Pokémon Breeder

Chapter 223 Magic Defeats Magic

The part of conditioning the body is actually to use the life force to cleanse Butterfree's whole body. This process is assisted by Gardevoir and Xiaoli, so it is particularly easy.

Most of the treatments in the Pokémon Center rely on operating the treatment device, supplemented by drugs and the skill treatment of the assistant Pokémon to achieve the purpose of recovery.

This approach can treat non-serious injuries 90% of the time, even more serious bleeding and fractures can be cured.

But there will always be some subtle and difficult to detect sequelae, which will not show up in daily life. They will gradually accumulate and eventually affect the efficiency of Pokémon in absorbing elemental power and their absorption of energy from things.

In this way, not only will the efficiency of training be reduced, but also the life span of Pokémon will be reduced.

In order to let Kongwu, a silly boy with ideals and ambitions, conquer his favorite powerful partner at the insect catching competition, Akimoto needs to help him.

After all, he is now considered one of us, so it is okay to help a little.

So in the next few days, Akimoto arranged for Jigglypuff and the others to conduct further combo performance training, while using his own methods to improve Butterfree's physical strength.

Although Butterfree does not rely on physical strength to fight, the improved Butterfree at least has better resistance to treatment blind spots.

There is no need to worry about the sluggish feeling of the sudden elemental force guiding, which may cause the key skills to not be released in time.

As for Akimoto's method...

That is to let Butterfree, who has already learned the paralysis powder, face a huge fan that is spinning at a high speed and flap its wings hard to keep itself from being blown away.

Even closer to the fan, this is the only way.

The reason for mentioning the paralysis powder is that Akimoto feels that the wind force of the fan is not enough, and the physical consumption pressure on Butterfree is not high enough, but he has no money to buy it...

So he came up with a way to let Butterfree release the paralysis powder to the fan while trying to fly forward.

Butterfree's qualifications are worthy of being white, and the system is still reliable. With such a powerful training device, it took four chances to learn the paralysis powder.

Even if it learned it, the progress of getting started was very slow, so this move can be said to kill three birds with one stone.

The effect of Butterfree's skills released after learning the paralysis powder is not strong, but it can also cause a certain paralysis effect, which is enough to deal with itself.

In this way, it can achieve the purpose of paralyzing Butterfree's body, increasing the difficulty of training, and increasing physical consumption.

You can save some money to buy a big fan, and you can also achieve the purpose of training skills!

What a genius idea!

When Kongwu received a call from Akimoto on the afternoon of the fourth day, asking him to take Butterfree back, he was stunned when he saw Butterfree's wings that were obviously bigger.

Facing Kongwu's half-doubted inquiry, Akimoto casually said: "It's a small matter, a small matter, you have to remember to defeat magic with magic and train yourself with your own skills. Hahahaha..."

After that, he went back with a laugh.

Before leaving, he left three cans of Settsuki and Short Mustard Balls for Kongwu.

There are currently no balls that are highly adapted to Bug-type Pokémon, but the materials should not be expensive, but Akimoto did not have the energy to sort out the information and select the recipes.

The balls left for Kongwu correspond to the general type and the grass type respectively. Settsuki can basically be used as a general-purpose ball, while Short Mustard Balls are more effective when given to Pokémon with a secondary attribute of Grass type.

The materials of Settsuki and Momoan Balls are not expensive, but they need to be neutralized with Life Force, and Akimoto himself is usually too lazy to make backups.

So he only gave him three cans to take away, which should be enough for them to eat for a month.

Of course, what was considered was that Kongwu would have captured the other five Bug-type Pokémon by then.

By the way, Akimoto also told him the number of the elf transmitter in the breeding house, so that when Kongwu encounters a rare fairy-type Pokémon in the wild, he can also capture it and transmit it to Akimoto.

As for fairy-type Pokémon, regardless of their qualifications, most of them are bought by young ladies as pets.

It’s good-looking, and fighting and killing is what fairy-type Pokémon is good at.

Xiaoli: Buli?

