangs on the wall!

"Good boy, you actually electrocuted me! Today I will let you see how powerful I am!"

Akimoto looked at Pikachu with ill intentions, and it was so scared that it quickly shrank its neck and dared not breathe.

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