Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 215 What is this? Rotten Wood Demon?

When Akimoto approached the place where the loud noise occurred in the forest, he saw a little wood spirit running away in a hurry.

The little wood spirit ran and looked back in a panic, and was stopped by Gengar the next second, and was caught and unable to move.

Gengar looked at the little wood spirit in his hand and laughed, which frightened the little wood spirit and made it struggle constantly.

"Don't scare it, be serious, and stop playing."

Akimoto interrupted Gengar's playfulness, and then asked the little wood spirit what happened in the forest.

Since the little wood spirit can be seen here, this incident must be related to it.

Because generally the little wood spirits live with the rotten wood demon on the cold and dark trees, and rely on absorbing the breath of life to maintain their existence.

Most of the time, no Pokémon will take the initiative to provoke them.

Or in other words, most of the time, no Pokémon will take the initiative to provoke ghost Pokémon.

Generally, ghost Pokémon take the initiative to cause trouble.

However, even if the little wood spirit takes the initiative to cause trouble, it is just using illusion to lure children in the forest.

There is a legend about the Kodak using illusion to lure children who are lost in the forest, so that their souls after death attach to the big trees and become the Kodak's companions.

In Akimoto's opinion, it should be true.

After all, many legends handed down in the Pokémon world were later confirmed to be true.

According to Akimoto's experience and cognition, there is also a certain theory that the legend of the Kodak can be proved to be true.

After all, people like Nellis and Siti are typical examples.

According to their situation, it is not difficult to imagine that when the human soul attaches to the big tree and survives by absorbing the life breath of the tree, then the final soul form will definitely not be able to maintain the human soul form.

And the thinking ability will also be greatly reduced.

Whether the memory can be retained is another matter.

That's why Siti doesn't want to possess Pokémon or plants, because in that case, even if she survives, she will become a Pokémon like Gengar and Wooddemon.

However, Akimoto also learned a secret from Siti about the Kodak, a ghost-type Pokémon group.

There is always a life span between humans and Pokémon, and even Pokémon will produce souls after death.

The ghost-type Pokémon whose souls are reborn after being possessed also have a lifespan, and their lifespan is not only related to the strength of the soul.

However, the difference in lifespan is still quite large, the longest can last for thousands or hundreds of years, and the shortest may be only a dozen days.

When their lifespan ends or they are killed, their souls will be quickly pulled into the world of Giratina and disappear directly from the positive world.

I heard from Hitie that most ghost-type Pokémon have an ability to absorb dissipated souls to make their own souls stronger.

Usually they will call their companions before they die, so that their companions can absorb the soul power left after their death as soon as possible.

The Kodak family has the ability to combine the soul with the breath of plants and trees to form an emerald green amber-like stone, which has the ability to preserve soul power.

Usually this stone will be nurtured by countless Kodak and Rotten Wood Demons, gradually storing more soul energy, and finally even undergoing qualitative changes, achieving the effect of possessing the power of a divine beast.

The reason why Hitie knew this was that she happened to see the Kodak family when her soul was floating after her death, and she also saw the mysterious stone.

Let's call it a wood spirit stone.

She said that the effect of the wood spirit stone is extremely powerful. Even though the wood spirit stone she saw is very small, the crystal green breath like clouds and mist is also very faint under the amber-like transparent stone layer.

But she just got a little closer and felt refreshed all over, and the speed of soul loss almost stopped.

The reason why Akimoto had so many associations after seeing the little wood spirit was due to looking for Xiaorong and Haruka in the forest near Pallet Town a few days ago.

At that time, Akimoto wondered if it was the little wood spirit who did it, and asked Gengar to confirm the breath of ghost-type Pokémon in the forest.

In the end, the breath of the little wood spirit was not found.

This time I saw the little wood spirit, and it was so panicked.

In addition, there is still a lot of momentum not far away. This matter is inseparable from the wood spirit stone of the little wood spirit family.

Akimoto even vaguely felt that this matter was related to Daigo.

After all, it is now in the depths of the southern forest, and the center of time may be a stone.

It is impossible not to think of Daigo.

Akimoto's telepathic ability failed for the first time when facing Pokémon. He couldn't understand what the little Kodak was saying.

It was only after Gengar's translation that he understood what the little Kodak was saying.

However, its description was still vague.

Don't be so demanding. It's enough to hear a few key words.

First of all, it was confirmed that humans were involved. There is no doubt about that.

