Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 20 Who loses?

The store manager was concentrating on giving Mikoli's Dolimia a beauty treatment, but who knew that the next second the two people sitting on the sofa would fight, and they had to be separated with great difficulty.

The store manager looked at the embarrassed Akimoto and Mikoli with a wry smile, and then looked at the knocked-over flower pot.

"You are a dog! You actually bite people!" Mikoli pointed at Akimoto's nose and cursed.

Akimoto stiffened his neck and said disdainfully: "I'm glad I can beat you, little brat."

Mikoli didn't want to fight at first, but Akimoto's little brat made him furious: "Who are you calling a little brat? I'm so angry!"

"Hey, hey, hey, don't do it, don't do it." The store manager quickly held down Mikoli, looking helpless. Did I open the store today without checking the almanac? Oh, that's not right, what is the almanac?

Akimoto wanted to make a sarcastic remark, but the store manager turned around and looked at Akimoto seriously and said, "Sir, you came to my store not only to do Pokémon beauty treatments, but also injured my customers and knocked over my flower pots. What on earth are you doing here?"

Akimoto looked at the store manager's increasingly dark face, thinking that it was not good, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I was originally here to recommend you a Dolimia Pokémon food, who knew that this person actually pretended to be my idol Mikoli, I was so angry that I fought with him."

Mikoli was so angry when he heard Akimoto talking nonsense. Does this person think I'm a fool? ! ? !

"I am Mikoli!!!"

Akimoto was surprised, and his expression was exaggerated: "Ah? Really? Is it really you, idol? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't hurt you."

After that, Akimoto pinched Mikoli hypocritically.

Mikoli was disgusted by Akimoto, so he slapped his hand away and stepped aside in disgust.

Akimoto didn't care. He shamelessly took out the Setsuri balls from his space backpack and put them in front of the store manager's face and said:

"This is the food made by my teacher for general Pokémon. It is very effective and can obviously improve the control and power of Pokémon's general skills. Long-term consumption can also keep the hair shiny and smooth!"

Mikoli said, "You said it can keep the hair shiny and bright, but how can it improve the control and power of skills with just Pokémon food?"

Mikoli is 20 years old this year. He is not only the champion of the Hoenn region and the top coordination trainer, but also a high-level breeder. Above him, only the top breeders can be.

He himself has tried to configure Pokémon food and energy blocks many times, but how can Pokémon food have the ability to improve skill control and power? !

Akimoto curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Tsk, you have never seen this kind of Pokémon food. There was no Pokémon food before, but there is now! Let your Dorimia try it!"

"Why should I let Dorimia try your Pokémon food? Who knows if there are any side effects!"

Akimoto didn't care: "Then I'll make a bet with you. If your Dorimia doesn't see any effect after eating my kirigami, I will go to the TV station to apologize to you publicly. Otherwise, you will buy all my kirigami. Do you dare to bet?"

Mikoli crossed his arms and said: "Let's bet. I will expose the true face of you, a liar, today."

Akimoto said "tsk" and didn't talk back to him. He would have to rely on this big fool to enrich his coffers later: "Then can you ask Mr. Manager to be a witness for us?"

The manager was also quite interested, so he agreed and took Akimoto and Mikoli down the stairs in the corridor to the basement.

"This is where I usually study various shapes. It's quite big. Let's experiment here."

Mikoli was eager to expose Akimoto, the big liar. Before the store manager finished speaking, he asked: "How are you going to experiment?"

Akimoto ignored him and found a few thick wooden boards in the corner of the basement. Although he didn't know why the store manager kept such things, it was just right for Dorimia to experiment.

"Does your Dorimia know how to use the headbutt trick?" Although it is possible to hit, the effect will not be very obvious, because the basic power is relatively small, and the improvement is also relatively small.

Mikoli didn't know what Akimoto was going to do: "Yes, what do you want to do?"

Putting one of the wooden boards firmly on the two piles of wooden boards, Akimoto ordered Dorimia: "Dorimia, use all your strength to headbutt the middle board!"

Dorimia looked at Mikoli with a confused face, and Mikoli was also confused.

