Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 22 Jiang Liye

As the announcement was made, the examinees in the room came out one after another, and those who had not finished answering the questions had to hand in their papers dejectedly.

After coming out of the room, Akimoto went straight to a nearby restaurant. It was past eleven o'clock now, and it would be dinner time later. The restaurants nearby would definitely be packed, and Akimoto didn't want to go to a faraway place to eat without finding a seat.

The alliance sent two hundred in-service personnel to check the fill-in-the-blank questions and judgment questions with fixed answers, and the final live questions were handled by six examiners.

Based on the situation in previous years, the number of test papers sent to the six examiners generally did not exceed five hundred, so the alliance also issued a notice to announce the results at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Akimoto drank kelp soup slowly, ate a curry fish ball in one bite, and looked at the people who pushed open the door of the restaurant and found that there were no seats and looked disappointed with interest.

At this time, a girl with delicate features and short brown hair walked in, and she also showed a disappointed look like the people who came in before.

Suddenly, she saw an empty seat opposite Akimoto, who was calmly drinking soup in the corner, and walked towards him quickly.

Akimoto was busy fighting with curry fish balls, and suddenly felt that there was an extra person in front of the table. He looked up and saw that it was a beautiful lady.

People in the Pokémon world don't like to share tables with others, what's going on.

"Hello, can I sit here?"

Akimoto said casually: "Whatever, I'm almost done anyway."

"Are you here to take the test too? This is my first time here." The short-haired lady ordered a beef rice, but it was a bit awkward to just wait, so she started chatting with Akimoto.

"Hmm... yes." Qiu Yuan picked up a curry fish ball and ate it in one gulp. "I'm also the fourth first Qi."

"Really? Then you must be very good, you look young."

"Ahaha? I'm not good, I'm not good." Qiu Yuan swallowed the food in his mouth. The girl thought he was being modest, but he continued, "I came here today to beat everyone."

The girl had a few black lines on her forehead: "Oh, really? You are very confident. I wish you success."

Aki Yuan didn't feel that he was too arrogant at all. He took another sip of soup: "Well, thank you. Burp~ I'm full, bye."

Although the person opposite was a beautiful woman, Qiu Yuan didn't plan to continue chatting with her. He might as well write a Pokémon paper with this time.

Yes, Qiu Yuan had nothing to do for an hour after handing in the test paper today, so he began to conceive his own paper. The topic was: "Proof of the existence of elemental power".

The main reason is that the Alliance recently held a paper competition. The five people who have obtained the title of Alliance Doctor, namely, Professor Oak, Professor Sora, Professor Odamaki, Professor Yew, and Professor Blatano, served as reviewers to rank the influence of the papers of non-doctoral contestants.

The paper that is ultimately considered to have the greatest influence on the Alliance will win the first place, and the reward is the qualification for doctoral study and a Vulpix Pokémon egg in the Alola region.

Akimoto went for the Vulpix Pokémon egg. Although the Fire Nine-Tail is also beautiful, the Ice Nine-Tail is more beautiful!

The Alliance is now negotiating with the Alola region and has not yet included Alola in its management jurisdiction, so Akimoto has no way to go to Alola to capture the Ice Vulpix. Since there is a reward for this paper competition, it is just what he wants.

Akimoto plans to prove the existence of elemental power from the performance of various Pokémon moves, and the most important part is to let Kirlia materialize the elemental power.

That's probably what it was like, but some details really stumped Akimoto, a poor student who had never written a paper. He pondered for a long time and only came up with a general idea.

Akimoto was walking and thinking, and suddenly heard passers-by passing by and discussing: "Hurry up, hurry up, I heard that the results of the first exam have been announced in advance."

"Really? Then go quickly, there will be no seats if you go late."

Akimoto looked at his watch. It was only a little after one o'clock. When did the efficiency of the alliance become so high?

I couldn't think of anything for a while, so I followed the two passers-by and went straight to the hall.

"Hiss... There are so many people." Looking at the dark crowd, Akimoto took a breath.

