Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 2 The Power of Arceus

[Host identity]

Name: Akimoto

Age: 17 years old

Identity: Pokémon League resident

Life background: Commoner, without father or mother, grew up in an orphanage in Joban City

Own Pokémon: None

Assets: a set of pajamas, a pair of ordinary cloth shoes

System props: a gift pack for newbies


Main mission one: Become an alliance registered trainer - Reward: Elementary breeding knowledge

Main Mission 2: Pass the Alliance Pokémon Junior Breeder Assessment - Reward: Two square kilometers of land ownership in any wild area of ​​your choice

Qiu Yuan looked around curiously. After exhaling the system, he came to a strange space. In front of him was a huge blue light screen, displaying various information.

"System, where is this?"

【Ding! 】

[This is the system space, the host can choose retina light screen display]

"Retina light screen display? Give it a try?"

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Qiu Yuan withdrew from the system space and returned to the real world. The light curtain just now appeared in front of him, but it was much smaller.

Qiu Yuan thinks that the function of exiting the system is very good. It is also good to have a golden finger to receive money when traveling through the body.

But now is not the time to think about this. Qiu Yuan still doesn’t know why Chirulian appears here, and he also wants to bury the body of the green caterpillar.

"Um, I don't know what you have to do with me? If it's nothing, could you please give me a break?"

Qiu Yuan said cautiously.

The mediocre Bibi Niao can defeat him, let alone the super-type Chilulian. Akimoto doesn't want to suffer a stronger attack than just now.

Kirulian did not answer, but turned slightly sideways to indicate that you are welcome.

Qiu Yuan walked over, picked up the green caterpillar, and sighed.

There is no way to blame the Pidgeot Bird. Natural selection is a law in every world, and the world of Pokémon is no exception. It is natural for the Pidgeot Bird to prey on green caterpillars, and no one can blame it.

The reason why the green caterpillar died was because Qiu Yuan placed him in such a conspicuous position on his shoulder, exposing the green caterpillar without any resistance to Bibi Bird's sight.

After finding a place with relatively soft soil, Qiu Yuan dug out the soil with his fingers, still feeling heavy in his heart.

Compared to insects on Earth, the green caterpillar has a mind that can understand human expressions, and Akimoto cannot regard its death as lightly as breaking a flower.

Carefully placing it in the pit, Qiu Yuan stroked the green caterpillar's head guiltily and slowly buried it with soil...

Sitting in front of this lonely little bag of dirt, Qiu Yuan was stunned for a while before he stood up and walked in a random direction.

Kirulian saw Akimoto starting and followed him.

"Do you have anything else? Why are you following me?" Qiu Yuan asked doubtfully.

At this time, a cold female voice sounded in Qiu Yuan's mind.

"Master Celebi asked me to look for a person wearing green clothing, and told me that this person will be attacked by the Bibi bird, so this person is you."

"Master Celebi sensed that the energy of the Creator God was attached to you, so he asked me to follow you and become your Pokémon."

Chiruli settled down for a moment and continued to speak to Akimoto telepathically.

"But I don't think you are that special, except for the fact that you absorbed the life force that Lord Celebi gave me just now."

I don't know why in this sentence, Qiu Yuan felt full of dissatisfaction.

"I'm really sorry about sucking your life force, but I don't know very well. But the power of the God of Creation, Arceus? How is it possible? I have never seen him."

Qiu Yuan waved his hand and said.

"Master Celebi has confirmed that you have the power of the Creator God. Please do not question Master Celebi. Also, I will be your Pokémon, but you can't order me to do something I don't want to do."

Originally, Kirulian was just curious about Akimoto, but after experiencing the incident where the life force had just been sucked out, her attitude towards Akimoto became very bad.

"Okay, okay, if you want to follow, then follow."

Qiu Yuan said helplessly, and then thought of something.

"Do you know where this is?"

"Wiki Forest." Kirulian said succinctly.

"Jiwan Forest? Hmm... Is Joban City nearby?" Akimoto thought for a while.

"Jiruan City is far away from here. The nearest city here is Nibi City." Kirulian answered.

The Viridian Forest is very large, encompassing many towns, and Nibi City is also within the scope of the Viridian Forest.

"Huh? Nibi City, can you take me to Nibi City? I don't know the way..."

Chirulian rolled her eyes, why does this idiot have so many questions.

"You come with me."

After saying those words, Kirulian flew in the opposite direction to Akimoto's direction, and Akimoto quickly followed.

Qiu Yuan doesn’t know whether someone with two legs can run as well as someone with four legs. He only knows that someone with two legs can’t run as well as someone who can’t run without legs...

Akimoto kept panting as he followed Kirulian at a distance, exhausting himself.

Seeing this, Chirulian flew back upside down and used her telekinesis to fly up with Qiu Yuan, and her speed suddenly became much faster.

Finally, when the sunset was dim, the outline of the city appeared in front of Akimoto's eyes.

Flying to the middle of the road, Qilulian removed his telekinesis, and Qiu Yuan fell to the ground, landing on his butt again.

It was outrageous to rub my poor butt and endure this pain twice in one day.


Akimoto's stomach deflated and protested, he was so hungry.

Now Akimoto was on the outskirts of Nibi City. If he wanted to eat delicious food, he had to walk for half an hour, but looking at Kirlia's appearance, it was obvious that he was unwilling to help him hurry.

Holding his rumbling stomach, Akimoto dragged his legs and walked, and suddenly saw a man coming with a few skewers of barbecue in his hand, and then several people came one after another.

Akimoto hurriedly stopped a boy who was eating barbecue: "Excuse me, where did you buy this barbecue?"

The boy took a big bite of the barbecue and chewed it, which made Akimoto drool: "It's over there, Lingling BBQ restaurant, very famous, you are not from Nibi City, right?"

Akimoto thanked him and followed the direction pointed by the boy. The power that surged from nowhere supported him to run to the barbecue restaurant.

Finally, before he was about to collapse from exhaustion, Akimoto saw a crowded barbecue restaurant. On the eaves of the store, there was a flag with the words "Lingling Barbecue Restaurant" written on it.

Akimoto followed a couple and watched them enter the store. He went to the grill on the side to take the grilled skewers and found a seat to sit down.

Akimoto followed suit, grabbed a handful of skewers, sat aside and devoured them.

Until the customers in the store were almost gone, Akimoto's stomach, which had been hungry for a day, was filled.


Touching his stomach with relief, Akimoto leaned back on the chair and burped loudly.

A cute girl in work clothes walked up to Akimoto and whispered, "Have you finished your meal, sir?"

Akimoto responded from the satisfaction of eating and drinking, nodded and said, "I'm done, it's delicious!"

The girl covered her mouth and smiled, "Really? Thank you for your comments, sir."

After that, she picked up the skewers on the table.

"It's 2690 yuan, sir, are you paying in cash?" the girl asked with a smile.

Akimoto continued to nod, and habitually reached into his pocket.

Something's wrong, something's wrong, these are pajamas, where did the money come from???

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