Secondly, there are adjectives such as "fierce" and "many". It is probably describing Pokémon or humans.

From this point of view, it may be an organized, planned and premeditated action, specifically targeting the little Kodak and the rotten wood demon, and implementing a robbery plan?

Most evil Pokémon will appear to be cold and fierce in appearance. If you compare the attribute restraint, then the general inference can be drawn.

It must be said that after chatting with Nylis, Akimoto's thinking reaction state once changed from the lazy state at the beginning to the current active and agile state.

This kind of inference is easy to draw.

And the fact is just as Akimoto's inference. When he sneaked up a small slope with Xiao Muling and looked down, he found more than a dozen people in uniform, commanding a group of evil Pokémon to fight with the rotten wood monster.

After a quick look at the battle scene, Akimoto quickly came up with statistics.

There were thirteen people fighting with the rotten wood monster, all of them were acquaintances. The guys from the Flare Team had caused trouble in the southern forest area of ​​​​Karos.

On average, each person commanded two evil Pokémon, and more would be too much to command.

As for why he didn't bring ghost Pokémon, Akimoto didn't understand.

However, the person who seemed to be the leader on the field actually had a quasi-king-level Absol and a quasi-king-level Houndoom.

This lineup is a bit luxurious.

And when did the Quasi-King become so worthless in Team Flash?

Akimoto actually saw seven or eight Quasi-King Dark-type Houndooms at a glance?

However, he seemed to have overlooked Comrade Daigo, who was commanding Banglas and Boskodora to fight Team Flash in the dark...

And the target of Daigo's battle was still the core member of Team Flash, who had two Absols of the strength of the King.

Although the three Wooddemon were all of the strength of the King, and even reached the strength of the late King, they were no match for the opponent's large number.

Compared with the Wooddemon, Team Flash sent out Pokémon with smaller bodies and more flexible movements, relying on various long-range Dark-type skills to continuously consume the Wooddemon.

Their purpose was probably to wait for the captain to deal with Daigo, and then take down the Wooddemon in one fell swoop.

Akimoto originally wanted to get involved in this battle. Apart from anything else, he had to avenge the revenge of almost blowing him up in Shiratide City.

Akimoto originally planned to let Gengar harass Team Flare in secret, but he didn't expect...

Just when he wanted to let Gengar go out to do what it likes - making trouble, he saw one of the rotten wood monsters fall down, revealing Daigo and the captain of Team Flare who were originally covered by it.


And four king-level Pokémon in the battle.

Daigo's Banglas and Boskdor, and the captain of Team Flare's two king-level Absols.

Akimoto immediately shrank back.

Just kidding, everyone knows the perception ability of Absol, what if Gengar shows up and is seen.

And Daigo's situation is not optimistic.

Most of the Pokémon he brought this time are large Pokémon, mainly used to help him dig holes in the mountains.

Digging holes in the mountains, the ones he brought are also king-level, so annoying.

They are all large in size, inconvenient to move, and very slow.

When facing the extremely fast Absol, they seem even more stretched.

Because he had to command himself, otherwise Bangilas and Boskodora would definitely be defeated quickly when facing Absol, so Daigo did not release more Pokémon.

Fortunately, Daigo is still Daigo. Even though he was being kited all the time, he gradually stabilized his formation and turned the tide.

But the fallen rotten wood demon disrupted his rhythm.

What happened?

The king-level rotten wood demon was bitten to death by a group of small ants?

Just when Akimoto felt sorry for Daigo and took out his pager to help him contact the alliance.

Several members of the Flash Team ran over with panting Pokémon, wanting to help the captain quickly take down Daigo.

"Captain! We are here to help you!"

"Sir, we are here to help you!"

Good guy, Akimoto is directly good guy.

When Daigo was distracted by the rotten wood demon, the captain of the Flash Team seized the opportunity and regained the rhythm.

As a result, not only did the rhythm get disrupted by these minions, but they also sent their panting and exhausted Pokémon to fight Daigo in front.

They directly blocked the captain of the Flare team's vision, and he couldn't command his Absol to fight at all.

"You guys, are you fucking idiots?"

The captain of the Flare team roared angrily.

What kind of human suffering is this?

A bunch of pig teammates.

Are they here to help him or Daigo?

The captain of the Flare team looked at the group of players. When they came, they were like a gust of wind, and when they were beaten away by Banglas and Boskodora, they were also like a gust of wind.

He wanted to die.

