Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 168 A true man's fight

Giving Xiaoli a cold look, Akimoto grabbed its chubby, round cheeks and squeezed them hard.

Fortunately, we went to Grandma Salo's house, otherwise, if we went somewhere else, we might meet some weird people.

Just like Team Flare.

Although the combat power of Pokémon like Jigglypuff is not very good, its cuteness is very popular among trainers.

In the survey of Jigglypuff's love, the number of male trainers who said they wanted to capture Jigglypuff was 10% less than the number of female trainers!

As expected!

Which tough guy doesn't like pink cute little ones?

Some people with bad intentions often capture other trainers' Pokémon, such as Jigglypuff, who look silly, especially their capture targets.

After illegally capturing Jigglypuff, they will sell it to others at a high price on the black market to make a huge profit.

This is also why criminal organizations are so disgusting.

Illegal capture of the Pokémon treasured by trainers is unacceptable!

At this moment, Akimoto was like an old woman, nagging at Jigglypuff. Even Gengar, who was resting in his shadow, couldn't stand it and ran to the shadow of the forest lizard.

Jigglypuff knew that he had done something wrong, so he had to bow his head and admit his mistake. After listening to Akimoto's lecture for a long time, his ears finally calmed down.

"Next time this happens, you will not be allowed to go out! Do you hear me?!"

"Pu li li li..."

Xiaoli nodded vigorously.

Seeing that it admitted its mistake sincerely, Akimoto stopped nagging with satisfaction.

Picking up an unknown small flower on the ground, Akimoto also wanted to make a wreath.


After a few attempts, the ring came out, but the flower was gone, leaving only the stamens, and the petals fell off completely...

"What a failure..."

Qiyuan touched his nose helplessly, and felt the strange eyes of the Pokémon. He couldn't help but stand up awkwardly and dragged Xiaoli to the judges' seat.

"Pu Li Pu Li! (Wait a minute!)"

Xiaoli cleaned up the materials on the ground, and together with Jigglypuff, brought the most beautiful flowers to the judges' seat and continued to weave the wreath on the judges' seat.

"What are you going to... do with it?"

Qiyuan asked doubtfully. He had guessed Xiaoli's idea, but he was not sure yet, and did not rule out the possibility that Xiaoli was in a momentary mood.

Xiaoli raised her head, raised the small flower in her hand, and proudly called Akimoto twice.

Then Xiaoli's three sisters quickly arranged in a triangle position, and Xiaoli ran over and put wreaths on them one by one.

"Are you saying that the wreaths are their competition medals?"

Qiyuan frowned.

Damn it! I don't think I've prepared anything for the prizes to be given to the Pokémon that won the prizes after the competition!

Even Xiaoli thought of it, but he didn't think of it at all...

In comparison, he looks stupid, doesn't he?

After hearing what Qiu Yuan said, Xiaoli patted his chest very proudly, and his face seemed to say: You should praise me quickly.

"Great, you did a good job, you should be praised."

Qiu Yuan smiled and rubbed its head.

Xiaoli narrowed his eyes happily after getting the affirmation, and laughed foolishly.

At this time, the mount goat and the axe-tooth dragon also finished the warm-up movements. Both Pokémon looked ready to go, and their fighting spirit was very high.

"Are you ready? The semi-finals of the Akiba Breeding House Pokémon Battle Competition are about to start. The two sides are contestant No. 1 Mount Goat and contestant No. 19 Axe-tooth Dragon. Let's cheer for them!"

Qiu Yuan shouted an opening speech, and then led other Pokémon to applaud and cheer for the two Pokémon on the field.

Seeing that both Mount Goat and Axe Tooth Dragon had no problems, Akimoto then blew the whistle and signaled that the game could begin. Everyone sat down in their respective seats.


"The game begins!"

With Akimoto's order, the two Pokémon rushed towards each other without hesitation, looking aggressive, without even using their respective amplification skills.

It looks like a real man's battle!

No tricks, no fancy skills to win, but a pure strength competition?

Mount Goat has always wanted to defeat Axe Tooth Dragon to prove itself, but before evolution, every battle with Axe Tooth Dragon ended with its failure.

This once made Mount Goat very frustrated, but now it has evolved, and it seems to have endless power in its body, which makes it very confident.

It feels like a veteran!

And Axe Tooth Dragon also took this battle very seriously. For it, it actually doesn't like that kind of troublesome battle. You throw a skill from a distance, and I throw a skill from a distance, which is very troublesome.

It prefers close combat, the pleasure brought by the release of physical strength is what a real man pursues!

So the two Pokémon chose to attack directly as soon as they came on the field.

In fact, if one of them made other choices, such as releasing the amplification skill first, it would be very likely to be interrupted by the opponent's quick attack.

Amplification skills can be interrupted, because general amplification skills require Pokémon to guide elemental power, which has a certain guidance time, and the amplification blessing also takes some time.

No one will wait for you to finish the amplification before fighting you. That is not fair, that is just stupid.

Once the amplification skill is interrupted, the skill cannot be released again in a short time, and the power consumed by the Pokémon to guide the elemental power cannot be replenished.

Under the gaze of the audience, the two symbols of power in the breeding house, the Mount Goat and the Axe Tooth Dragon, officially collided with each other.

From the center of the collision between the two of them, an exciting breath came out, which aroused the blood of a group of Pokémon and made the atmosphere on the field very high!


With a loud roar, the Axe Tooth Dragon swung out its sharp claws, as fast as thunder, fast! Strong!

The sharp claws that attacked the Mount Goat with a strong wind were dodged by the Mount Goat with a clever twist, but then the Axe Tooth Dragon's second attack caught up!

The Axe Tooth Dragon sank, and a fierce light appeared in its eyes, and it officially entered the combat state.

The fangs swept across and successfully hit the mount goat, which had not yet finished its action, but only hit its front legs.

The mount goat took the blow and didn't care. Instead, it took the opportunity when the axe-tooth dragon lowered its head to use its fangs and hit the axe-tooth dragon's waist and abdomen with its long and sharp horns.

This attack was not intended to successfully attack the axe-tooth dragon.

The mount goat knew that the axe-tooth dragon would definitely dodge this attack, so it didn't use much strength at all, and just used this move for bluffing.

Its real killer move is still to come!

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