"Hey, hurry up and use it, listen to me." Akimoto urged.

Dolimia didn't know whether to listen to Akimoto, so she looked at Mikoli and asked.

After getting Mikoli's affirmation, Dolimia accumulated power on the spot, and Akimoto noticed a faint gray light flowing into Dolimia's forehead.

Dolimia, who had finally accumulated power, hit the center of the wooden board with a powerful headbutt, and the board broke immediately.

Walking forward to set up another wooden board, Akimoto put the broken board aside.

The bottom was still a level 16 little Dolimia, which should be newly captured by Mikoli. The destructive power was indeed not high.

"Wait a while to digest the knotty pear balls, and then you can use the headbutt with all your strength."

After feeding Dolimia a few knotty pear balls of the best quality, Akimoto patted his head and said.

The store manager and Mi Keli both looked at Qiu Yuan's confident look. They didn't know what he was doing. With just a few wooden boards, could they tell the difference in power?

The first time Dolemia ate the pear meatballs, she thought they were particularly delicious, better than the Pokémon food she usually ate. But what surprised her next was that her physical strength actually increased slightly. And it feels like the air makes it a lot more comfortable.

Seeing that time was almost up, Akimoto issued an attack command to Dolymiya again.

Just listen to the familiar sound, "pop"! This piece of wood also broke cleanly.

Looking at the sharp spikes on the cracked board, Qiu Yuan smiled confidently: "Okay, Mikri, you lose."

Although it was just clear that Dorimia was enjoying Setsuri Meatballs, you knew I lost just by looking at two boards? Mikri didn't believe it: "Stop talking nonsense. The two pieces of wood broke with almost the same force. How can I prove what you said?"

Qiu Yuan took out two boards and handed them to Mikri, pointed at the cracks and said: "In the two cracks before and after, you can clearly see that the spikes in the first crack are longer, and the spikes in the second crack are obviously shorter. Some of this is because the increase in strength speeds up the time it takes for the board to break under stress."

Doremia nodded in agreement, and we don’t know what it understood.

"Really?" Mikri took the board suspiciously, and at first glance, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

He put another wooden board on it and asked Dolymia to use the headbutt trick again. This time the cracked spikes on the board were really much shorter than the first time.

"Okay, you win. I admit that the pear meatballs made by your master are very powerful Pokémon food. Your master should be a top breeder, right? Can you tell me his name?"

Mi Keli can afford to pick it up and put it down. Since this is the case, he openly admits that the pear meatballs are indeed very effective. However, Mi Keli thinks that it is impossible for Qiuyuan to make pear meatballs, so he believes that Qiu Yuan has another one. Master's statement.

Qiu Yuan raised his eyebrows with a strange expression, "Should I teach myself?"

He took out the remaining 17 cans of pear meatballs and pushed them in front of Mikoli. The can he just gave to Dolemia was treated as a gift.

"RMB 80,000 per jar, Chenghui 1.36 million yuan, cash or transfer?"

Anyway, Dolemia's family is very rich. She originally planned to sell it to the store manager for 50,000 yuan a can, but she sold it for 80,000 yuan, hehehe.

Qiu Yuan was thinking cowardly, but Mi Keli was surprised and said: "It's so cheap. If you had told me earlier, I would buy them all."


What's going on, little brother, 80,000 yuan per can is still cheap. Is it because I'm too poor and ignorant, or what's going on?

Little did he know that in Mikri's eyes, 80,000 cans of such powerful Pokémon food made by top breeders at the Alliance's national treasure level was simply not too cheap.

He just saw that the power of Dolymiya's headbutt has not changed the last two times. This proves that the effect of Setuli Balls is permanent. Although it may be very effective the first time, the effect will gradually weaken. , but the price is still very affordable.

In this way, Mi Keli bought all the pear meatballs. Because Qiu Yuan did not have a pager, Mi Keli directly gave him an anonymous bank card worth 1.4 million.

One of them thinks he has made a small profit, and the other thinks he has not lost money. So who is losing money?

Did the author make a mistake? ?


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