When I came in the morning, I didn't feel that there were many people. Now everyone gathered in front of the list, and it really felt like a person with intensive phobia died suddenly.

"Kirulian, can you help me see where I am on the list?"

Anyway, the list is hung on a wall. If you can't squeeze in, you can just fly.

Kirlia nodded, flew slowly to the list, scanned it from top to bottom, and flew back.

"How is it?"

"Master ranks first." Kirlia smiled.

Akimoto dragged out a long tone with satisfaction: "Well~ As expected, just as I predicted, I am the most handsome boy in this year's breeder assessment."

Kirlia successfully laughed at this person's shamelessness.

Zuo Liang actually stayed under the list, and asked the names of those who showed confident expressions on their faces. Unfortunately, he always wanted to know what Akimoto looked like, but Akimoto stood a hundred meters away...

It was not without gain. Zuo Liang found that the second place in the written test, who scored 99 points, was actually a 16-year-old girl, who was also a rare genius. He must turn her to his own door.

It would be better if he could fool Akimoto, who ranked first. Now he hopes that this Akimoto is not an old person.

A total of 300 people passed this written test with a score of 90, and 30,000 people participated, with a passing rate of 1%.

Seeing that it was two o'clock in the afternoon, the door of the guild hall opened again, and 300 people who had passed the first test lined up in three lines to undergo Hu Di's spiritual test.

After a girl submitted her identity certificate, the alliance staff responsible for checking the identity was a little surprised and said: "Are you Jiang Liye? Are you only 16 years old?"

Jiang Liye said with a smile: "Yes, can we start testing?"

The staff member nodded, Hu Di raised the spoon towards Jiang Liye, and activated his telepathy.

"Is she the second best in the first exam? What a genius. She's only 16 years old."

"Yes, yes, I am 35 years old. I have passed the breeder assessment every two years, 7 times, and there are only 56 of them."

"Not only is she a genius, she is also a beauty."

Hearing the people at the front of the team talking, Qiu Yuan pricked up his ears curiously.

"The second place is a 16-year-old girl? Oh, that's amazing."

Jiang Liye completed the test, got back her identity card, and entered the ecological park in the center of the building to collect the Pokémon for the third test. When she turned around, Akimoto happened to see her.

"Isn't this the pretty girl at noon today?" Qiu Yuan slapped his head, "It's amazing. At the age of 16, she got 99 points in the first assessment. If I hadn't hung up on the wall, she would have been the first place."

Watching Jiang Liye disappear at the entrance of the ecological park, Akimoto continued to line up boredly. Finally, the seven people in front of him finished queuing, and it was Akimoto's turn.

After handing over his identity card, Qiu Yuan looked at Hu Di Daxian.

Not bad, not bad, well-cultivated. Let’s take a look at its materials.

"???" Qiu Yuan looked at Hu Di's information and looked shocked, "What? Hu Di, a king-level person with purple qualifications? Are you here to do a psychic test on me?"

"Hey, hey, system, come out quickly."

【Ding! 】

【Is there a problem? 】

"Didn't you say that purple qualifications are unique to quasi-god Pokémon? Why does this Hu Di have purple qualifications!?"

[The purple qualifications in the system description are unique to quasi-god Pokémon and refer to the life level of quasi-gods. This Hu Di has broken through the life level of ordinary Pokémon and reached quasi-gods]

[There are many ways for Pokémon to break through the life level, the most typical one is to use extremely high-quality evolution stones to break through]

[For the host, when the host's life force is strong enough, it can consume the life force to break through the Pokmon's life level]

After listening to the system's explanation, Qiu Yuan seemed to have some ideas.

The power of life can be compared to Natsu's super power, but Natsu can only temporarily evolve super-powered Pokémon, while Akimoto's power of life can directly and permanently break through the Pokémon's life level, that is, race.

It can be understood that the power of the Creator God contained in each Pokémon is different, thus causing racial differences, and the life force from Arceus in Akimoto can make up for the lack of power in Pokémon and break through racial restrictions.

After figuring this out, Qiu Yuan seemed to have seen another way to make a fortune and fight against invincible enemies in the world.


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