Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 17 Burial of Adoremia

The novelty of flying for the first time was over. During the remaining three days of the flight, Yumo Hosono could only browse some interesting information on his pager besides playing around with Tweet.

Akimoto was sitting in his room studying the food for general-type Pokémon. Although ordinary-type Pokémon were in a very awkward position, they were the ones used by the most people besides insect-type Pokémon.

Easy to catch, simple to train, and fast growth are the common characteristics of insect-type and normal-type Pokémon. Many civilian trainers with poor conditions will basically conquer these two series of Pokémon.

In the end, Akimoto decided on the production plan before the plane arrived in Miare City, and all he had to do was look for materials after getting off the plane!

The airport is very wide, and Akimoto and Yumo Hosono don't need to squeeze out of the station with other people. They slowly walk to the taxi pick-up point and set off towards the hotel they booked using the pager on the plane.

The breeder assessment held in Miare City will start in three days. The assessment will last for one week and is divided into three links.

The first link is the test questions simulated by the Joey family. The examiner must pass the written test with a full score of 100 points and 90 points to pass.

The reason why it is difficult to pass the Pokmon breeder assessment, and even junior breeders are very rare, is actually due to the special nature of this profession.

To become a Pokmon breeder, you must have a clear understanding of the attributes and uses of the fruit, be familiar with the habits of Pokmon, and even learn about the genetic breeding of Pokmon.

If a person who does not have the ability corresponding to the status of a breeder passes the assessment, then in his future work, it is likely that due to a lack of certain knowledge, Pokémon will be injured or killed. This is a very serious issue.

The huge knowledge reserve requirements and strict assessment conditions indirectly lead to the fact that most of the people who take the assessment every year are middle-aged people and even the elderly.

In the second step, those who pass the written examination will undergo a telepathy test with super-powered Pokémon. People with violent and cruel negative emotions will not be able to pass.

This link is to prevent illegal organizations from sending people to obtain breeder certificates and do illegal and criminal things.

In the third stage, the alliance will hand over some wild Pokémon with similar growth conditions to those who pass the first and second rounds of assessment, and give them a portion of tree fruits and other natural materials.

Under the supervision of the alliance, examiners spend a week with Pokémon and cannot use artificial props to cultivate them. A week later, the alliance will make statistics on the growth status of the Pokémon they are responsible for, and the top one-tenth can obtain breeder certificates.

After selecting examinees from various regions, only one-tenth of the final number passed the examination, which shows how difficult it is for breeders to assess.

Generally speaking, the Pokmon in the third stage are basically water, fire, and grass types, but they are only Pokmon with low-level races. Excellent Pokmon like Yu Sanjia cannot be used for assessment.

During the three days before the assessment began, Qiu Yuan also had to prepare himself and sort out the relevant knowledge in his mind.

"But before that, please accompany me to visit this bustling tourist city!"

After renting a room at the hotel, Hosono Yumo hurriedly asked Akimoto to take her shopping. This must be the conservation law that girls must go shopping when going out.

Qiu Yuan had no choice but to accompany her. Fortunately, he had a good rest on the plane and now he has enough energy.

The two walked side by side on the street, going around the south side avenue.

Hosono Yumo saw a big dog with a strange hairstyle on its head and pink and blue hair. He was surprised and said: "Brother Akimoto, what kind of Pokémon is that? It looks so curious!"

Akimoto followed Hosono Yumo's line of sight and said uncertainly: "That one should be Dorimia. The poodle Pokémon in the Kalos region is a very loyal Pokémon."

"Are all Dolemia like this?"

Akimoto said casually: "The wild Dolemia has fluffy white hair all over its body. This one should have been treated at a Pokémon beauty salon."

But it is really ugly. Akimoto cannot accept this kind of beauty at all. Dolemia in the Kalos region looks like the love-burial family in the Pokémon world under human beauty.

Hosono Yumo was very interested and ran to the hostess of the Dolemia and asked: "Hello, sister, your Dolemia is so beautiful. Can you tell me where it was groomed? ?”

How the poor baby Dolemia from the city of Miare wants to look depends entirely on her owner's taste. After hearing Yumo Hosono praising her Dorimia's beauty, the lady naturally thought that her aesthetics had been recognized, and she was in a good mood, and chatted passionately with Yumo Hosono.