Ahem, except for the pink devil...

Akimoto also helped the Pokémon left in the breeding house by the bug catchers to learn to choose good moves.

After testing, Akimoto has roughly figured out what the requirements are for white-qualified Pokémon for basic but relatively difficult skills such as three powders and super absorption.

It can be basically determined that white-qualified Pokémon need to practice four times to learn low-level skills.

In other words, Akimoto’s two skill discs with an average price of 22,000 can only help five white-qualified Pokémon learn low-level skills.

In this way, the price must be at least 2,200 per time to make a profit. For a white-qualified Pokémon to perfectly learn low-level skills, it will cost nearly 9,000 yuan.

Although this cost is more than 10,000 less than the cost of CDs on the market, it is still too expensive for the bug catcher.

Akimoto actually didn't plan to treat them as the main customers, but he still felt that they should have more opportunities instead of running around in the forest with a net all day and squatting in the grass day and night.

Just for a glimmer of hope.

That's too difficult.

In that case, we should set a friendly price, but we should not break the market rules...

Akimoto thought about it carefully, and finally found that he seemed to have no possibility of breaking the market rules.

Because he can only use one skill a hundred times, and a hundred opportunities can only support 25 white-qualified Pokémon to learn skills.

So there is no impact on the sales market of skill discs.

The remaining thing is to consider the problem of his own losses.

Akimoto can still hold on to such a small loss, and the advantage of low pricing is to win people's hearts and establish a signboard, which can slowly accumulate the reputation of the breeding house.

In this way, even people who do not need to learn low-level skills will have a sense of identity and trust in the breeding house after knowing about the Akiba breeding house, thereby increasing the chances of people doing business in the breeding house.

From the perspective of the entire breeding house development plan, this account is undoubtedly very cost-effective.

In the end, Akimoto simply set the price at one thousand per time, and the loss of one disc was only 10,000 yuan, which was a small amount of money compared to the savings he had at least now.

In this way, those bug catchers can do odd jobs and save up for a while to use 4,000 yuan to let Pokémon learn a useful skill.

It can also reduce the number of times they give money after losing a battle.

After all, to challenge others rashly to prove yourself, you need others to accept the challenge.

If you lose the battle, the challenger has to give some compensation to the challenged, and the challenged does not have to pay anything if they fail.

The shorts boys usually grit their teeth and give away the money they earned from working that day.

In fact, they just think that if they want to become stronger, they have to defeat those trainers who have a higher starting point than themselves. As long as they succeed, they can prove that they can also become a strong trainer.

However, although this idea motivates them in a sense, it also leads to a vicious cycle.

Because they have to challenge trainers, but often fail, they have no money.

Because they have no money, they can't invest in the cultivation of Pokémon, so they can't capture more powerful Pokémon and defeat trainers.

And so on...

Until the bug catcher boy becomes an old bug catcher.

In fact, the bug-catching boys may not all love bug-type Pokémon like Kongwu.

Perhaps in their eyes, the bug-type Pokémon, which is as insignificant as them, is just a stepping stone.

Without a heart that loves Pokémon, nothing can be successful.

Because they are ungrateful.

Fortunately, Akimoto has not really seen the bug-catching boys near Chaoxiang Town and Mingshui Town abandon or harm Pokémon.

But in short, the premise for them to learn skills at a low price is to accept Joey Eika's value education.

This is the method that Akimoto and Joey Eika came up with later, in order to transform the bug-catching boys and make them real potential trainers.

By the way, it also makes Akiba Breeding House earn a wave of reputation points, at least spread its name in Mingshui Town.

After all, Mingshui Town also has a breeding house, but it is said that the owner of the breeding house in Mingshui Town seems to have the intention of doing fraudulent business, so the residents of the town don't trust him very much.

It just gave Akimoto an opportunity.

It will take some time to complete all these, and the most urgent task at present is to train Jigglypuff and the others to perform combined skills.

Let him handle the Kongwu matter, including various interpersonal relationships in Mingshui Town.