Akimoto lay on the hillside and laughed out loud.

If he wasn't afraid of being discovered, he wouldn't have tried to hold back and laughed out loud.

With the help of the Flare team members, Daigo successfully got a moment to breathe.

At this moment, he noticed the battlefield next to him. The group of Houndoom and Absol were already panting and exhausted.

Originally, Daigo only brought two king-level Pokémon, and the remaining Pokémon would definitely be at a disadvantage when facing them.

But he didn't expect that the physical strength of this group of Pokémon was so poor.

Obviously, they have such powerful strength, but their physical strength is as poor as that of elite Pokémon.

Daigo has reason to suspect that this batch of Pokémon was even mass-produced.

Otherwise, how could their physical strength be so poor.

Seeing this, Daigo boldly released all his remaining Pokémon.

I was originally worried that the Pokémon would be kited and difficult to fight.

But I didn't expect that those paper tigers had no strength, but their physical strength was extremely stretched.

Without physical strength, how could they avoid the iron fist of their own Pokémon?

As several Pokémon were thrown out, a quasi-king level and two master-level Metagross appeared in everyone's sight.

There is also a Nianmeilu dragon that has just reached level 50 and failed to reach the quasi-king level.

This must be the sticky dragon that Daigo talked about in the southern forest.

Looking at the quasi-king-level Metagross, Qiu Yuan couldn't help but look weird.

What a great guy.

The king-level Banjilas and Boscodora are used to clean the rock walls and caves, and a few Metagross are used to transport the rubble out.

Is this the kind where King-level and quasi-King-level Pokémon are treated as tool Pokémon and worthless?

A bit too luxurious, right?

There are a total of five quasi-god-level Pokémon in this lineup. Who can withstand this?

Moreover, Metagross has a very powerful arm hammer skill. This fighting skill can produce excellent results when facing Team Flare's evil Pokémon with a single attribute.

Before, I was worried that Metagross would be kited and there would be nowhere to release its power, so Dawu didn't release them.

Now it seems that you can hit him casually.

And what did Akimoto see?

A sticky dragon that can burst into flames? ? ?

Although the Nianmeilu Dragon can indeed learn this move through the skill disc, it is a bit too much for a wild Nianmeilu Dragon to know this move.

In short, when Daigo released his lineup, it blinded Akimoto.

In this dark night, Daiwu's figure looked extremely glorious.

Like a boy who spreads his wealth with golden light.


Qiu Yuan thought too far.

All of a sudden, I thought about how to trick Dawu and get some good things from him.

The credit for the change in form on the field lies with the members of the Flames, but the fault also lies with the members of the Flames.

They defeated a king-level rotten wood demon, which was a credit.

But then he went to help their captain, which was a disservice to Daigo. Instead, he helped Daigo get a chance to breathe, unleashed Metagross and Melurus, and killed them all in one fell swoop.

what is this.

Suicide attack?

The free country calls the experts straight.

Qiu Yuan looked carefully and found that the remaining two rotten wood demons absorbed the soul energy of the dead rotten wood demon and temporarily replenished the energy they had consumed, so the result was basically certain.

Team Flare's biggest failure wasn't actually being a disservice later, but that they shouldn't have killed a deadwood demon first.

Ghost-type Pokémon like this from the same camp must not be defeated one by one.

Even if they were stunned and knocked down, they had to kill the rotten wood demon. This directly caused the remaining two rotten wood demons to absorb the soul energy left by the dead rotten wood demon, and their status was almost full.

Typical mindless.

Qiu Yuan looked at it and sighed repeatedly.

While letting out the troublemaker Gengar.

Even though I'm here, I can't just do nothing.

Always help Dawu clean up the minions. Qiu Yuan can still do this.

Qiu Yuan was unable to appear head-on in this battle. He was simply not strong enough.

He is just a breeder who wants to make a map. How can he compare to Daigo, who is a champion, and a group of Team Flare members who hold Pokémon made with unknown technology.

However, the matter of improving strength still has to be left to Gardevoir.

Gengar's potential is basically at the beginning of the King level. If I really want to talk about Qiu Yuan's main force, it has to be Gardevoir, Axetooth, and Round Shark.

The main reason is that Gengar has stayed in the starting point for so long. Apart from playing and taking care of the children every day, he basically doesn't pay much attention to practice. His strength is accumulated over time.

Originally, its talent was quite good, but it was just too lazy and only energetic when it was causing mischief.

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