Many pedestrians were walking nearby with their Dolemia, and the strange sights made Qiu Yuan almost blind.

But looking at it this way, it seems that selling general-type Pokémon food in Miare City has a promising future, and there are so many general-type Dorimia.

Anyone who can afford to raise Dolemia and give it beautification is definitely not short of money. As long as materials that can improve the luster of the Pokémon's hair are specially added to the Pokémon's food, you can definitely make a lot of money.

Hosono Yumo broke Akimoto's fantasy at the right time. After thanking the lady, she dragged Akimoto to the address she just learned.

"Go straight for fifty meters, uh... turn right, turn right again..." Yumo Hosono was obviously not familiar with the road, but he still rushed with Akimoto in excitement. Now he would have forgotten how to go, and he was in the same place with Akimoto. Penalty to stand at fork in the road.

Looking helplessly at Yumo Hosono, Akimoto said unhappily: "You don't have Dorimia, why are you going to the beauty salon? You must be lost now."

"Oh, I want to see how they are beautified!" Yumo Hosono bit his finger, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Look, look, is that a beauty salon!"

Through the window from a distance, Akimoto saw that the shop was full of Dorimia with various hairstyles.

"It should be, if you want to go, go, I want to buy some cranberries and satsuma powder."

Walking to the beauty salon, Akimoto said hello to Yumo Hosono, and he was going to the Pokémon store to buy something, and asked the little girl to wait for him here.

Cranberries can improve the appearance of Pokémon very well, and improve the hair quality and glossiness. Satsuma powder is a material unique to Kalos, made from satsuma grass, and many general Pokémon love to eat it.

In Akimoto's general Pokémon food formula, these two are the main ingredients, which can be bought in the Pokémon store.

In addition to the 50,000 yuan given by the store manager before leaving, Akimoto received a total of 800 yuan in tips and 3,000 yuan saved from part-time work, and now he has a total of 3,800 yuan on him.

Although there are many tree fruits brought by Hosono Yumo in the backpack, cranberry and tsukiyaki powder are not available in the Kanto region.

Akimoto wandered around and found a Pokémon store with a blue dome roof style, and spent 2,500 yuan to buy materials that can make ten Pokémon food.

When he was about to turn around and go back to the beauty salon to find Hosono Yumo, Akimoto suddenly saw a spurt rushing out of the flower bed and rushing straight to Maril who was next to a beautiful woman.

The spurt violently knocked Maril to the ground and tried to snatch Maril's ice cream.

Maril quickly hid the ice cream behind her, but did not fight back. Before Akimoto came to stop it, the spurt attacked again.

The sharp claws of the spurred bear repeatedly scratched at Marill. This Marill was not trained as a combat Pokémon, and it was scratched by the spurred bear before it could even do the basic evasive reaction.

The spurred bear took the ice cream and disappeared into the bushes.

The frightened woman quickly picked up Marill, and Akimoto just ran to the scene.

Marill's round body was scratched with several scars, and its fragile tail dragged on the ground for a distance. The situation looked very bad.

The woman held Marill and ran to the Pokémon Center, but there was still a long distance from here to the Pokémon Center.

Akimoto couldn't bear to see Marill's painful expression, so he stepped forward and said, "Excuse me, can you let me see this child? I'm here to take the Pokémon Breeder Assessment. I know some healing techniques. Let me heal it first."

The woman was very nervous about Marill's injury. When she heard what Akimoto said, she nodded and looked at Akimoto and said, "Really? Sorry for bothering you. Please help me heal Marill!"

Akimoto nodded, asked the woman to gently place Marill on the edge of the flower bed, and took out a few props from his backpack.

First, clean the scratched wound with salt water. Akimoto carefully removed the sand in the wound, then gently sprayed the wound medicine, and temporarily stabilized Marill's wound with a bandage.

After doing all this, Marill still looked very painful. Akimoto pretended to massage Marill and quietly injected a little life force to heal it.

Akimoto wanted the woman to use the Pokémon Ball to take Marill back, but who knew that the woman said that this Marill was not her Pokémon, and she didn't have Marill's Pokémon Ball!

It just so happened that cars were not allowed on this road, and there was no need to worry about it. After thanking Akimoto, the woman ran anxiously to the Pokémon Center with Maril in her arms.

Akimoto thought about it and followed him, just in time to see how effective the life force treatment was.


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