Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 217 The Rare Mystery of Boskodora Evolution Stone [Supplement to yesterday]

After the giant rotten wood demon gave two pieces of wood spirit stones to Daigo and Akimoto respectively, it slowly looked at the place where the other rotten wood demon died. It was unknown what kind of emotion flowed in its old eyes.

It just watched quietly, and Akimoto and Daigo did not disturb it.

Until the end, it looked up at the moon, and then looked into the void, as if it wanted to go to the antimatter world to bring back the soul fragments that were sucked away by the rotten wood demon.

During the whole process, a kind of silent sadness quietly passed through the hearts of Daigo and Akimoto. Even if they did not have such an experience in their hearts, they also felt regret for the departure of the rotten wood demon.

Although it has lived for many years, it is really sad that it suffered an unexpected disaster because of a piece of wood spirit stone.

Although Daigo and the Flash Team have the same purpose here, they all came for the wood spirit stone, but Daigo is not like those evil guys who tried to obtain the wood spirit stone by robbing.

In the end, they did not succeed in robbing.

As the light of the giant wood spirit stone gradually faded and disappeared into the body of the giant rotten wood demon, it also returned to the place where it had been sleeping and became quiet.

It was as if nothing had happened, and the soul had its own place to rest, no need to say more.

Although the little wood spirit and the rotten wood demon are Pokémon of the same evolution system, their temperaments are much different.

Unlike the naughty little wood spirit, the rotten wood demon is more stable and does not care about other things. It just hopes not to be disturbed and live quietly.

Although they look a bit gloomy and scary, they are friendly to the Pokémon in the forest and never take the initiative to provoke others.

Generally, no one will take the initiative to provoke the rotten wood demon unless the secret of the wood spirit stone is leaked and known to others.

In fact, the role of the wood spirit stone is not as great as people imagine, or it is not so great for humans.

The rotten wood demon combines the energy of plants and trees with the free soul power through its own ability and retains it in an amber-like stone.

In this way, it can not waste the soul power of the dead companions, and it also allows them to exist in another way.

At the same time, when you need to replenish your own soul power, you can also use the power of the Wood Spirit Stone.

Instead of relying on the life energy of other creatures like in the state of the little wood spirit.

If humans want to use this soul power, they need extremely complicated procedures to carefully guide the soul power in the Wood Spirit Stone.

In the end, it is not very beneficial to humans.

To say that the most attractive thing about the Wood Spirit Stone for ordinary people is its light that looks like a firefly in the night sky, which is fascinating.

Daigo is just interested in this stone that is rarer than the Evolution Stone, and he just wants to understand and collect it.

It doesn't matter if he can't get it.

But for the people of the Flash Team, the role of the Wood Spirit Stone is not only for collection.

They can use the Wood Spirit Stone to seal and maintain the role of soul power, and make the souls of those weak Pokémon more suitable for the new body, so as to exert greater abilities.

Even use it to combine the souls of multiple Pokémon to promote the birth of some new powerful Pokémon.

In short, it is a good thing to prevent the Flash Team from obtaining the Wood Spirit Stone this time.

But there is no guarantee that they will come back. Even with a powerful existence like the giant rotten wood demon guarding the wood spirit stone, there will still be weaknesses and the risk of being robbed.

However, it seems that they have no intention of leaving here, and they are not afraid of being hurt and coming back.


The giant rotten wood demon seems to need to consume a lot of soul power to stay active, so there is no big movement.

If it weren't for the death of the rotten wood demon, it might not wake up.

And Akimoto also noticed that there are many young wood spirits under its branches.

It is very likely that most of its soul power needs to be supplied to the little wood spirits at all times, so it needs to reduce its activity as much as possible.

In this case, it can explain why it only comes out to solve the battle when it has to.

The little wood spirits that do not form a group usually absorb the life energy of trees, Pokémon, and humans, but this will cause the trees to die and the lifespan of Pokémon and humans to be greatly reduced.

Therefore, in a group of wood demons and wood spirits, there will be a core wood demon who will use his life energy for the wood spirits to absorb and grow.

And they will replenish the lost life force through the conversion of soul power.

In fact, they don't have to do this, and they can directly absorb the life force of trees.

However, that will cause a large area of ​​trees to die, and the wood demons don't want to see such a result.

Often the death and extinction of a creature are more or less involved by humans.

For example, the Farfetch'd was originally a very common Pokémon in the area where it existed, but in the end it was eaten by humans to almost extinction.

Even in the wild, you can hardly see the Farfetch'd.