When he gets his new Pokémon at the insect catching conference, it is time to set off to travel and adventure elsewhere. There is no future for him to stay in the scope of Baidan City in Mingshui Town.

Because there are basically only weak insects and mentally retarded house birds here.

Yes, Akimoto still has a grudge against house birds.

Especially Pidgeot!

See one and beat it.

The first green caterpillar he saw when he came to the Pokémon world was killed by Pidgeot, and it was in front of Akimoto!

This made him have a very bad impression of Pidgeot!

If there is a chance, he must take Pikachu to the forest to find Pidgeot from house to house, electrocute them one by one, and give them a set of one-stop numbness set meal.

Akimoto went to White Sand City and bought some spare skill discs. Now the budget for Pokémon eggs has to be reduced by one or two yellow eggs.

But it’s no big deal. This combination can effectively promote the development of the breeding house. At least there is no need to worry about not being able to catch up with the task completion time.

After all, the system only gave one year. Akimoto must first upgrade the breeding house to the scale of an intermediate breeding house, and then pass the intermediate breeder promotion assessment, and then make the breeding house famous in Carlos.

And fame should refer to becoming a large breeding house. After all, if the name of a breeding house is known to the whole Carlos area, it must be a large breeding house.

Mengli’s Baichao Breeding House is a large breeding house. The reason why it did not become a special breeding house is simply because he was too lazy to expand the scale.

Only by doing this can Akimoto restore the origin of life and further develop the power of the origin of life.

After all, people always have to have some goals in life. It is not reasonable to live in retirement every day.

The efforts now are also for a better retirement in the future.

Akimoto has the goal of conquering all the fairy Pokémon except the legendary Pokémon.

Legendary Pokémon aside, there are so many things to do, all kinds of responsibilities and righteousness, can it still be called retirement life?

Moreover, Akimoto's various ideas about the combination of moves of fairy Pokémon are also very wonderful. I believe that when the Carlos Grand Contest comes, Akimoto will definitely win the championship in a very coquettish manner.

The Triple Crown Satellite Tournament was held last year, and the Grand Contest will be held in the fall of next year.

The time arrangement is quite interesting.

I just don't know if I can meet Mickley, the proud and delicate man.

Akimoto has prepared a big gift for Mickley. This guy said that he didn't know how to appreciate it at all and couldn't do a gorgeous Pokémon show.


Magic Flash plus Echo, this combination has unlimited performance potential.

Let the already colorful Magic Flash be released in a softer and non-aggressive way, and cooperate with the control of sound waves practiced by Jigglypuff, it can produce many unimaginable performance effects.

For example, the Jigglypuffs practicing in the breeding house now used these two skills to combine into a trace of fairy sticks that rotated endlessly.

Jigglypuffs, on the other hand, wore beautiful costumes and walked through the circle.

And with the elemental control by the core of the team, Xiaoli, they could step on the elemental group, borrow a short time to stay in the air, jump around in the light circle, and even walk out beautiful dance steps.

At the end, with the ending action of the dance taught by Serena as the command, the Jigglypuffs used the imitation skill to imitate Xiaoli's magic flash again.

The magic flash was released in the form of a beam of light, and then turned into a ribbon before it met in the air. Pulled by Xiaoli, dozens of "ribbons" composed of fairy elements were pulled through the air again, gradually weaving an object.

That is - the ribbon medal of the gorgeous competition.

In fact, Akimoto originally just wanted to simply make a big pink heart pattern as the ending, but in the end he cancelled this plan while chatting with Serena, and replaced it with a ribbon medal that was much more difficult.

Unlike the heart, the ribbon medal has a lot of details. In order to restore the noble and beautiful image of the ribbon medal, Xiaoli and Jigglypuff practiced a lot.

The advantage of using the ribbon medal is that it can increase the quality of the performance, and secondly, it can flatter the alliance.

The gorgeous competition is also organized by the alliance!

If you praise it, the judges at that time can give a higher impression score, and everyone will make this choice.

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