Now a large part of the wild Farfetch'd is raised in the Alliance Breeding Center and released into the wild.


The wood demon also left temporarily, and only then did Daigo have the opportunity to ask Akimoto why he appeared here.

"Hey? I want to ask you, why are you here?"

"Haven't I always been in the forest?" Daigo shrugged.

"I mean why are you here with Team Flare."

"Ah? This." Dawu thought about his words, "I accidentally shared their conversation when I was digging out the stones, so..."


Akimoto expressed serious doubts about Daigo's choice of words.

"Yeah, yes, share... I haven't said why you are here. Aren't you going to run the breeding house?"

Daigo was a little surprised that Akimoto, the owner of the breeding house, could appear deep in the forest in the middle of the night.

But this is perfectly normal for Qiu Yuan.

Before he went to the Wind Chime Breeding House to buy Pokmon eggs for sale, Mr. Qiuyuan could always live a life of retirement.

However, the longer this kind of retirement life lasts, the less time is left for him to complete his tasks and obtain the core of his life.

So this is another reason why Akimoto appears deep in the forest in the middle of the night.

In a hurry!

I have to make maps and prepare quickly to participate in the breeding house competition.

If he didn't win that old man's useless grandson by then, he would have lost thirty large milk cans in vain. At least he would be scolded by Joey Jing by his ears.

At least after hearing this, Daiwu understood, but the problem still lies.

Seeing that the boy still had time to come to the forest, could it be that he didn't take good care of his Cocodora at all? !

"Uh...why are you staring at me like that...?"

"Honestly, have you taken good care of my Cocodola?"

Although Daigo's requirements for the care of Pokémon in the breeding house are only the most basic attention to feeding, he is afraid that Akimoto will be wandering outside all day long, and his Kokodora will not even have enough to eat later.

You must know that Daigo's Kokodora is about to evolve, and it is precisely for this reason that he will bring out Kokodora.

I originally thought that the Nianmelu Dragon matter would be solved within ten days, but unexpectedly, I almost got hit by a meteorite just after conquering the Nianmelu Dragon, and then I heard the news about the Wood Spirit Stone.

This was the reason why he was delayed for so long.


"Don't worry, your Cocodora has evolved, and it almost ate me up to the point of bankruptcy. If you don't tell me, I've forgotten that I just happened to meet you. If you don't make up for the food expenses, I will be eating dirt soon. "

Akimoto tried his best to cry miserably in front of Daigo, a rich man, but Dora's appetite was really unbearable!

Every day Akimoto spends at least ten thousand to twenty thousand to replenish Kodora with metal ores as food. He also likes to eat pear balls as a snack.

This meal expense.

After more than twenty days, Daigo will probably have to pay Qiu Yuan millions in foster care fees...

The main reason is that the food money reserved by Daigo has long been used up, and Akimoto has been paying for the rest, but he has to prepare to go to the Wind Chime Breeding House to buy Pokémon eggs.

So when I met Daigo this time, it would be best to quickly ask him to pay for Kodora's food.

Not to mention too much, the food expenses alone cost more than 800,000 yuan.

There are also basic foster care fees, the improvement of Kodora's various abilities, including the training fees required to evolve in the breeding house. These should add up to about 1.2 million.

Qiu Yuan basically makes money from the latter item.

So this is why Akimoto can't afford to feed a big eater like Kodora.

He would rather raise Kirby than Cordora.

Kirby can also use energy-rich materials to make corresponding food. Just fill its belly and it won't cost much.

But Cordora...

It can only be said to be a rich pet.

Generally, when a trainer fosters a Pokémon, the breeder is allowed by default to evolve the Pokémon during the fostering period.

Unless it is stated in advance that evolution is not allowed, the breeding house will conduct special training for Pokémon with evolutionary tendencies to help evolve.

Daigo had not originally planned to let Cocodora evolve in the Akiba Breeding House, but things changed. Even if he didn't let Cocodora evolve, Cocodora couldn't hold back the evolution for almost thirty days.

Therefore, it is expected that Kodora evolves into Kodora.

But money...

Daigo smiled awkwardly...

"Um...I don't know where I dropped my wallet..."

Akimoto: "You pay for it later!"

So it means that I have to continue to help you with food expenses?

Qiu Yuan only felt a sense of weakness welling up in his body.

How could this man lose his wallet?

And it seems that this person’s backpack is missing? ?

Akimoto looked at Daigo and saw that apart from the mountaineering outfit he saw at the beginning, the only other items left were two waist bags.

One fanny pack is used to hold Poké Balls, and the other...

Feeling Qiu Yuan's gaze, Daigo followed it and suddenly thought of a way to compensate Qiu Yuan.

"Well, I happened to dig up a few super evolution stones. If you have other evolution stones, I can exchange them with you."

In his mind, the exchange Daigo mentioned must be profitable, at least for Akimoto.

Because the few evolution stones he mentioned are quite rare.

Even when he was digging, he couldn't believe that he could find three rare evolution stones in a row in a small cave.

They are - the Electric Dragon Evolution Stone, the Lizard King Evolution Stone, and a Metagross Evolution Stone.

The evolution stone of Metagross is the most satisfying to Daigo. Although he has already obtained the evolution stone of Metagross, it would be good to have another one.

However, it is a bit unexpected to find Metagross' evolutionary stones in the forests of southern Kalos. After all, most of his evolutionary stones were found in mines in large mountains.

It is incredible to be able to dig out three evolutionary stones from a small cave in the southern forest.

not to mention……

Daigo also dug up an evolution stone of unknown Pokémon...

A super evolutionary stone with a light pink main color and gray-white DNA chain color. Even Daigo didn't know what its corresponding Pokémon was for a while.

I guess I'll have to go back and test it out by then.

As for whether it is a super evolutionary stone, I still can't make a mistake.

It just depends on what Pokémon it corresponds to.

I hope it's not someone like Badadie...

Otherwise, Daigo's expectations would be much lower.

Preferably a Steel-type Pokémon.

If the main color of this super evolutionary stone is not pink, but red, then it may be a steel-type armored bird.

Not to mention these, now it is used to compensate Qiu Yuan.

In Daigo's opinion, Akimoto is mainly a breeder rather than a professional trainer, so he should not have any rare evolution stones.

Naturally, exchanging with him can also compensate him.

But although Daigo thinks so, the reality may not be what he thinks.

After hearing this, Akimoto put down his backpack with great anticipation and took out a silver-gray super evolution stone, wanting to see what the evolution stone Daigo had dug was.

As a result, I saw Daigo's slightly proud face. After he took out the Boscodora Evolution Stone, he stiffened for a moment.

"You...where did you get this?"

Dawu froze and asked.

"Someone gave it to me."

Qiu Yuan said casually.

But I'm still a bit speechless, I should say: Another Pokémon gave it to me.

That's right, it was given by Dong Dong Shu.

"S-Send to you?"

Everyone is in bad shape.

Ever since the last time Boss Cordora's evolution stone was lost to his little sister, he has been looking for a new Boss Cordora evolution stone.

But it was never found.

As a result, there are still people who give away the super evolution stone he was looking for so hard?

This is a bit too painful...

"Hey, don't get me wrong, it was given to me by a group of dong dong rats."

"Dong dong rat..."

Dawu is even worse...

This whole thing is all my uncle's little sister's fault...

"It's Dongdongshu. Hey, where's your evolution stone?"

"Electric Dragon and Lizard King, these two are given to you."

Dawu did not calculate carefully and roughly estimated the value.

If you only replace one, it won't be enough.

But if I exchange two, I will lose a lot.

Because the evolution stones of the Electric Dragon and the Lizard King are quite rare and quite popular.

However, in comparison, the Boss Cordora evolutionary stone that Akimoto took out was even rarer.

As for why it is rare...

The reason is that someone has studied that wild Boscordora guys will accidentally eat their own evolution stones and eat them as ore...

So this is why the evolution stone of Boscodora is difficult to find.

Daigo even found a pile of half-gnawed Boscodora evolutionary stones wrapped in stones...

It can be said that this evolution stone is made more expensive by its corresponding Pokémon.

After Qiu Yuan saw the evolution stone of the electric dragon, his eyes suddenly lit up.

The electric dragon can't be said to be ugly, but it definitely can't be said to be good-looking.

But once they super-evolve, Guigui, it will be like turning on an eighteen-level beauty filter, and they will be completely transformed.

The appearance once caught up with the fairy Pokémon famous for its beauty.

Moreover, the electric dragon, the electric dragon, only has dragon attributes after it has super evolved. It can be said that the super evolution stone of the electric dragon is very useful.

It was Dawu who said he would exchange two for this one, which surprised him a little.

However, Akimoto didn't refuse. When Daigo took away Kodora, he would just give him a dozen cans of Setuli Meatballs with a modified formula to suit the taste of Kodora.

This chapter makes up for yesterday’s leave, and will be today’s chapter later.

moral integrity.

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